Yuffie Kisaragi

Though you would never know it by looking at her, Yuffie coms down from a long line of Ninja. She forced herself into the group just to get a 'certain something' She's sneaky, arrogant and very selfish.

  • JOB - Materia Hunter, Ninja
  • AGE - 16
  • WEAPON - Knife, boomerang, origami (for throwing)
  • HEIGHT - 5' 2"
  • BIRTHDATE - November 20
  • BIRTHPLACE - Wutai

Yuffie, who the youngest member of the group is also the sneakiest and greediest. She has had her eye (or eyes, in fact) on Cloud and company's materia for quite some time now...who know's if and when she'll make a move on it.

Yuffie's Limit Breaks
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws