Myotismon's Heir

by: Aeris

Chapter Three

***Matt, Digiworld***

Tai decided it was time for lunch. While the Digimon and children scattered everywhere, picking fruit and catching fish, and the like. I helped T.K. and Kari gather wood and light a fire, then I looked around camp.

"You need any more help, squirt?" I asked, pulling T.K.'s hat down over his eyes.

"No, thanks Matt!" T.K. pushed the hat up again.

I went back to the spot where I'd seen Jessica last night.

"What are we here for, Matt?" Gabumon asked as I looked around logs and under small rocks, looking for any something-anything-that would be proof Jessica was real.

"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you, Gabumon." I replied, standing up and sticking my hands in my pockets.

"Try me." Gabumon said in his quiet voice.

"Well-" I was cut off by a scream from the camp, Mimi. I turned on my heels and ran back to camp followed closely by Gabumon.

On entering the camp, I saw what was the cause of Mimi's scream. A mirror-like bubble was in the center of camp and inside it was a girl with brown hair tied in a ponytail and three boys behind her.

"Jessica...." My voice was barely above a whisper.

She smiled, "Hey, Matt. Nice to see you agian. Would you like to tell me where you are now?"

***A.J., Earth***

Jordan stood up and walked over to Jessica, "Jess, who is this guy and how the heck do you know him?"

She smiled slightly at him, amd shrugged her shoulders, "Oh, I just happened into him after I'd changed out of my bathing suit. His name is Yomato. Matt, for short."

I snorted, "Yomato? What kind of name is Yomato??" By the way Jess was talking about this guy, I could tell she had an interest in him. No way was that gonna happen as long as I'm around.

Jessica turned back to Matt, "Matt, this is my brother Jordan," she pointed to Jacob, "My brother Jacob, and his friend A.J."

***Joe, Digiworld***

Matt nodded, it seemed him and this Jessica girl knew each other quite well. It didn't surprise me, nothing really does after you come to the Digital World.

"Well, this is Tai, our leader, and this is Sora, his girlfriend." Matt said. From in the bubble, Jessica acknowledged the two.

We all followed Matt's gaze as he went on to explain Izzy, "And this is Izzy, our computer-"

Suddenly, Matt was cut off by a scream. We all turned our attention to the bubble, and saw the four children staring up at the ceiling. But we couldn't see what.

"Jessica! What's the matter?!" Matt rushed over to the bubble, which at that moment decided to go static and popped.

***Jessica, Earth***

I was listening to Matt introduce his friends when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Looking up, I saw a large, bright circle of light appear out of nowhere. And it was growing rapidly. I looked past it and out the window, I saw this weird purple, pink, yellow and green wave building. Suddenly, four streaks of light exploded from the circle and struck the floor at our feet. We jumped back, startled. I tripped and fell.

Jordan helped me up, "You okay sis?" he asked, I nodded.

"Yeah, but where'd Matt and the others go?" I asked, looking around.

"They disapeared when those light streaks came down." Jacob said, getting down on his hands and knees,
he looked into the small hole nearest to him.

A second later, he jumped back with a yelp and scrambled to his feet as a glowing device floated up out of the hole. Jordan watched as the device floated up 'till it was at eye level with him. Three others did the same to me, Jacob, and A.J. Hesitantly, Jordan reached up and grabbed it, we followed his lead.

The moment we clasped the devices tightly in our hands, the wave crashed through the window and down on us. It flooded the room at an amazing speed We screamed for help as the water went up. Past our knees, thighs, waist, neck. I gasped one last breath of air as the multicolored water reached the ceiling, totally submerging us. We blacked out.

***Matt, Digiworld.***

Man, did I freak when that bubble popped, but about two seconds later, Tai looked up to see four figures falling from the sky. He wipped out his mini telescope.

"It's that girl Jessica and the three boys she was with." He shouted, "And they're falling fast! If they hit the ground at the rate they're going at, they'll probably die!!"

As Tai was saying this, four light bubbles flew out from the direction of Gennia's house and caught the four falling children. Jessica's bubble was falling towards camp, but the boys' went somewhere in the endless forest of the DigiWorld.

I was closest and caught Jessica as she came close enough to the ground. The bubble popped on contact and Jessica's body fell limply into my arms. If I'd ever thought she was beautiful when I saw her through the bubble, I didn't know the half of it. Her skin was petal soft, and her hair felt like silk. Now I only wondered if her eyes were as beautiful as I thought they were. I knelt and gently placed her on the ground.

I check her pulse. "She's unconscious, but she's alive." I stood up, and the others sighed.

Tai looked around, "Mimi and Kari, you stay here to make sure Jessica'll be alright. " he ordered, "Matt, and T.K. you guys go and check out where that boy...Jordan, I think his name was, and Joe and Izzy? You guys go check out the small kid. Sora and I'll go check out the other one."

We nodded and rushed off to find the three missing boys.

***Jordan, Digiworld***

I opened my eyes to lush, green forest. I propped myself up on my elbows and took a look around. Jessica, Jacob and A.J. were nowhere in sight. My hands were empty, I'd lost the little device.

"Ugh. Where am I?" I put my hand to my head and groaned.

"You're in the Digiworld now, Jordan." Said a voice, I looked around to see who had spoken.

I was shocked to see a small rock creature standing before me. It kinda looked like a teddy bear made out of stone. It's big yellow eyes shone with excitment.

"Who are you, and how do you know my name?" I asked, totally forgetting to be frightened. Too much had happened today, I didn't think anything could scare me.

"My name's Gotsomon. And I'm your Digimon!" Gotsomon ran forward and hugged me tightly. I gasped in pain.

Gotsomon stopped and let go, he walked away looking rejected and I felt pity for the little guy.

"Hey look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Gotsomon, was it?"

Gotsomon looked up and nodded. "Yes, that's right."

I sat up carefully and decided it was time to ask some questions. "All right, Gotsomon. What's a Digimon and why do you say you're mine?"

Gotsomon smiled, "Look at your belt. It's all the proof I need. You fell in my territory and have a Digivice. That pretty much says it all since last week Gennia came over and told me I'd become a child named Jordan's Digimon. You're Jordan, right?" He said this all pretty quickly.

I reached for my belt, and there was the small device I thought I'd lost. "Yeah, I'm Jordan."

Finally I was able to stand, "Come on, lets try to find the others." I didn't have the slightest clue as to where my sister and the boys were.

Suddenly, two boys broke through the brush. One was the boy Matt I'd seen in the bubble and the other was an eight year old. Probably his brother.

"Jordan!" Matt exclaimed. "You're alright!"

The little boy smiled, his blue eyes sparkling. "Jordan. Come with us back to camp. You sister is there!"

My eyes lit up, "Jessica?" I asked, "Is she alright?"

Matt nodded, "Yeah, she's okay. Come on."

Me and Gotsomon followed the two boys through the woods.

***A.J., Digiworld***

I sat up and looked around me. All I could see was forest. Maybe we'd ended up on some kinda deserted island.

Then I heard Jacob calling out our names, and I rushed off to find him.

I broke through this little clearing and saw Jacob standing in the middle of it. Right behind him was a huge caterpillar. It was yellow and had a blue beak. On it's sides were black stripes and on it's back were these little bumps. It had two more stripes on it's head where the eyes were supposed to be. It's stomach was red and it's legs were black. On it's butt was a stinger. It was disgusting!

"Hey, Jacob!!" I yelled, pointing at the caterpillar, "It's Bugzilla!!"

Jacob looked behind him, then turned to me and smiled. "Oh, this is a friend. His name's Kunamon, and he's a Digimon."

I reached them and stood there, panting. When I looked up, the bug spoke.

"Greetings, human. I am Kunamon, a bug type Digimon. I serve Jacob, the twelfth Digidestined child. My job is to be his companion, his friend and his protector. You must be another Digidestined child, what is your name?"

I freaked, "What the heck?!?! That bug just talked!!"

Jacob laughed, "Well, yeah. Of course he talks. How else could I know he's a Digimon? Isn't this cool?" he asked in the same breath,.

I shook my head, when a call from the woods made me turn. I saw a huge gray rabbit bounding towards me.
It had these large black claws on it's front and back paws, and they looked sharp. It's stomach was white and on the top of it's tail was a black band.

The rabbit tackled me, and while I was on my back, the thing hugged me!!

***Jacob, Digiworld***

I was pretty amazed when the rabbit tackled A.J. But I found it funny too.

"Who are you, and get off me!!" A.J. yelled, and he tried to pull the large creature off him, finally the thing let go.

With it eyes shining with delight, the rabbit sat down on it haunches. "Oh, A.J.!" It exclaimed, "I''m Gazimon. And I'm your Digimon, since you're the eleventh Digidestined child. I'm to you what Kunamon is to Jacob."

A.J. looked totally lost.

Gazimon turned to Kunamon, "Oh, I just got news that Gotsomon has found his child. Now if only-" he looked at us, and then continued, "Now if only you-know-who could find her Digidestined child."

Kunamon nodded, "That's correct, but it is not our concern. We must help the boys find Tai and the others before we run into a Digimon that's too strong for us. Come, let us go."

A.J. blinked, "Okay, I'm officially lost. Could one of you two -please- tell me what's going on?!"

Kunamon nodded, "Sure, you two just fell from the sky and since you're humans, you must be the ninth, tenth, eleventh, and twelfth Digidestined. There are already eight human children here, but the dangers they are about to face will be too much for them, so Gennia decided to bring four more children from earth, to aid them on their quest."

"And they're here for?...." A.J. asked skeptically, Kunamon frowned.

"As I thought you might have guessed, they're quest is to rid our world of all it's evil. Only then can you return home."

All of a sudden, four children ran into the clearing. Three were boys and there was one girl. I recognized two, they were Tai and Sora. Matt had introduced them to us in the bubble just before the bubble popped. I didn't know know the two others.

"Hey guys!" Tai called, "Wait up!"

A.J. and the Digimon turned, and a smile grew on the Digimon's faces.

"Ah! They have come for you." Kunamon started slithering over toward the kids, "Let us go meet them." we followed.

When we got to them, we got officially introduced and started back to their camp.

***Mimi, Digiworld***

After the others left, I sat down on a log and Kri walked over to the girl. I think her name was Jessica.

"Mimi!!" Kari shrieked, and I looked up quickly as she ran over.

"What is it, Kari? Are you hurt?" I asked.

Kari shook her head. "Look!" She exclaimed, holding out a Digivice.

I stared at it, "Yeah? It's a Digivice, so what?"

"It came from the girl!" Kari yelled, as if I was suppossed to know it all along. "I found it on her backpack!"

That caught my attention. "What? Are you serious?"

Kari nodded and then took our her Digivice, "See? I have mine. And the others wouldn't go off without theirs, it has to be hers!"

I thought about it a moment and bit my lip. "Well, I'd put it back before she wakes up. We'll talk about this when the others get back."

Kari ran back to the girl and knelt to place the Digivice back on her backpack. Suddenly, the Digivice exploded with a white light and the girl's eyes flew open. Palmon and Gatomon jumped.

"Oohh." The girl brought her hand to her head and groaned, then she looked around. "Where am I?"

I jumped up and went over to her, helping her up. "Hi. My name's Mimi Tachikawa. This is Kari Kamiya. You're in the Digiworld." I stop at her questioning glance, "Don't ask, I don't even understand it much." I told her.

The girl held out her hand and I shook it, "I'm Jessica Rei. It's nice to meet you." She looked around, "Are we the only ones here? What happened to the others?"

I smiled, "Well, Tai and the others went off to find your brothers and that other kid. They'll be back soon."

"How did I get here?" Jessica asked, and Kari stepped forward.

"Well, after that talk in the bubble, it popped and a second later you guys fell from the sky." She explained,

"How did I survive the fall?" Jessica asked, looking up into the vast sky of the Digiworld.

"Four bubbles caught you after you'd fallen about a hundred feet, and it really slowed the fall down." I said, "And that would explain why the boys you were with wouldn't have died. Matt caught you when you came down low enough, so even if the bubble wasn't there, you would've been save."

"Matt?" I couldn't help but notice Jessica's cheeks colored ever so slightly at the mention of his name.

***Kari, Digiworld***

I smiled at the new girl, it'd be so much better now that we had another girl in the group. It gets kinda boring with only three of us. But soon I found my mind turning to more important questions, like why she was here. Was it on purpose, or was it just an accident?

"Kari!!" I looked up to see T.K. and Matt running into camp, and with them was a boy and a Gotsomon!

"Jordan!" Jessica bolted from her spot next to Mimi and hugged the boy tightly.

"Jessica!" Jordan hugged her back, "Thank goodness you're alright!!"

Jessica let go and nodded, "Yeah, I'm alright." she looked behind him. "But where are Jacob and A.J.?"

Jordan shrugged, "How should I know? I hope Jake's okay, but A.J. can rot for all I care."

Jessica laughed, "My words exactly." turning her gaze to Matt, she smiled. "Hello Matt." She said, turning a pale pink.

"Hi. I'm glad to see you're okay." Matt replied. I giggled.

Jessica smiled, "You should know that first-hand. You're the one that caught me."

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