Miliary TB






1.       What is the type of tissue necrosis shown?


Caseous necrosis


2.       What are the characteristic histopathological features of the necrosis?

       Structureless amorphous sheet of eosinophilic, granular material rimmed by granulomatous reactin (increase infiltration by macrophages and plasma cells)

       Cellular debris

       Fragmented cells.


3.       What is the etiology?

Tuberulosis bacillus


4.       State whether the following statements are True or False :-

    This type of necrosis

(a)     is cheese like                T

(b)     preserves the tissue architecture          F

(c)     is due to destructive enzymes produced by bacilli    F

(d)     is due to an immune hypersensitivity reaction    T


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