Z код
това е началото на поредица за телеграфните кодове, започвам с по-екзотичните. Z-кода не е приет в радиолюбителската практика и ако го употребите в QSO сигурно няма да ви разберат. Но такъв код все пак съществува...

ZAL Alter your wavelength.
ZHC How are your receiving conditions?
ZAN We can receive absolutely nothing.
ZSU Your signals are unreadable.
ZWR Your signals are weak but readable.
ZSR Your signals are strong readable.
ZGF ...... signals good for ....... wpm.
ZGS Your signals getting stronger.
ZGW Your signals getting weaker.
ZVS Your signals varying in intensity.
ZSH Static heavy here.
ZLS We are suffering from a lightning storm.
ZWC Wipers or clicks here.
ZVP Send V's please.
ZWO Send words once.
ZWT Send words twice.
ZCT Send code twice.
ZPO Send plain once.
ZPT Send plain twice.
ZCD Your collation is different.
ZCO Your collation omitted.
ZSF Send faster.
ZSS Send slower.
ZRO Are you receiving ok?
ZOK We are receiving ok.
ZIR Your transmitter has strong idle radiation.
ZRC Can you receive code?
ZNG Receiving conditions no good for code.
ZNN All clear of traffic.
ZHY We are holding your .......
ZCS Cease sending.
ZMP Mispunch or perforator failures.
ZCW Are you in direct communication with .......?
ZHA How are your conditions for auto reception?
ZUA Our conditions unsuitable for undulator or automatic recording.
ZTA Transmit by auto.
ZBY Break, go back a yard (meter).
ZBN Break and go ahead with new slip.
ZPR Re-run slip at present running.
ZRL Re-run slip before one now running.
ZPP Punch plain only.
ZFB Signals are fading badly.
ZFA Failing auto.
ZRA Reversed auto tape.
ZYS What is your speed of transmission?
ZSV Your speed varying.
ZBS Your signals blurring.
ZDH Your dots are too heavy (long); adjust lighter.
ZDL Your dots are too light (short); Adjust heavier.
ZDM Your dots missing.
ZDV Your dots varying in length; please remedy.
ZFS Signals are fading slightly.
ZTH Transmit by hand.
ZHS Send high speed auto ....... wpm.
ZSO Transmit slips once.
ZST Transmit slips twice.
ZST Transmit revs continuously.
ZLB Give long breaks, please.
ZUB We have been unable to break you.
ZNB We do not get your breaks; we send twice.
ZLD We are getting long dash from you.
ZAP Acknowledge please.
ZMQ Stand by for .......
ZMO Stand by a moment.
ZKQ Say when ready to resume.
ZOH What traffic have you on hand?
ZVF Signals varying in frequency.
ZFF Please observe and furnish frame code reports on ....... (call letters and frequency) kilocycles.
ZOA We have checked (transmitter call letters) ....... Signals are radiating on air OK.
ZCP Local receiving conditions poor; please increase to maximum.
ZZO I am a Junior Operator (sometimes used to chastise a Lid)
ZIC How many messages have I sent you
ZID How many messages have you sent me
ZUG Negative

ZUT is an "unofficial" Z signal (used in the military, similar to Q sigs). ZUT has no official meaning, and was used by US Coast Guard Radiomen as an exchange between operators who truly enjoyed CW. The most familiar translation I have heard is "CW Forever". It has moved to the amateur community, and is used by the true CW afficianado as an indication of their enjoyment of the "original digital mode". ZUT is used on the termination of a QSO.

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