Journey to a New Continent 13

Tai: Who is Elkkingmon? He sounds horrible.

Kazoomon: He is a horrible monster that feeds upon the fear and hurt of others. And when he does it only grows inside of the victim more and more until they have to hide forever and he will get unstoppable power until they die. Even some of the greatest warriors have been driven to death because of him. There was only one who he attacked and didn’t kill him through fear. His name remains unknown. It is said that he went into a giant sleep when the gate closed so he would still be the same if the evil ever came back.

Tentomon: Then again the mountain where he went to sleep has no one living on it. It has be searched thousands of times. Many say he became human. Others say he became regular data. A few say that he hides in shadows so he can find evil who will try to open the gate again. And a few even say he later was attacked by Elkkingmon and was driven to death. The last of the digimon say he was never around and he was created to tell small digimon about so they could sleep.

Palmon: Anyway Elkkingmon can do anything if he grows strong enough. He shoots out blackness and when it disappears all those who it touched live in fear and make him more powerful. Nothing can stop him once he gets to full power. He can’t lose any once he has reached it. If he is able to gain enough power nothing will ever be the same. He will melt all the snow and freeze all the deserts. The driest of places will flood and the oceans will dry up. Nothing will escape his terror.

Orcmon: I barely escaped him once, but I was the only one who outran the blackness. My friends and family all were washed up in fear. They all went into shock after about two days. They were afraid of their own shadows. They were afraid to breathe on the fourth day and all suffocated. And if killed by Elkkingmon in that way they don’t come back through digieggs. It is so sad it would make their enemies cry.

Gatomon: The Gate was buried thousands of years ago under 25 feet of dirt. It would take most digimon at least 5 days to get to the bottom. And then they need the unknown code word. There is no way that it could be opened without a hundred years of research. Then to get away with it without being caught before finishing the digging it is impossible. Many have tried, but none have succeeded. Something is wrong.

Biyomon: Not even Piedmon would be able to open it. It would take him from the time he was created to the time we killed him just to get the first letter of the code word. Who could open the door without being discovered? Maybe it was just a different Misspuppetmon? Yeah, that’s it. There must have been another Misspuppetmon.

Gomomon: I don’t think so Biyomon. There was only one Misspuppetmon, and she worked for Elkkingmon. But what I’m worried about is that she was too easy to destroy. Last time she was strongest warrior beside himself. There is no way we could destroy her so easily. I think she tricked us and could attack any minute.

Gabumon: You’re becoming a digimon Joe, Gomomon. We saw her die. I wouldn’t worry so much or you might need Joe’s glasses to fit you perfectly. I say it was just a little digimon in a costume. Trying to scare us away. The door didn’t open. Elkkingmon didn’t escape. We wouldn’t still be in this form if he did. We would be fighting for our lives.

Patamon: Gabumon’s right. Elkkingmon likes to go right to business. That’s the way he is. There is no challenge to him. We would be dead by now. That or living in complete fear. But don’t worry, he’s not here right now. His darkness would have washed over us forever ago. That is why we have nothing to worry about. All is fine. We are going to be fine.

Agumon: No that was the real thing Misspuppetmon. It was her voice. I know. He is here. We have to be on our best guard. He must not have enough power to destroy us yet. Elkkingmon will be after us and we have to stop him before he has enough power to destroy us. He has come back, some how, some time. Now he wants us out of what will be his empire.

Tai: Does that mean we’re doomed Agumon.

Agumon: Not yet Tai. We will still win.

Sora: Oh my god. Why didn’t you digimon see it before? UFOmon was just a spy to find out our weakness. Elkkingmon must have been here the whole time. So far everyone we faced probably was his spy. All the way back to Devimon.

Matt: She might just be right. None of them would have been able to report back though so he just came out of hiding with all his creatures though. Now we have to defeat the true evil.

Kari: But how are we supposed to do that?

Tai: The same we defeated all the others. The power is within us. I think we all knew how to do it all the time. All we need to do is find out where he is hiding.

Voice: Who said I was hiding? I’ve been here listing to you the whole time. Do you really think you can defeat me? No one has ever been able to. Oh and you are wrong about your theory of me being in charge of everyone starting with Devimon. Just UFOmon.

Agumon: It’s Elkkingmon. How has he been here the whole time?

Elkkingmon: I’ve been in the trees and bushes using a little thing I learned while trapped away. I turned into a ghostly figure and broke into many parts each going into a different tree or bush. But you won’t need to know that where you are going.

Biyomon: Biyomon digivolve to… Birdramon.

Tentomon: Good idea. Tentomon digivolve to… Kabutarimon.

Gabumon: Yeah. Gabumon digivolve to… Garurumon.

Gomomon: Gomomon digivole to… Ikkakumon.

Palmon: Palmon digivolve to… Togamon.

Patamon: Patamon digivolve to… Angemon.

Gatomon digivolve to… Angewomon.

Agumon digivolve to… Greymon.

Orcmon: Orcmon digivolve… Hadamon.

Kazoomon: Kazoomon digivolve to… Gingermon.

Tai: We will defeat you Elkkingmon.

Elkkingmon: Hahaha. I fear nothing.

With that he let out a huge burst of pure darkness which flooded over them sinking into them and stinging them to the worst pain you could imagine times ten. When it washed away all the digimon were at in-training form.

Now that Elkkingmon has unleashed his attack what will happen to the digidestine? You can find out next time…

Tai: Wait, I want to hear more about my adventure.

Okay then.

Everyone’s eyes widened with fear. They looked around jumping away from blowing leaves. When they saw Elkkingmon they started to move back to get ready to run from him when they could, but something kept them from running. They were afraid to run for fear of falling to the ground. They looked to find somewhere safe to hide.

Elkkingmon: You are afraid of your own shadows, how can you ever defeat me?

There was a voice from someone, but it wasn’t in fear at all, instead it was angry.

Voice: You can fight the loin with a sword or run with all your might, but you will not win. If you concentrate on not being afraid and find out its weakness, you are sure to save the city.

From in the shadows came a figure. As the little light shone to it, it showed that it was Jade talking. Her head flew up to meet Elkkingmon in the eyes.

Jade: You won’t destroy my friends.

Far off in a tiny little temple a small digimon was on its knees. It was saying something, like it was confessing something. It was confessing to Godmon.

Digimon: Godmon, I didn’t mean to. I was just digging Dinomon bones for the museums. I didn’t know it was the door to the evil, I swear. I didn’t mean to and would do anything to send Elkkingmon back from where I released him.

Now that the digidestine and digimon are in complete fear and we know a little digimon didn’t mean to let Elkkingmon out what will happen. And why didn’t the darkness effect Jade? Find out next time.

Tai: But I’m afraid to do another episode.

Oh well.

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