Liver haemangioma






1.    Name the type of tissue involved.


       Liver benign tumour of blood vessels (hamartoma)



2.    What type of hemangioma is this?




3.    What are the characteristic histopathologic features?


       Multiple large dilated vascular channels lined by thin walls, separated by scant fibrous septa with embedded fibroblasts.  Vascular channels are filled with red blood cells.  Lesion is sharply defined and is not encapsulated.


4.    What can happen to this type of lesion in the liver?


        Ulceration, trauma can cause bleeding and haemorrhage.


5.    Is this a neoplastic or harmatomatous disease?


       Harmatomatous:  an excess but focal outgrowth of cells, that is native to the organ that they are found, and is of the mature type, but the architecture is not here, and is non-invasive, non-metastatic.



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