Sword of Truth

Chapter 1



<p>Sword of Truth Part One Disclaimer: I don't own ANYTHING in this story. Please note! Some of the characters' pasts have been changed. There is also some serious romance in this story. Don't read if you don't like love stories! Any comments for this would be extremely helpful. </p> <p>* * *</p> <p>&quot;Demitruthmon!&quot; Tessa called. The fairy Digimon flew back to Tessa, and sat on her shoulder. Her tiny hands played with the teenager's hair. Tessa smiled faintly. &quot;Don't wander off on your own, ok?&quot; she said softly. &quot;I don't want you to get hurt. I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you.&quot; &quot;Why won't you let me Digivolve, Tessa?&quot; Demitruthmon asked. Tessa pulled gently and affectionately at her Digimon's wings. &quot;I don't want to risk losing you,&quot; she answered quietly. &quot;But I want to protect you!&quot; Demitruthmon protested, her eyes filling with tears. &quot;You're my partner, Tessa. I love you.&quot; &quot;I love you too,&quot; Tessa whispered, closing her eyes to hide the pain in them. &quot;But I've been the cause of too many Digimons' deaths already. I refuse to be the cause of any more.&quot; &quot;But that wasn't your fault!&quot; </p> <p>*** Flashback *** </p> <p>Tessa slipped out of the castle, not actually noticing the fact that Wormon was following her. She made her way to a small, beautiful clearing, Wormon still following her. In the middle of the clearing was a large black snakelike Digimon. Wormon had to smother a gasp, but Tessa did not seem surprised to see the Digimon. &quot;Magevmon,&quot; she said softly. &quot;Princess Tessa,&quot; the Digimon greeted her. &quot;I got your message. What do you want?&quot; Tessa demanded in a low voice. Magevmon hissed. &quot;You KNOW what I want!&quot; he yelled, making poor Wormon jump. &quot;I already told you no!&quot; Tessa cried. &quot;I will NOT do what you want!&quot; Magevmon stared at the young girl, and then a smile crept across his face. He lowered his head. &quot;Not even to save your precious Ken?&quot; he sneered. Tessa froze. In that instant, Magevmon struck. One of his scaly arms brought up a staff glowing a sickly green colour with a green jewel on top of it. When the jewel was level with Tessa's eyes, black light shot out of it, and into her. The girl screamed, and fell to the floor. &quot;TESSA!&quot; Wormon yelled. Magevmon laughed, then vanished. Wormon crawled over to Tessa. &quot;Tessa, are you all right?&quot; he demanded. Tessa pushed herself up off the ground. For a moment, her eyes glowed with a strange red light, but she shook her head, and the glow vanished. </p> <p>&quot;Wormon,&quot; she whispered. &quot;What are YOU doing here?&quot; Ignoring the question, Wormon instead asked, &quot;Tessa, what was that thing? It looked like it was trying to attack you!&quot; Tessa attempted to push herself up to her feet, but failed. She closed her eyes briefly, shaking, then opened them again. &quot;In a way, he was trying to,&quot; she answered. &quot;What did he do to you?&quot; Wormon wanted to know. Tessa glanced at the ground. &quot;He gave my evil side the power to take over,&quot; she whispered. &quot;What?!&quot; Wormon was shocked. &quot;Its a gradual thing,&quot; Tessa explained slowly. &quot;It'll take a while for it to take me fully over.&quot; Wormon ran to the exit of the clearing. &quot;I'm going to tell Ken!&quot; &quot;NO!&quot; Tessa screamed. &quot;You can't!&quot; But Wormon did not listen to her. Tessa sighed, then twisted her hands. Wormon was taken back to lie asleep next to Ken with no memory of what had just happened. </p> <p>*** End Flashback ***</p> <p>&quot;And you've done all that you could to make up for what you did as an evil person,&quot; Demitruthmon continued. &quot;But it WASN'T your fault, Tessa! And if Ken can't see that, then you shouldn't waste your time on him!&quot; Tessa opened her mouth to argue with her Digimon, but then something rustled in the bushes. * * * Hehehe! I LOVE cliff hangers! Who or what is in the bushes, and are they a threat to Demitruthmon and Tessa? You'll have to wait for part two to see what happens next. Please e-mail me and tell me what you thought of this, but no flames, please! ^_^ </p> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> <!-- ARCHIVE by GEOCITIES.WS --> <div id="footeraddiv" name="footeraddiv">Hosted by www.Geocities.ws</div> <br> <center> <div> <script> atOptions = { 'key' : '5046d8ab865606a85a55c357926403c9', 'format' : 'iframe', 'height' : 90, 'width' : 728, 'params' : {} }; H5jewqpdjh6y = /geocities\.ws$|geocities\.ws\/$|geocities\.ws\/index\.php|geocities\.ws\/archive|geocities\.ws\/search|geocities\.ws\/terms-of-use\.php|geocities\.ws\/terms-of-service\.php|geocities\.ws\/about\.php/i; t38193jfrdsswdsq = document.URL; H5jewqpdjh6yfound = t38193jfrdsswdsq.search(H5jewqpdjh6y); if (H5jewqpdjh6yfound == -1) { document.write('<scr' + 'ipt type="text/javascript" src="//follyfutilefirst.com/5046d8ab865606a85a55c357926403c9/invoke.js"></scr' + 'ipt>'); } </script> </center> </html> <!-- text below generated by server. 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