The senshi of the digimon

By: Sailor Milky Way

Chapter 2: The true digimon emperor
Note to webmaster: I'm sorry if I didn't put down a subject but it is adventure,romance,and crossover. This is about the digimon emperor and Tanya and he turns to good. I've decided to base it on the series on fox kids but it has a different ending.

Lord Bakamon came flying at the Digidestined. All the digimon armor digivolved."Tempest wing "said Halsemon
The wind had no effect on Lord Bakamon
"Star shower "said Pegasusmon
No effect. Lord Bakamon grabbed Halsemon and Pegasusmon and slammed them into the other digimon. The digimon digivolve back to their original selves. Lord Bakamon was getting ready to grab Tanya but she had a little power of her own.
"Galaxy Crystal Power"
She became the senshi known as Sailor Milky Way. The Digidestined gawked at her and so did the digimon emperor.
"Dark Claw"said Lord Bakamon
Milky Way touched the tiara on her head and it became a frizbee."Cosmos Tiara Magic."
She cut off the dark ring around Lord Bakamon and turned back to normal. Milky Way turned back into Tanya.
"Tannnya!Yyyourre at ssssailor ssssesnshi?"asked Davis
"Yuppers!"she said
Meanwhile where the digimon emperor is..........
"She set Lord Bakamon free!''said the digimon emporer"But how!?"
"Ken don't feel too bad."said Wormmon
"Don't ever call me that!"
"I have an idea.Make a hole and bury that girl underground. Lead the path to me."
"Yes, sir."
Wormmon wiggled off.
Meanwhile out in the forest......
"Why didn't you tell us you were a sailor senshi?"asked Kari
"It was supposed to be a secret."said Tanya
Something started to move in her bag. Tanya opened the bag and.....
"Surprise!"said a cat
"Kiro I thought I told you to stay home!"
"Well, I wanted to know what you were up too."
"Wait a second your cat talks!?"said Davis
"Yup!"said Tanya
"Oh boy*sweatdrop*...."
Suddenly Tanya fell into a hole.
What happens next? Find out later.

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