You are here for a reason! You are probably asking why am I launching yet another website here? Simple answer is I've had a lot of interest in the entertainment industry and luckily I've had prior experience in that field. So I guess in short I'm advertising myself. So which is your choice?

Don't you love it when you have a choice?

Let's start with business first!
Looking for an actress and or assistant with experience? Look no further!
I'm a hard worker and eager to grow!


On to my VERY popular, advertized in TV Guide websites! We all have to have some fun, right?

NASCAR! Start up those engines! Our boys are ready for the rag to drop! Are YOU?

Want to live in the groovy 70s? Do bellbottoms? Smokin' in the basement? Taking your parents car out of town, when told not to? Seem more like something you did back in the rock N roll age?


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