General Pathology

Theme 5: The Acute Inflammatory Response

  1. Appreciate the role of the acute inflammatory response in the body's defence mechanisms.
  2. Describe the sequence of events in the acute inflammatory response and discuss the roles of the different components of the response.
  3. Appreciate the possible pathological sequelae of acute inflammation.
  4. List the local and systemic clinical changes that can result from acute inflammation.

The first visible tissue change that begins immediately after an injury is the microcirculatory response, which is accompanied by mobilization of phagocytic cells – the acute inflammatory response. A complex network of chemical mediators and cellular events occur in the vascular and tissue compartments during this response.

This acute inflammatory is not a disease but should be regarded as the first line of defense against injury. It is generally beneficial to the host. The beneficial effects of localizing the damage/infection can, however, be accompanied by deleterious tissue damage

The immune response is also triggered at the time of the injury but takes several days to manifest microscopically visible changes at the site of injury.

The term chronic inflammation is applied to the complex of tissue changes that represents a combined inflammatory and immune response against an agent that persists in the tissues long enough so that the microscopic changes of the immune response can occur. Chronic inflammation also shows changes associated with tissue damage and repair

The host response is designed to inactivate and remove the injurious agents, remove any damaged tissue and accomplish repair.

General Principles of Acute Inflammation

Cardinal Features of Inflammation

Rubor (redness); Calor (heat); Tumour (swelling); Dolor (pain) [chemical substances stimulate nerve endings e.g., cytokines. and pressure due to increased amounts of fluid]
Functiolaesia (loss of function)

• short duration — from few minutes, hours or days
• exudation of fluid and plasma proteins (edema)
• emigration of (leukocytes) PMNs
• longer
• presence of lymphocytes and macrophages
• proliferation of BV and CT

Acute Inflammation

Immediate and early response to injurous agents
  1. alteration of vascular caliber to increase blood flow
  2. structural changes in microvasculature => increase permeability of plasma proteins and leukocytes to leave the circulation to produce an inflammatory exudate
  3. migration of leukocytes and plasma proteins from microcirculation to site of injury
Changes in Vascular Flow and Caliber

Changes in vascular flow and caliber constitute one of the three major components of the inflammatory response. They begin immediately after injury and develop at various rates depending on the severity of the injury.

Increased Vascular Permeability

Increased vascular permeability leads to the escape of protein-rich fluid into the interstitium.
    There are 6 possible mechanisms of increased endothelial permeability:
  1. Endothelial cell contraction in venules, leading to the formation of widened intercellular junctions, or intercellular gaps. This is the most common form elicited by chemical mediators (e.g., histamine); occurs immediately after injection of the mediator; is short-lived (immediate-transient response); and classically involves only venules 20 to 60 mM in diameter, leaving capillaries and arterioles unaffected.
  2. Endothelial retraction owing to cytoskeletal and junctional reorganization, also resulting in widened interendothelial junctions. This results in a somewhat delayed response that can be long-lived and is induced by cytokine mediators, such as interleukin-l (IL-l) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF).
  3. Direct endothelial injury, resulting in endothelial cell necrosis and detachment. This is caused by severe necrotizing injuries and affects all levels of the microcirculation, including venules, capillaries and arterioles. The damage usually evokes an immediate and sustained endothelial leakage.
  4. Leukocyte-mediated endothelial injury resulting from leukocyte aggregation, adhesion and emigration across the endothelium. These leukocytes release toxic oxygen species and proteolytic enzymes, which cause endothelial injury or detachment, resulting in increased permeability.
  5. Increased transcytosis across the endothelial cytoplasm via vesicles and vacuoles of the vesiculovacuolar organelle. Some growth factors (e.g., vascular endothelial growth factor) may cause vascular leakage by increasing the number and size of these channels.
  6. Leakage from regenerating capillaries, during healing. This occurs when new capillary sprouts are leaky.
Cellular events: Leukocyte Extravasation and Phagocytosis

A critical function of inflammation is the delivery of leukocytes to the site of injury. The sequence of events in this journey, called extravasation, can be divided into the following steps:

  1. Margination, rolling and adhesion of leukocytes in the lumen.
  2. Transmigration across the endothelium (also called diapedesis).
  3. Migration in interstitial tissues toward a chemotactic stimulus.

Adhesion and Transmigration

Adhesion and transmigration occur largely as a result of interactions between complementary adhesion molecules on the leukocytes and on the endothelium. Chemoattractants and some cytokines affect these processes by modulating the surface expression or avidity of the adhesion molecules. The major ligand-receptor adhesion pairs include: These molecules induce leukocyte adhesion in inflammation by three mechanisms:
  1. Redistribution of preformed adhesion molecules to the cell surface. For example, after exposure to histamine or thrombin, P- selectin is rapidly translocated from the endothelial Weibel-Palade body membranes to the cell surface, where it can bind leukocytes.
  2. Induction of adhesion molecules on endothelium. For example, IL-l and TNF induce the synthesis and surface expression of E-selectin and increase expression of ICAM-I and VCAM-I, rendering such activated endothelial cells more adherent to leukocytes.
  3. Increased avidity of binding. This is most relevant to the binding of integrins (LFA-I and MAC-I), which are normally present on leukocytes but can be converted from a state of low-affinity binding to high-affinity binding toward their ligand ICAM-1 by chemical mediators. Such activation causes firm adhesion of the leukocytes to the endothelium and is also necessary for subsequent transmigration across endothelial cells.
It is now thought that neutrophil adhesion and transmigration in acute inflantmation occur by a series of overlapping steps: The importance of adhesion molecules is emphasized by the clinical genetic deficiencies in adhesion molecules: In leukocyte adhesion deficiency type I, there is a defect in the synthesis of ฿2 integrins. In leukocyte adhesion deficiency type II, a defect in fucose metabolism results in the absence of sialyl Lewis X, the ligand for E-selectin and P-selectin. Both deficiencies result in impaired leukocyte adhesion and recurrent bacterial infections.

Chemotaxis and Leukocyte Activation

Adherent leukocytes emigrate through interendothelial junctions, traverse the basement membrane, and move toward the site of injury along a gradient of chemotactic agents. Neutrophils emigrate first, and monocytes and lymphocytes follow. Chemotactic agents for neutrophils include bacterial products, complement fragments (e.g., C5a), arachidonic acid metabolites (e.g., leukotriene B4), and chemokines (e.g., IL-8).

Chemotaxis involves binding of chemotactic agents to specific receptors on leukocytes and production of second messengers. This signal transduction process results in activation of phospholipase C and protein kinase C, increased intracellular calcium, and assembly of the contractile elements responsible for cell movement. The leukocyte moves by extending a pseudopod that pulls the remainder of the cell in the direction of the extension. Locomotion is controlled by the effects of calcium ions and phosphoinositols on actin regulatory proteins, such as gelsolin, filamin, and calmodulin. Chemotactic agents also cause leukocyte activation, characterized by:


Phagocytosis and the release of enzymes by neutrophils and macrophages constitute two of the major benefits derived from the accumulation of leukocytes at the inflantmatory focus. Phagocytosis involves three steps:
  1. Recognition and attachment of the particle to be ingested by the leukocyte. Many microorganisms are coated with specific factors, called opsonins, which enhance the efficiency of phagocytosis because they are recognized by receptors on the leukocytes. The two major opsonins are the Fc fragment of immunoglobulin G and a product of complement, C3b.
  2. Engulfment by pseudopods encircling the phagocytosed particle, with subsequent formation of a phagocytic vacuole or phagosome. The membrane of the phagocytic vacuole then fuses with the membrane of a lysosomal granule, resulting in discharge of the granule's content into the phagolysosome.
  3. Killing and degradation of bacteria. Phagocytosis stimulates a burst of oxygen consumption and production of reactive oxygen metabolites. There are two types of bactericidal mechanisms:

Release of Leukocyte Products and Leukocyte Induced Tissue Injury

During phagocytosis, leukocytes release products not only within the phagolysosome, but also potentially into the extracellular space. These released products include: These products are powerful mediators of tissue damage and amplify the effects of the initial inflammatory stimulus. If persistent, the leukocyte-dependent tissue injury can cause chronic inflammation.

Defects in Leukocyte Function

Defects in leukocyte function interfere with inflammation and increase susceptibility to infections. They include both genetic and acquired defects, such as a deficiency in the number of circulating cells (neutropenia). Clinical genetic deficiencies have been identified in most phases of leukocyte function, from adherence to vascular endothelium to microbicidal activity, and include the following:
The vascular phenomena in acute inflammation are characterized by increased blood flow to the injured area, resulting mainly from arteriolar dilation and opening of capillary beds. Increased vascular permeability results in the accumulation of protein-rich extravascular fluid, which forms the exudate. Plasma proteins leave the vessels mast commanly through widened interendothelial cell junctions of the venules or by direct endothelial cell injury. The leukocytes, initially predominantly neutrophils, adhere to the endothelium via adhesion molecules, transmigrate across the endothelium, and migrate to the site of injury under the influence of chemotactic agents. Phagocytosis of the offending agent follows, which may lead to the death of the microorganism. During chemotaxis and phagocytosis, activated leukocytes may release toxic metabolites and proteases extracellularly, potentially causing tissue damage.
Sequelae of Acute Inflammation

The acute inflammatory response is aimed at neutralizing or inactivating the agent causing the injury. There are several outcomes:

  1. Resolution: In uncomplicated acute inflammation, tissue returns to normal in a process of resolution, in which the exudate and cellular debris are liquefied and removed by macrophages and lymphatic flow.
  2. Repair: Healing by connective tissue replacement (fibrosis) and scarring, which occurs after substantial tissue destruction, when the inflammation occurs in tissues that do not regenerate or when there is abundant fibrin exudation.
  3. Suppuration: In virulent bacterial infections, (esp. pyogenic organisms) exaggerated emigration of neutrophils with liquefactive necrosis occurs (suppurative inflammation). The liquefied mass of necrotic tissue and neutrophis is called pus. When an area of suppuration becomes walled off, abscess results.
  4. Chronic inflammation: When the noxious agent is not neutralized by the acute inflammatory response, the body mouns an immune response which leads to chronic inflammation.
Local and Systemic Clinical Changes in Acute Inflammation

Local Changes

  1. Redness
  2. Swelling
  3. Heat
  4. Pain
  5. Possibe loss of function of that area

Systemic Clinical Changes

  1. Fever: Fever may result following the entry of phrogens and prostaglandins into the circulation at the site of inflammation. These act upon the brain stem to reset body temperature.
  2. Change in peripheral WBC count: The total number of neutrophis in the peripheral blood is increased (neutrophil leukocytosis); initially, this is due to accelerated release of neutrophils from bone marrow. Later, neutrophil production in the marrow is increased. Peripheral blood neutrophils tend to be the less mature forms, and they frequently contain large cytoplasmic granules (toxic granulation). The term shift to the left signifies this change. Viral infections tend to produce neutropenia (decreased number of neutrophils in the blood) an dlymphocytosis (excess of normal lymphocytes in the blood). Acute inflammation resulting from viral infection therefore represents an exception in that he microcirculatory changes and fluid exudation are accompanied by a lymphocytic rather than a neutrophil response.
  3. Change in plasma protein levels: The levels of certain proteins typically increase when acute inflammation is present. These acute phase reactions include C-reactive protein, a1-antitrypsin, fibrinogen, haptoglobin and ceruloplasmin. Increased levels of these substances in turn lead to an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, a simple and useful (though nonspecific) clue to the presence of inflammation.
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