What a girl wants; what a girl needs - part I

F/F far from my usual style, maternal, prob dull ;)

(c) Copyright 2002 [email protected] May be freely distributed provided no fees are charged for access to this story and the copyright message is not removed.

Susie leaned back, taking a break from the scattered folders and the initial threads of the essay due tomorrow. Reading the books was always enjoyable; it was the note taking and critical appraisals that never appealed.

She flicked her dyed black hair back, absently wishing she'd been blessed with real hair, rather than the string she struggled constantly with. It gave her a goth-like appearance, accentuated by the Sonic Youth t-shirt and the multiple piercing of her ears and tongue.

A flicker of movement caught her eye. A woman was approaching her table.

"Is this seat taken?", the woman gestured at the bench opposite Susie. She was in her early forties and carried her own pile of textbooks.

Oh great, a mature age student, thought Susie. There were dozens of empty tables scattered across the courtyard. Why did she have to pick my table?

She opened her mouth to tell the woman, that "actually it is taken, so kindly move your ass somewhere else," when she met the older woman's grey eyes.

"Actually it, sure, I mean no, it isn't."

The woman, Mary, as she would later learn, sat. It would be sometime before Susie could put a finger on what exactly had made her change her mind; something about those eyes.

They talked. Chatted would be a more apt description. The discovered a common love of literature. Everything about Susie seemed to interest Mary. She normally talked to her friends about boys, music, clothes and boys, just like most other nineteen year old college girls. Hopes and dreams were too long term for the immediacy of youth.

Pages of notes were scattered over the table. She was finding it difficult concentrating today. Would Mary be here again today? It was around the same time. She sighed, her mind wandering back to the assignment she was working on. Time passed.

Mary's voice snapped Susie back to reality. She found herself smiling, practically beaming at the arrival of her new friend.

Again they talked. Mary had even brought the coffee and chocolate. Susie thought Mary had the most beautiful eyes she'd ever seen. They listened; they calmed her.

They talked about the past, the present, the future. Susie could see the deep sympathy in Mary's eyes when she found out her mother had died while she was at the tender age of four. Usually people were embarrassed to have asked, to have delved into what must be a painful memory. Mary listened, asked quiet questions, cared.

Mary was not pleased with Susie today. They were talking about her boyfriend Trent. Trent was in a grunge band, which was about the coolest thing a guy could do, or so Susie thought. He was hot, played the guitar and was hung like a proverbial horse. Sure he had his faults. Well truth be told quite a few faults, but Mary was overreacting.

Does he talk nicely about you to his friends? Stand up for you? Give you affection when you need it? Susie wondered what planet guys like that came from. Geekville probably, she thought with an amused grin at her own joke.

Mary also thought Susie was too slim. If only she knew. Susie remembered back to a bleaker time when eating had been even more problematic. Things didn't improve when Susie candidly talked about her lack of enthusiasm thus far studying for her mid-terms.

For once, Susie was almost glad when they said their goodbyes for another week. She raced off to meet her friends. They thought she was a little weird meeting some old woman for coffee every week, even though Susie tried to pass it off as a study session.

A month later and Trent was "seriously dumped and ancient history". Susie tried to tell herself that Mary had not had anything to do with it. She'd just grown tired of him and his deadbeat friends. Really.

And it had been good for her, she'd even put on ten pounds. Susie twirled in the mirror in her new bikini, enjoying her newly found hips and boobs. She could hardly wait to hit the beach this summer. And wouldn't Mary be so happy. For some reason she really wanted Mary to be pleased with her.

Susie appraised herself again in the mirror. Perhaps she might even buy a dress. She laughed the thought off as ridiculous.

Mary looked at her watch again. Susie was very late today. She was normally a punctual girl. Mary was a little concerned. Susie had an exam this morning. She should be here. Mary was gathering up her books to leave when Susie finally arrived.

"Look what the midday sun dragged in," Mary admonished, then her voice changed to concern when she caught a glimpse of how Susie looked. "What's wrong? Are you alright?"

Susie sat down gingerly, trying not to faint or upset her stomach further. It had been a long night. Her eyes were puffy and her mouth dry from the lingering effects of too many vodka mixers and other partying substances.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Susie avoided Mary's eyes.

"What happened? You look terrible," Mary asked in a concerned but suspicious voice.

"I, um, I went out last night," Susie replied in a guilty tone.

Mary's eyes widened. A dark shadow crossed over her eyes.

"You missed your exam, didn't you?", she asked quietly, her disappointment obvious.

Susie's eyes flashed. Her head was ringing. She didn't need this now.

"Yes," she replied curtly.

Mary shook her head slowly. She pursed her lips and glanced off into the distance. She thought she'd really been getting through to the younger woman. She looked up, meeting Susie's eyes.

"I'm really disappointed in you Susie."

Susie started to hang her head submissively. Her head pounded again. A voice in the back of her mind played devil's advocate. Why was she putting up with this? She was independent. She could do whatever she wanted.

Her green eyes flashed. She rose, slamming her books down on the table angrily. "What do you care? You're not my mother. Mind your own fucking business!"

Susie picked up her books and stormed away. Tears flowed freely down her face. Her head hurt more than ever.

Susie spent the afternoon sipping dejectedly at her coffee, searching her soul. Mary had been conspicuous by her absence today. She hadn't meant to insult her. Oh why did she have such a big mouth? Reaching a decision, she gathered up her books and headed for her car.

Susie knocked timidly on the wooden door. She was embarrassed and ashamed of how she'd acted. She only hoped that Mary would forgive her.

There was a moment of awkward silence. Eventually Susie asked if she could come in. Mary wordlessly guided Susie into the kitchen. She let Susie stew a little longer, fixing the kettle and pouring them two mugs of steaming expresso.

Mary was pleasantly surprised to see Susie. She'd wondered if the young woman would be mature enough to apologise or whether their friendship would become strained. However she was still quite mad with her, mainly because of the missed exam rather than the thoughtless words spoken in a hung over haze.

Cupping her hot mug, Susie sought out Mary's eyes.

"Mary, I'm really really sorry. I had no right to talk to you like that," said Susie.

Mary smiled softly. "It's okay Susie. You were tired and angry. I forgive you for talking to me like that."

Susie breathed an audible sigh of relief. "Thank you Mary." She was almost too understanding at times.

"But I'm not happy about you missing that exam. Your future is too important to waste senselessly on a night drinking and God knows what else," Mary frowned. She wanted to jolt some sense into Susie. "You're too old to be acting so irresponsibly. What do you think your mother would think if she were still here?"

Susie cringed and studied the table. The nineteen year old had rarely been spoken to in this tone. Her affluent father had bounced from one trophy girlfriend to another after the death of her mother. He'd barely taken the time to notice his girl slowly morphing into womanhood.

Mary wasn't about to let Susie off easily. She continued to lecture Susie for several minutes. By the time Mary was finished Susie could feel hot tears flowing from her eyes. Susie played with her thumbs, her ears burning. Somewhere deep inside, she knew that everything Mary was saying was true.

"I'm sorry Mary. I'll study harder. I promise," Susie said with wet eyes.

Mary sighed as she looked at the younger woman. She knew Susie was sorry, but doubted that her attitude would change. She looked sadly at the tearful young woman. It was necessary, overdue even.

Mary turned walked to the kitchen drawers. She fished around for a few minutes while Susie watched curiously. She withdrew a large wooden spoon, the oval shape as large as her palm. Turning, she looked at Susie's wide eyes, tapping it against her thigh.

"I'm sorry this is necessary sweetie. I'm just so disappointed in you," Mary said.

Susie may never have been spanked in her young life, but she was bright enough to realize that Mary wasn't about bake a cake with that spoon.

"You... you can't be serious. Surely?"

Mary didn't reply. She sat down on the chair next to Susie, her eyes never leaving Susie's. She rested the large spoon on the table. A simple wooden spoon would never look the same to Susie's eyes again.

"Come here please Susie. Either come here, or look me in the eyes and tell me you don't deserve this."

Susie looked fearfully at the spoon. She knew she could get up and walk out of here. Or simply say that she did not deserve it. The latter seemed harder.

Susie rose. She needed redemption. There could be no running from it. Mary was already so disappointed in her. She could not make it worse.

Mary slowly lifted the hem of Susie's skirt, exposing her high cut white bikinis. Mary briefly ran her hand over the pantied bottom. No, this wouldn't do. It must be done properly. Susie let out a low groan as she felt cool air rush over her privates. Susie opened her mouth to protest at this further embarrassment, but was cut short by a stinging slap on her upturned bottom. She gasped in surprise.

Mary spanked slowly, deliberately. Her hand slowly turned the naughty woman's bottom pink. Crisp, stinging slaps of her hand echoed against the walls. She spanked moderately at first, giving the younger woman some time to adjust to her first real spanking. Then the spanks got harder.

Susie gasped, letting out a low groan with each spank on her bared bottom. It had not been too bad at first, but the burning sensation was beginning to mount. Her bottom was getting hotter and Mary did not seem to be stopping. At first she had felt humiliated being half naked over Mary's lap, but her embarrassment was quickly forgotten as a more urgent issue emerged. Her bottom was really starting to hurt.

Mary stopped momentarily. She could hear Susie's laboured breathing. She moved her hand over the warm womanly curves. Yes, it seemed sufficiently warm now. She reached for the heavy spoon.

Susie could feel tears forming in her eyes when Mary abruptly stopped the spanking. She felt sorry for what she'd done, yet still somewhat empty inside. She started to push herself upwards, eager to get away from this position. Gently Mary pushed her back down again.

"Sweetie, I know this is tough, but we're just getting started here. Now hold still, this is going to burn a little."

Susie jumped with shock at the first swat from the spoon. She yelped and squirmed on Mary's lap. Mary merely tightened her grip and rained down a rapid fire volley of hard spanks on Susie's bottom. Susie cried out and flung her hand back in desperation, urgently trying to escape the sting of the spoon. With the seemingly practised ease of a mother spanking her errant child, Mary trapped the interfering hand and resumed the spanking, barely missing a beat.

The spoon danced upon Susie's bottom. Inch by inch it turned redder under the older woman's ministrations. Susie pleaded at first, protesting that it hurt too much. Then, under the relentless application of the spoon, the pleads turned to regrets, sorrow, as warm tears flowed down Susie's face.

"Susie? Are you sorry yet sweetie? Are you going to miss another exam at school?", Mary asked tenderly, the hard spoon resting against Susie's uniform red bottom.

It took several seconds for Susie to regain her composure. She nodded, then replied, her voice heavy with sobs, "It won't happen again Mary. I'm so sorry." She hung her head and burst into a fresh set of tears.

"I know sweetie. I know," Mary replied. Then she raised the spoon again and began a fresh application of the wooden implement. She spanked lighter but faster, breaking down every shred of resistance in the naughty girl over her knees. She continued until a uniform shade of bright red covered Susie's upper thighs and every inch of her bare bottom. Susie would not sit easily in her classes tomorrow.

The spoon stopped. Susie was only dimly aware that the spanking was over. She bawled like a baby over Mary's lap, her salty tears dripping off her chin onto the kitchen floor.

Mary held Susie's head to her breast, hugging her gently. The younger woman was still sobbing, tears flowing freely down her face. For long minutes she held her, stroking her hair and whispering reassuring words of forgiveness.

Finally she spoke.

"Hey, there's a sale on at Portmans. There's this little black dress I think you'd look stunning in. Want to go shopping?", Mary asked.

Susie sniffled. She wiped her eyes and looked up at Mary. She smiled gently. "I'd, I'd like that," her eyes showing no resentment. She felt contrite, but strangely fulfilled, loved.

"Well let's get there before they close. You'd better clean up that face first though. The bathroom is down the hall." Mary gave Susie a final hug, lifted her off her lap and gave her a gentle pat on her hot bottom. The thoroughly chastised girl winced as she pulled her panties over her swollen bottom, then practically skipped down the hall.

Mary watched Susie scamper off to the bathroom. She knew she'd done the right thing. To simply sweep in and turn Susie's life on its head would have only led to resentment. When the time was right, Susie would accept that her abusive father had lied - her mother had not died when she was three. The circle of mutual love was already reforming.

(c) Copyright 2002 [email protected] May be freely distributed provided no fees are charged for access to this story and the copyright message is not removed.

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