Prelude to a Dark Digidestined.

By: Mike D.

This is my first fan-fic so please be gentle with the criticism. The heart of this story is action but like must good movies it has a good amount of romance in it. Mostly Matt and Mimi. Legal stuff I don’t own Digimon or any of its subsidiaries. Let’s get on with the story. This is the build up for my next big story "The Dark Digidestine" An comments E-mail me at [email protected]

Act 1

Dawn breaks in the Digiworld. As the light makes the flowers of the continent of Server bloom so does a certain flowery Digimon. Palmon raises her head from the soft ground she was laying on she looks toward the ball of fire in the sky. She wonders to herself what her and her friends have gone through. They have just gone through the hardest battle of there young lives. With there defeat of Myotismon in our world they have returned the Digiworld to fight the Dark Masters. "Palmon I see your up" Mimi said rubbing her eyes. "Just getting up with the sun as usual I am a plant remember." Palmon said smiling at her friend. "Time to get up I see." another familiar sound cut the air. It was Matt Mimi automatically smiled at the sound of his voice. She thought to herself "Me and Matt are the only ones up. If I had the courage I could tell him how I feel about him. Its now or never. I’ll do it." she finished her thoughts. "Matt there is something I want to tell you." Mimi said with hesitation in her voice. "Yeah what is it Mimi?" Matt said looking her in her eyes. "She is beautiful why can’t I admit it to her." Matt thought when she looked at her harder. Just as Mimi was about to speak another voice sprouted up.

"RISE AND SINE EVERYONE TIME TO GET A MOVE ON!" Only one person had a voice that loud and earthshaking Tai. "Why don’t you lower the decibels." a small voice said from her sleeping place. It was Tai’s sister Kari. She just joined us when we battled Myotismon. "Matt were are you?" another small voice said. It was TK Matt lil’ bro. "According to my calculations we should have another 40 min of sleep." Izzy said like usual in tech-speak. "What is it. My glasses are all wet." Joe said wiping off the mourning dew off of his glasses. "Why did you wake us up Tai." Sora said holding onto Biyomon. "We have to get a move on no time to sleep if we want to defeat the dark masters we have to get going and discover what we need to do to get the other Digimon to warp digivolve." Tai said getting up and getting ready to head out. "Mimi you said you had something to tell me?" Matt said getting Mimi’s attention again after the distraction of Tai’s rude awakening to the group. "It can wait it wasn’t important." "No need for him to know the truth yet." Mimi said in her mind almost holding back a tear.

The digidestine walk for what seems like miles. The once peaceful sun now feels like it is beating down on them like a evil Digimon. "I feel like I am about to pass out," Sora said looking at Tai. ‘Let me carry you for a while." Tai said as he picked up Sora. At this point Tai and Sora had already admitted their feelings for each other. "I’m so jealous of them." Matt and Mimi both thought at the same time. Agumon and Biyomon were giggling at there blatant display of affection. Gabumon and Palmon were walking by Matt and Mimi like loyal guard dogs. Patamon was flying next to TK’s head like usual. Kari was carrying Gatomon who was still asleep like most cats.

Suddenly a blast of energy hit the trial they were walking on. "I shall bring you down," A mysterious voice said. "Who are you." Tai yelled to the voice. "You will find out in time. Me, my Digimon, and my Master LadyDevimon will destroy you like we just did the dark masters." "What you destroyed the dark masters, but how?" Izzy asked. "It doesn’t concern you this second but soon it will. Just remember your encounter with the Dark Digidestine." "The what!?!?!?!?!" Matt said. "You will be but in these holding crystals until we can have the proper way of disposing of you." Suddenly one by one of the digidestine and their Digimon are placed into a crystal imbedded into a stone pillar. When it came to the last two Matt and Mimi some thing happened. The beams of light used to abduct the others bounced off of them. Suddenly they disappeared. "I know that energy. Gennia." The mysterious voice said as he and the pillar disappear.

Act 2

Matt and Mimi wake up in a strange house. As they come to they look at each other and get lost in each other’s eyes. "Hello kids I’m sorry I couldn’t get the others in time I didn’t have enough power to save them I’m sorry. I have not had much strength since the Dark Master took power and now LadyDevimon and her dark digidestine.". "Why didn’t you tell us about the Dark Masters, LadyDevimon, or the Dark Digidestine." Matt asked. "I couldn’t I just barely had enough power to get you here. You see ever since you left for the battle with Myotismon in the real world the digital world almost become infected with computer viruses. This has weakened me. This is the first time I have been able to even see you back here." Gennia said in a low tone as Matt and Mimi got up off of the ground. " Were is Palmon?" Mimi shouted as she looked around for the flowery Digimon. "Gabumon is gone to!" Matt said realizing his Digimon was no were to be found. "I’m sorry again they were captured with the others. There was nothing I can do except tell you how to protect yourselves with them for now." Gennia said.

"What do you mean protect ourselves?" Mimi asked. "You see your crest have the ability to be used as weapons if the need arrives. Matt the crest of friendship has the ability to create a flying blade called the Friendship Blade. Mimi your crest can make a waterfall called the river of sincere tears. These abilities only are active if their owner’s Digimon aren’t able to protect them like right now. Once the Digimon can perform their duties the attack will go into remission." Gennia said. "This is all new to us I don’t know if we can comprehend what you’re talking about." Matt said holding Mimi’s hand. She looked as if her mind is in another world. " I will now teleport you to were the others are held. Remember you can save them if you believe you can. Good luck." Gennia said as a warm light surrounded our heroes. "Gennia wait!" Matt said as they appear in front of cave.

Act 3

"Allot of help he was huh Mimi?" Matt said looking in her direction. She didn’t answer. She looked at the ground as if that is all that there was in the world. "Mimi what’s wrong?" Matt asked as he went over to where she was standing. "I’m afraid Matt. I’ve lost my parents, I’ve lost Palmon, I’ve lost my friends now I’m afraid to lose..." Mimi stopped her self before she said her feeling to Matt out loud. Now her eyes were filled with tears and ready to begin to flow like a river. "What about me? You still have me here with you. Am I not your friend?" Matt asked. "To me you’re more than a friend." Mimi said she then thought it was time to tell him how she feels. "Matt I love you." She said softly. There was a long pause. Mimi began to cry, "He doesn’t love me. I made a big mistake." she thought as a tear ran down her face. As she began to cry more Matt took her hand with one of his and with his other he turned his face to his. He wiped a tear from her check and said "I thought I would-be the one to say it first but second isn’t bad. I love you to Mimi. I’ve loved you from the first time I saw you. I have been trying to gain the courage to tell you." Matt said as he looked at her beautiful eyes. Mimi’s face began to glow with happiness. Matt leaned over a gently kissed her on the lips. They held their kiss for a long time. When they parted Mimi looked at Matt and said, "I didn’t think it was going to be that good. I think we better save the others now". "I think so to." Matt said helping Mimi up from the rock she was sitting on.

As Matt and Mimi proceed into the cave hand in hand there crests begin to glow to light their way. As they walk through the darkness they have the feeling of being watched. Suddenly a beast rushes the duo. When it comes into view it is an all black togemon "I’m viral togemon. Prepare to feel the wraith of my viral needlespray." the evil togemon shouts. As needles fly to Matt and Mimi they jump out of the way. "I think we might have to try what Gennia said about our crests." Matt whispered to Mimi. Mimi shakes her head in agreement. Matt holds up his tag and crest. The crest of friendship begins to glow almost knowing what Matt is about to do. "Friendship Blade power." Matt says. The glow of the crest intensifies. Then the symbol carved into the crest leaves the crest and transforms into a real physical blade and heads toward viral togemon. As it slashes through the viral Digimon it disintegrates. The blade returns to Matt’s crest. "Wow that was cool." Matt says as he looks in amazement at his crest. "You were so brave Matt." Mimi says as she runs over to Matt and pits her arms around him. He does the same and they kiss again. Suddenly a light fills the room. A stone wall begins to rise and behind it is the stone pillar holding the other Digidestine and Digimon.

Act 4

Matt and Mimi look at each other then at the pillar room. As they begin to enter the room another Digimon appears. A viral version of Garurumon uses it’s viral blaster attack. "Let me take this one out Matt." Mimi say grasping her crest. "River of Sincere Tears power!" and holding it up into the air. The symbol on Mimi’s crest leaves and floats above viral Garurumon. It spins violently creating a small whirlwind. From this whirlwind water begins to pour gallons of water on viral Garurumon drowning him and making him disintegrate. Once the water stops the symbol returns to the crest and the crest stops glowing. "That was certainly unique." Mimi said looking at her tag.

"I see you have learned the attack power of the crests. This will not help you though." a familiar voice said. "Its you!’ Matt yelled into the air. "I see you remember me. It believe it is time to formally introduce my self." a lone figure floats down to the ground. He is clothed in black and covered in sliver armor. He wore a long black hood and cape flow around him and covering his face from view. "I’m Michael the Dark Digidestine. I posses the crest of solitude. I would like to introduce you to my Digimon Shadowmon. A slim black Digimon floats in front of Michael with two long snakes like appendages hang from its head and has two glowing red eyes. "Time to add to more Digidestine to our collection huh Michael." Shadowmon said looking at his friend. The Digimon formed a large ball of what looked like smoke and yelled "Orb of Fear!!!" and launched the ball at Mimi. "Mimi NOOOOOO!" Matt yelled as he jumped through the air taking the blast. "Matt are you OK?" Mimi asked holding Matt in her arms. "I’ll be OK as long as you’re fine. "Matt said smiling at her beautiful face. Suddenly they heard Gennia’s voice "Combine the power of your crests to use the Beam of Sincere Friendship. This will free your friends and repel Shadowmon, but it may destroy you in the process". "Let’s try it. We have nothing to lose." Matt said baring his own pain. "OK Matt just as long as we stay together no matter what happens to us." Mimi said helping up her love. They both then hold out their crest placing them next to each other as they held each other tight. "Beam of Sincere Friendship" the crest power blasts through the air Almost hitting Shadowmon but does hit the pillar. Intern releasing the other Digidestine and Digimon. "These odds aren’t to good let us take our leave Shadowmon." Michael commands his Digimon and they disappear just like when they arrived.

After the beam stops Matt and Mimi look dead. The other Digidestine and Digimon run to there sides. "Mimi, Matt what happened to them?" Gabumon asks. Looking at the fallen children. Gennia’s voice speaks again "Listen Digidestine. Their power is gone. They used their life energy o save you." "We need to help them." Tai said holding a shaking Sora. "What can we do Gennia?" Izzy said staring up to the ceiling of the cave. "You need to unite your crests to restore their life energy." "If that is what we need to do then that is what we are going to do." TK said rushing to his brother’s side. "Lets do it." Kari said grabbing her crest. "Right." the rest of the Digidestine said grabbing their crests and holding them out. The glow of their crest surround Mimi and Matt. As the energy enters them they slowly open their eyes. "What happened?" they both ask. "You freed them you two. Now I most leave you for now you must defeat the Dark Digidestine and LadyDevimon. You can find them in Devimon old castle on Infinity Mountain. Good bye." Gennia’s voice boomed yet again. " So did anything happen with you two while we were captured?" Palmon asked. "Well you cold say that." Mimi said. Matt begins to laugh and so does Mimi. "Well I guess we better go to Infinity Mountain." Sora said. "I second that movement." Joe said picking up Gomamon. "Lets go then." Tai said pointing to the mountain range. "As the group started walking Matt and Mimi started to hold hands. Gabumon and Palmon knew what is going on. "So when the wedding?" Gabumon asked. Palmon started to laugh uncontrollably. So did Matt and the others. "Actual that is a good question." Mimi said looking at Matt.

Will our group defeat LadyDevimon and the Dark Digidestine? Will TK and Kari possibly find their own love? Will Izzy and Joe ever find girls? Will Tai and Sora/Mimi and Matt really get married? These question and more might be answered in The Dark Digidestine so stay tuned for more. J

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