Lavender Drawer Liner

Lavender sachets offer a wonderful way to infuse your clothes with a sweet scent. You can also create an aromatic liner for your whole drawer with a washable fabric and Velcro. Experiment with other naturally fragrant substances such as cedar, which is muskier than lavender and has the added benefit of discouraging insects.



  • Measuring tape
  • Scissors
  • Fabric, such as prewashed linen
  • Straight pins
  • Chalk
  • 1/2-inch-wide Velcro
  • About 12 ounces dried lavender
  • Measuring cup
  • Funnel


  1. Measure the length and width of the inside of the drawer, and add 1/2 inch to each dimension for seam allowances.
  2. Cut two pieces of fabric to these measurements, and pin them together, wrong sides facing. Using chalk, divide the length of the pinned fabric into thirds. For adding and removing dried lavender, mark three 4-inch openings on one of the fabric's long sides, centered within each section.
  3. Stitch the two pieces of fabric all the way around, stopping at the three openings. Clip the corners. With an iron, press open the seam allowance on the side with the openings.
  4. Cut three 4-inch lengths of Velcro. Pin Velcro to the inside of the seam allowance at the openings to make sure the Velcro lines up with the pressed edge. Sew Velcro to seam allowance.
  5. Turn the liner right side out through one of the openings, and press.
  6. To divide the liner into thirds, topstitch two rows. Fill each pocket with about 4 ounces dried lavender. Lavender Drawer Liner. Viewed on June 10, 2002.

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