Journey to a New Continent

Part 4

Tai: Well then it's settled. We ride and switch when they get tired. Let's go now.

Matt: Wait! What about our parents? They won't let us go to America.

Tai: They won't know though.

Matt: They will get worried and that would be worse.

Tai: Well we can't go back now.

Matt: We can't just leave the courntry.

Tai and Matt were about go at eachothers necks when Sora butted in.

Sora: How about we call our parents then go.

Matt: Fine.

Tai: Fine.

Byiomon: Should I digivolve then?

Izzy: No. Wait for us to call home.

Everyone called home and told their parents where they were going. Most had to just tell them and hang up. Then Byiomon dgivolved to Garudamon and they were off.
About 7 hours later they could see land after changing 7 times of who they rode.

Izzy: If my calculations are correct that should be California.

Joe: I think I need another barf bag.

Tai: Isn't that where Hollywood is?

Sora: I believe so.

Matt: Why not just become stars?

T.k.: I would rather save the world.

Mimi: This will be a great shopping opprotunity. They've got to have great malls in America.

Kari: We've more Important things to worry about.

Mimi: Like what?

Kari: Like why the water's turning black?

Joe: Yeah, why is it?

Kari: It's probably another evil digimon. I say we find this new digidestend and destroy the thing once and for all.

Izzy: I think that would be the logical thing to do.

So they flew on to land and found the direction to go in. But now the only flying digimon that could take them all were tired out.

Tai: So how do we find this kid now?

Matt: We could try a train but I know that won't work.

T.k.: We could walk.

Other kids: NO!!!

Izzy: We don't know how far away this kid is, or if they are in America. We could have to go to Canada.

Matt: I say we find a place to rest and eat then tomorrow we could fly in the right direction.

Tai: I say we eat then we start off.

Sora: I think Tentomon, Byiomon, and Gomomon need to sleep.

Tai: Fine, we can wait for tomorrow.

Izzy: We wouldn't have enough money to rent a room for the night but we could camp out.

Joe: Did anyone besides me bring money?

Matt: I usually carry five bucks with me.

Sora: I've got a few bucks on me. Two to be exact.

Joe: Including my eight that is $15. But that would be transferred to American money and we probably have $1.50. That sucks.

Izzy: We would have more than that because our dollar is worth their dollar. So lets find a place to eat.

They couldn't find a good place to eat till they came to Wendy's and got the super value meals for 99 cents each. Then they found a place to eat and sat down. It took them a while but they finished everything. Then they went out to find a place to sleep for the night. They found a spot and went straight to sleep after discussing who should be gaurd.
At about 1:30 during Sora's turn to be watch a strange red light filled the sky and quickly dissapeared. Sora was confussed about this and that kept her sitting down, which made her tired and she fell asleep without waking anyone up.

UFOmon: It is 7:00 and you haven't found them yet. I guess I'll just find them myself.

He set off and stuck very close to the ground to scare the people on the streets.

Tai:(just waking up) How'd it get light out? What time is it?(he looked at his digivice) What!?!?! 8:30! Wake up.

Matt: What is it?

Tai: Who is watch from 6:00 to 7:30 fell asleep and didn't wake us up!

Sora: No Tai. I never woke the person after me. I fell asleep too early think about th...(her voice wandered off not wanting to tell about the strange light.)

Byiomon: I think she means the red light last night that lifted you all in the air and put back down in a second.

Izzy: Let's head off now. Tentomon digivolve to Megakab for us.

Tentomon: Okey, dokey. Tentomon digivolve to...

Kabutarimon: Kabutarimon. Kabutarimon digivolve to...

Megakabutarimon: Megakabutarimon. Hop on kids. What direction Izzy?

Izzy: Head straight to your right, no your other right.

They were off. After 30 minutes Izzy recieved mail from Genni. He found the Screenname of the kid and gave it to them. It was [email protected]. With this info Izzy went into the profile.

Izzy: (looking down after reading the profile) looks like we're almost there.(he checked the crest.) Shouldn't be too far. Were headed right by the Windy City, Chicago.

Kari: Couldn't be windier than up here.

Izzy: It's not that windy, thats just a nick name.

Kari: Oh.

They were above a town called Palatine when the crest stopped glowing.

Izzy: STOP RIGHT NOW!! It stopped glowing.

They landed in a field and Megakabutarimon dedigivolved to Tentomon. Very slowly Izzy urned around in a circle till it glew again. It was in the direction of a park crowded with kids.

Tai: Well lets go find him.

Izzy: It's a her not him Tai, a her.

Tai: Oh. Come on.

So they went to the park and pointed the crest at all the girls. It didn't glow.

Sora: How about we use our digivices.

They looked down and saw a spot moving away from them. They turned around and saw a new girl running away. It looked like some one that Sora, Matt, and Tai thought they knew.
They did know her. Sora smiled, Matt looked amazed, and Tai frowned.

Tai: If that is who I think it is I'm gonna go mad.

Sora: If that is who I think it is I'm gonna be so happy.

Matt: If that is who I think it is I will be amazed.

Kari: Why? Why will you be that way?

Tai: Because I hate her.

Sora: Because we used to be great friends.

Matt: Because she sat next to me in 2nd grade.

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