
One day everyone was sitting by a river. Tai said," We should get moving if
we want to find another campsite before dark." Everyone nodded their heads except for Matt. "It's almost sunset. We should stay here for the night." Matt said. Mimi and Joe agreed. Tai said," Fine we'll stay here for the night, but first thing tomorrow we leave." "Alright!" everyone agreed. All the digidestined went to sleep. Tai woke up first the next morning. " AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" yelled Tai. "What's wrong?" asked a worried Tk. "Sora's gone missing!" yelled Tai again. Everyone got up and started looking for Sora. Mimi said, "Come over here!" Everyone gathered around where Mimi was standing. "It's a note." pointed out Joe.
"Dah." said Tai,"What does it say?" The note siad," Biyomon and I went out looking for food. Be right back. Sora. Kari said," That explains alot." "I guess we don't have to look for her anymore." said Matt. All of a sudden, a figure popped out from behind a bush.

Tentomon said, "That's Dentistmon and he loves to clean teeth. Watch out he's not an ordinary dentist." Dentistmon was holding Sora and Biyomon. "Look, I've got some of your friends." he said. "Help me!!" yelled Sora. Agumon digivolve to Greymon. Gabumon digivolve to Garurumon. Pallmon digivolve to Togomon. Tentomon digivolve to Kabutarimon. Patomon digivolve to Angemon. Gomamon digivolve to Ikakumon. Salomon digivolve to Gatomon. They all started fighting Dentistmon, but kept missing. Then, someone yelled, "Metal Petal!" Out popped another digimon and a small person. The attack hit Dentistmon and he went flying. "I don't think he'll be bothering us anymore." Izzy said looking up from his computer. "Tk! Is that you?" the small person said running up to them. Tk turned around and reconized the person. "Jamie!" he yelled. They ran into each other. "Hi!" she said,
"The most be the other digidestined Genni told me about," pointing at the others. "Are you one too?" Tk asked. "Yep," Jamie answered, "I would like you to meet Dandimon." "Hello," replied Dandimon. "Who's that Tk?" asked a jealous Kari. "Oh um, this is Jamie, she goes to my school." said Tk. "Your not his girlfriend are you?" Kari asked. "Of course not." Jamie answered. "NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!" yelled Mimi, "Now I have to watch my cousin." Sora said,"We have another digidestined? Oh well. That's great!" "Alright!!" everyone yelled.

I hope you liked it.
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