Hershey's Kisseltoe Ball

Example kisseltoe ball  
  • 4-inch, 6-inch or 8-inch Styrofoam ball
  • Toothpicks
  • Wire coat hanger
  • Glue (low heat glue gun or craft glue)
  • Aluminum foil
  • 3-6 (13 oz.) bags red, green and silver Hershey's Kisses (amount varies according to size of styrofoam ball)
  • 4 yards of 1-inch holiday ribbon


  1. Straighten the wire hanger and insert one end through the center of the foam ball. Clear 6 inches of wire through the opposite end, bend a hook at least 1 inch in length, pull wire back up through hole, securing hooked end into the bottom of foam ball.
  2. Determine desired length of the top wire. Bend a loop at the end to form a hanger.
  3. Hang the ball on a ladder or a clothes rod to decorate it. Cover the ball with aluminum foil if desired.
  4. Cover the ball by gluing green foil Hershey's Kisses with the flat end to the surface of the ball.
  5. Add ornaments with the remaining silver and red Kisses by inserting the end of a toothpick into the side of a Kiss; insert the other end into the ball, filling in any gaps. Alternate colors and angles.
  6. Finish your Kisseltoe Ball by attaching a large bow on top, and loops of ribbon on the bottom.

Note: The completed craft is for decorative purposes only and candy should not be eaten.

AllRecipes.com - Hershey's Kisseltoe Ball. allrecipes.com/cb/kh/crafts/kisseltoe/default.asp. Viewed on March 28, 2001.

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