Carmen's Genealogy Website

The Christian Wilhelm Noxsel Family -ca. 1902

A journey from the past to the present

If you don't preserve your memories, who will?


Welcome !!

Please come in and enjoy your vist.  This site contains my personal family histories and allied families.

   This information was compiled from many sources throughout the years and is by no
   means perfect.  The purpose of this site is to find other researchers who are 
   interested in the same families and share information.  If you have a family that 
   looks familiar, please let me hear from you.  I am always interested in finding new
   cousins!  If you find something that varies from what you have, please let me know.

The following surnames are just a few of the many names I have in my family file.  
Please browse through the Index and see if some of these names belong to your family.
I am still "under construction" in some areas, so please don't be disappointed if you
don't find anything on the names you may be researching.  I will have the additional
surnames linked to my Genealogy Index soon. Please come back often and watch my family
tree grow!





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Last updated Nov. 2003

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