Scented Beeswax Ornaments

These are wonderful gifts that add delightful smells to the holidays (or anytime)!

Example of beeswax ornament  
  • 1 pound filtered beeswax
  • 2 tablespoons fragrance or essential oil of choice
  • Wicking or string


  1. Place the beeswax in an old coffee can and set in a pan of water (like a double-boiler). Place pan over low flame on the stovetop. Allow wax to melt slowly.
  2. While it is melting, oil the molds lightly with vegetable oil and set aside in a warm place. Cut the wick or string in pieces long enough to form a loop at the top of the ornament for hanging. Dip ends of t he wick in the melted wax and set on wax paper, pushing the ends together to form a loop.
  3. When the wax is melted, stir in the scent and pour the scented wax into the molds using a funnel. Insert the waxed ends of the loop at the top of each mold and place them in a warm place to set. Gently turn the ornaments out when they have hardened.
Note: Candy and cookie molds work wonderfully for this project.

Gifts from the Herb Garden by Emelie Tolley & Chris Mead. New York, NY: Clarkson Potter/Publishers. ©1991. Page 129.

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