Barret Wallace

Head of the underground resistance movement AVALANCHE, Barret leads the fight against the Shinra, a corporation that is bent on sucking out Mako energy from the planet by building Mako reactors. Barret has a short-temper and uses brute strength and his gun arm to see him through.

  • JOB - Leader of AVALANCHE
  • AGE - 35
  • WEAPON - Gun-arm
  • HEIGHT - 6' 4"
  • BIRTHDATE - December 15
  • BIRTHPLACE - Corel Village

Barret's wife died in an accident several years ago, and he now lives with his daughter Marlene. Barret's gun-arm is one of a kind, only one other man is known to have had the same operation done to himself.

Barret's Limit Breaks
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