Why is there a 'Kenari'???

By: Hikari Kamiya

I watch her dance in the arms of her boyfriend, Her
true love, my face falls the night was so perfect till
now, Till Takeru. I know they are destined to be
together, *T.K. and Kari, Kari and T.K.* and all but I
can’t help it.

As they swirl around slowly in small circles, I can
tell something is wrong… Very wrong, He is saying
something to her and I can tell it is very painful for
him and her, Kari’s smile fades. Her usual shiny,
bright eyes are very sad and dull.

She blinks a couple of times, as if trying to erase
from excites or something and look up at him with
hopeful eyes, but he just shakes his head and walks
away… toward me!

His blue eyes that she had fallen in love look at me
with a glare. Then he shouts over the music “There!
Now you can have her you jerk! But watch it or one day
when you least expect it I’m going to get you

I looked at him with surprise “What did I do?” “You
know what? I think I liked you beater as the Digimon
Empor! So just go to HELL!” I walked away wondering
if T.K. had completely lost it.

Then I see Davis walk up to T.K. with his hands
covering his mouth. Then Davis said something to T.K.,
which makes his eyes grow wide and David burst out
laughing so hard that his body is shaking, and T.K.
stumbled away from the Davis. The song was over, and
they are lost in the crowds.

"Takeru, "Matt said slowly approaching him "What just
happened back there?"

"I broke it off," He said practically crying

"I could see that," He quipped. "But why?"

"Well, I just don’t want to talk about it… O.K?," He
looked over at Davis who is smirking.

He suddenly looked at me, a concerned look plastered
on his face.

"No its NOT ok” Matt tells TK.

He nodded, a bit annoyed on the inside. After all, he
wasn’t 8 anymore.

"Well I got this letter in the blackmail letter from
Ken that said that if I didn’t break up with Kari he
would show Kari this," he mumbled pulling a ‘photo’ of
what looked liked him making out with… Mimi! “What on
earth were you doing with my girl???” “See! Even my
own brother doesn’t trust me!” He cried “And if you
don’t trust me what do you think Kari would say?
Well?” “O.K. If that’s not you, who is fooling around
with my girl?” “That is the whole point! It IS me and
Mimi but we NEVER did that! You see Ken has this
computer were you can take photos of people and set
them in different senses doing different things! And
Davis went and borrowed it from Ken and did this!”
“O-K” “And then Davis comes up to me just after I had
let ken have it and raves that if HE can’t have Kari I
certainly can’t and went I said I was going to tell
Kari that I was sorry and explain it to her he said
that he would show Tai… and you know when some one
does something that involves Kari that he doesn’t like
he certainly doesn’t listen to reason!”

I walked farther away from the two, who were starting
to dance with different people Matt with Mimi and T.K.
with one of Mimi’s younger friends.

I scanned the crowds carefully, looking for her. "He
must have really hurt her," I realized. " Of course he
hurt her. She was in love with him for over five
years, after all."

A slow song began to play and everyone began to pair
up. "Great," I thought, biting my lip.

But all of the sudden, there she was. Her face was
tearful, and a few of her friends sat around,
comforting her. She said nothing, but still, sadness
sweeping over me.

I took in a shaky breath as I walked over to her seat,
a few of her friends looking up and gasping. I ignored
them, and I tilted her head up slightly.

"Dance with me?" I asked, giving out my hand.

She hesitated, then took it. I helped her up, pulling
her to the center of the dance floor.

Part 2

I slipped my arms around her waist, and she hugged my
body tight, head lying on my chest for comfort.

I thought about how to tell her about T.K. I don't
know how or why anyone - especially Takeru, who was
usually so smart about his girlfriends, could let this
angel go. I could feel the song coming to an end, but
I didn't want to let her go. It was then that I
realized. I was in love with Hikari Kamiya!

Damn! This would just make it even harder! But I still
knew that it was the right thing to do.

"Ken?" She said softly. "Hm?" I replied, looking down
on her.

"Thank you," She said, looking up at me, her eyes
twinkling. "For what?" I whispered, the songs last few
lines playing its words. “For asking a cry-baby to
dance” she uttered before breaking down and crying
right there. In the middle of the dance floor. “Kari?”
“I’m sorry! I’ll stop. It’s just the term
‘cry-baby’…” “No. Its not that… Its about T.K.” “I…
Don’t… think… I… really… want… to… here… it…” “Kari
you will want to hear it! I swear!” “What?” asked Kari

After explaing the whole story to Kari she went and
told T.K. that she got why he had broken up with her
and a look of panic crossed T.K.’s face. “Its O.K! I
told Tai about the whole thing but till the end of the
story I called it a ‘Hypothetical’ question…”
“Thanks!” “Hey! I have a good idea! If we can get Ken
to go along with my plan then it is a ‘Game, Stet,

The Next Day at Ken’s Home

“So we figured that that way we could get him back for
the pain he caused T.K. and I as well as for lying to
you.” Kari said evil like “Isn’t that a little… harsh?
Do you know worked up over the little things she gets?
Can you imagine what she would do to Davis over THAT?”
I questioned “Who cairs? It is time to put a stop to
Davis’s hear-brained-schemes!” cried T.K. “If you’re
sure… but YOU TWO are taking blame if Yolie finds out!
I know I would HATE to have her mad at me!” “It’s a
deal!” said T.K.

15 minutes later…

“That is a REALY bad photo of Yolie! Try that one!
That’s great Ken! Now ditch the goggle… no that
doesn’t look right. I know how about if you make Yolie
be twirling them around in her index finger! That will
REALY make a statement!” Kari instructed “You know
what? I kinda feel sorry for Davis… just thinking of
what Yolie will do to him” Kari and T.K. turned and
looked at ken strangely “Are you for real?” asked Kari

The Next Day At School…

“I’m starting to wish that I had never had pulled
that prank… It just made them closer, Kari won’t talk
to me and T.K. is being so nice that it’s freaking me
out!” Davis mumbled to him self as he walked into the

The moment he walked in he regarded it. “DAVIS!!!”
“Now what?” “I demand that you explain this to me
RIGHT NOW!” she shoved a ‘photo’ that looked somewhat
familiar… It was the ‘photo’ that he had made of Mimi
and T.K! Only it wasn’t of Mimi and T.K it was Yolie
and… Him! “I… I…. I have a good explanation… I hope?”
“Save it for AFTER my fist meets your face!” She
yelled literally dragging him out by his ear!

Across the room Kari motioned for T.K. to look up at
the 2 “Phase 1 complete!”

At Davis’s House 2 hours Later…

“Great! Just great! Isn’t it enough that my plan
blows up in my face? Do they need to sick Yolie on me
to?” Davis mumbled as he walked through the front door
“Hey ya looser… What happened? Did you get that Yolie
girl mad at you again?” “Something like that” he
managed to say before going into his room
Davis yelled then a thump.
“O my god! I can’t believe that it worked! I have
bean trying to get him all my life and NOTHING I did
worked!” “Never under-estimate the power of
‘friendship’ June!” Joked Kari and all 4 of them had a
good laugh

The End!
(P.S. the reason Davis passed out was because they had
changed the ‘photo’
again only this time it was T.K. and Kari as well as
it being 8 the size!)

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