Important: Not responsible for the content of any linked pages. If you don't like the contents of this web site, look at another site or turn off your computer. If you don't like your children looking at certain links in this site, supervise them better and lock out the computer when you are not around. We are NOT RESPONSIBLE for your inablity to supervise your children, under any circumstances. Nor are we responsible for the contents of any linked sites, especially if they come from entirely DIFFERENT cultures. It takes EFFORT on YOUR PART to view this site, if you don't want to view it, DO NOT take the effort. The disclaimer below warns about possible adult content and has been located at the bottom of the page for months. It is your responsibility as a parent to review web pages carefully, as you would books, television programs, and magazines. Block this page if you find Panda's at the San Diego Zoo and cartoons distasteful.

Kristian Sorenson

A website dedicated to the wonderful actor himself. You can check out his portfolio and resume online. Can't wait to see what he does next.

� 2000, Sara Bruce
Sara's Renegade Chickens Page

This is a must see site with Chelsy Chicken Cartoons and Hilarious Space Ghost cartoons that Sara created herself. Don't forget to play the Space Ghost game that she developed and download the cool calendars. You can even get yourself zapped on your screen saver.

Panda Cam

Live Footage of the Baby Panda in the San Diego Zoo

For those Star Trek fans out there in the family, go to Mark Allen Shepherd's Official Website for the inside info on him. Soon he will be hosting an online talk about the Star Trek Enterprise series. Keep checking back for details.


Saying Thank You

Its about Love for Friends and Family. It is a great way to say your grateful for those special people in your Life.

Raimondo's Fan Site.

This site is written in Dutch. If you don't read Dutch, check it out anyway for some great photos of Alessandro Del Piero.

Important: Not responsible for the content of any linked pages.
WARNING: A few of these sites may contain Adult Content.

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