75 years of Amateur Radio
in the city of Lvov
© Раделин Гайдарджиев, LZ1UF

Драги Сашо, моля те да прецениш, дали има смисъл да се помести в нашия рефлектор материала, който ти изпращам.
Моля да ме информираш за решението си.

Предисторията на моето участие като съавтор на предвоенната история на Лвовския радиоклуб, която обхваща периода от 1924 -1939 г., е следната.

През есента на 1999 г. XYL Уршула, SP5AHO и LZ1FU, председател на полската общност в България и секретар по проблемите на поляците от страните в Източна Европа, посети гр. Лвов за да участва в съвещание на Европейската Полска Уния. Лвовският радиолюбител Георгий Члиянц UY5XE, известен украински радиолюбител и публицист в минало и настояще време, подари по време на срещата си с Уршула цялото си книжно радиолюбителско творчество на руски и украински ез. Георгий е инженер по електроника, доктор по икономика, но е пенсиониран като оператор на робот, участвал в разчистването на радиоактивни отпадъци след Чернобилската катастрофа. Сред авторските книги на Г. Члиянц особен интерес представлява "История на радиолюбителството в Украйна", в която липсва предвоенната история на Лвовския радиоклуб, която пък представлява предистория на радиолюбителството в Полша. Заедно с Г. Члиянц си поставихме задачата да подготвим съвместен текст за публикация. В края на март т. г. бяхме готови, Георгий се погрижи да публикува "Историята на Лвовския радиоклуб" в полски и украински вестници, издавани в Украйна, а аз осигурих публикация в Беларус - в международното радиолюбителско издание "Радиолюбитель. КВ и УКВ" (# 5/2000, стр. 2 - 4), а също и в украинското списание "Радiоаматор" (# 8/2000, стр. 17 - 20). Група от полски радиолюбители, които все още не са готови с "История на радиолюбителството в Полша" препечатаха нашата публикация в "Газета Лвовска" направо в полското списание "Круткофаловиец Полски" ("Късовълновик на Полша").

През лятото на тази година на "полския" канал 14.273 kHz заедно с LZ1FU направихме "страхотно" откритие: по време на QSO с G3PTN, ОМ Зигмунт - наш приятел от 1962 г., научихме, че е роден в Лвов и е бивш член на Лвовския радиоклуб до началото на Втората световна война. G3PTN, UY5XE и аз образувахме международна (от Украйна, България и Великобритания) работна радиолюбителска група, която си постави задачата да запознае читателите на "QST" със забележителната история на любителското радио в Лвов - столицата на Галиция (историческо наименование на територия, известна като Източна Полша и Западна Украйна).

Имам удоволствието да представя пред колегите - радиолюбители английския текст на публикацията ни в "QST" през 2001 г., липсват само илюстрациите - фотографии, които се наложи да бъдат компютърно обработени от Анджей LZ3UF.

Изпитвам чувството на не малка радост, че като български радиолюбител, участващ в международна работна група, съм полезен в реализацията на едно добро дело, свързано с историческото наследство на европейското радиолюбителство.
Раделин Гайдарджиев LZ1UF

The magazine "RADIOAMATOR" had published the full-text of Amateur Radio History of the city of Lvov. Following is the address of the magazine:
Post address:
George ULCHENKO, Publisher.
P.O. Box 807, 03110, KIEV - 110, Ukraine
e-mail: [email protected]
http: // www.sea.com.ua

"RADIOAMATOR" has the priviledge to address "QST" with the request to publish this remarkable Amateur Radio History (1924 -1939).

The publication was prepared by an international Radio Amateur Working Group (Ukraine, Bulgaria and UK).
Authors :
George CHLIJANC, UY5XE (member of Ukrainian Amateur Radio League UARL. He is publicist - Radio communication & Amateur radio. Post address: P.O. Box 19, LVIV, 79000, Ukraine; e-mail: [email protected] )
Radelyn GAYDARDJIEV, LZ1UF (member of Bulgarian Federation of Radio Amateur BFRA. He is publicist - Radio communication & Amateur radio. In 1961 he is first foreign Radio Amateur in Poland with LZ1UF/SP - "Bulgarian R.A.S. in Poland"; Post address: P.O. Box 187, 1000 SOFIA, Bulgaria; e-mail: [email protected] ).
Publication has been translated from its original edition by Mr. Zygmunt CHOWANIEC, G3PTN a member of RSGB. He is also an ex member of pre-war LKK, ex SWL SPL265, ex operator of SP1LK and SP1LW in Lvov, Polish veteran of the second World War. He took part in the battles of North Africa and Italy. Post address: Z. T. Chowaniec 33 Elmete Drive Leeds LS8 2LA UK; e - mail: [email protected]

75 years of Amateur Radio in the city of Lvov Before embarking on actual story of the Radio Society in the city of Lvov, one should give brief outline of the hobby, which by now has millions of followers.

Before first World War, a lot of professional engineers, styled themselves as amateurs. It was a new science and possibly the name which is almost synonymous with the radio development, is that of Gugliemo Marconi, who was proud to call himself Amateur!

The War, produced technological advances, but almost stopped Amateur Radio. In USA, restrictions were lifted in 1919 and 200m band became available for experiments. During 1921/1922 tests were made for long distance communication on higher frequencies, resulting in the first transatlantic contact between Schnell - 1MO, Reinhartz - 1XM and French amateur Deloy - 8AB in 1923.

During 1924, ARRL was represented at Radio Conferences allocating frequencies to different services and eventually secured allocation of 80, 40, 20, 10 and 5 m bands to amateurs. This was the start of Amateur Radio, throughout the world.

Polish amateurs were on the air at the beginning of 1924. There were only 21 registered stations. Most prominent was TPAR - Jan Ziembicki of the city of Lvov. In the following years there was a lot of activity, TPPB, TTBF, TPBI, TPCF and TPCG were most active.

Up till 1926, there was no official body to represent interests of Amateurs. In December 1926, TPAR - Jan Ziembicki, TPBB - S. Kozlowski, TPBF - W. Fridman, TPBG - J. Koziel, TPCF - W. Oleksin and TPCG - S. Komarnicki, formed first Radio Society in Poland and registered the name as Lwowski Klub Krotkofalowcow - LKK.

Similar Society or Clubs as they were called, were formed in Warsaw, Kracow, Wilno and other principal cities in Poland. It should be stated, that the Amateur radio at the time was very expensive pastime in Poland, cost of the single tube was same as cost of man's suite! Mr. S. Kozlowski became the first Chairman of LKK and Mr. J. Ziembicki Secretary.

In June 1927, LKK organized first ever Exhibition of Amateur radio equipment Membership of LKK and other Society's started to increase, as the benefits of being a member became apparent. QSL cards became important and in December 1928, LKK devised a system of QSL Managers for different areas of the country. In 1929 LKK has occupied a fifth place in Europe (after USSR, England, France and Belgium) on the number of Radio Amateur Stations and second place in Europe (after England) on the number of DX - men.

In 1929 Poland legalized prefix SP for Amateur Stations and TP was no longer used.

LKK applied for Membership of IARU and this was granted in 1930. In the meantime, steps were taken to organize Polish Radio Society (PZK), to cover areas outside LKK and in February 1930, PZK came into being. IARU granted membership to PZK in 1933 and this information was published in QST - April 1933. LKK was a very successful society. In 1929 decision was taken to produce a monthly publication dedicated to Amateurs, containing both technical articles and other pertaining information. This was well received and Krotkofalowiec Polski (KP as it was referred to) was published until 1939, last number in August. LKK also had Ladies in their ranks, the most famous was Miss Maria Bogda - SP3HR, film actress. Amateur Radio in Poland was also involved in Emergency activities during floods in 1929, similar to USA amateurs in floods of 1927.

Level of activity of LKK members was high and notched some "firsts" in Europe. SP1AR, worked New Zealand in Feb. 1928, using high power of 60W! He also had contact with Australia in Feb. 1930. Apart from Exhibitions, which became an yearly event, LKK was also organizing, what in present day parlance is DX expedition in 1930. One to Howerla Mountain, had to determine how propagation of SW and VHF is affected in the mountains, also to test portable equipment produced in LKK laboratory.

It is interesting to note, that the use of VHF in USA, was not allowed until 1934. During 1934, LKK had a visit of US amateur W5AOM, thus strengthening friendship between amateurs of the two Countries. SP1AR - J. Ziembicki, published in 1936 details of the television >receiver, able to get programs from Berlin and London. In 1937 Jan Ziembicki build TV transmitter working on 85m. power output was 70W. By 1938 SP1AR became a Chairman of LKK.

Regretfully, with the advent of W.W.II, in Aug. 1939, all transmitting licenses were rescinded and for all practical purposes, LKK ceased to exist. Ex members of LKK did take part in the first weeks of war, in air defense nets.

Fortunately, after almost half of the century, radio Amateurs of the city of Lvov, decided to revert to the pre-war title, and LKK is on the air now.

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