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Codes for E-mail
Putting codes in your Email is fun when you get the hang of it. And to do this is hard at first but belive me it does get easy after a while.But there is onother thing to rember and that is to make sure the code is put in exact.

~2 main codes~

Ok This is the first and most important thing to remeber and thats the HTML tag. You need only 2 and thats the BEGINNING <<>html<>> and the ENDING <<>/html<>>. Notice the diference between the 2 codes. And everything goes in between these 2 codes.

~Backgrond color~

This is the code for the background

<<>body bgcolor="red"<>>

If you dont like red just change the color to the color your happy with. Also you can add a picture background by this code

<<>body background="and the URL"<>>

Exp. <<>body background=" matt2.jpg"<>>

To get the URL of a background code, find the background you like. When you are looking at it hit the GoT0 button on your keyboured. You will see Show Last. Click that and it will give you the URL code to use for your background. If you need places to get backgrounds from just go to my Links page and scroll down to backrounds.

~Text Color~

Changing the text color of your E-mail can be done by adding this code to your background code


Or pick a color you like.

Exp.<<>body bgcolor="black" text="red"<>>

Lets put all the codes together so you can see how they work


<<>body bgcolor="black" text="red"<>>


Exp.<<>body background=" matt2.jpg" text="red"<>>

Or with a Backgound


<<>body background=" matt2.jpg" text="red"<>>


~Adding Images~

This can be a little tricky but works just about the same way you do the background image. You get the URL of the image you like and use it in this tipe of code

<<>img src="URL"<>>

Exp.<<>img src=""<>>

If you want to put your image in the center of your E-mail use this code

<<>center<>> <<>/center<>>


<<>img src=""<>>


Lets put all the codes together so you can see how they work


<<>body bgcolor="black" text="red"<>>


<<>img src=""<>>



I know you are saying where do I put all this crap. Well this is what you do. Go to your Main MAIL and on the side you will see SETTINGS just click that on and it will give you a list, and in that list you will see SIGNATURE Click that and there will be a Box. Just put all your codes in that box then hit done. and remeber here is were you can get some Links

If you have any problems or coments E-mail me here at this addres and ill try and get back to you

[email protected]

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