The moral of the story... ignorance is not bliss :)

A Day in the Life of Mr Vanilla

Mr Vanilla stepped out of his car, taking the daily ten minute walk to work. He was too busy thinking about the number of things on his "todo" list to notice the two female joggers go past, their curvy bottoms jiggling with each step. He walked on, past the shop selling "brand spanking new kitchen utensils" without giving it a second glance.

Arriving at the office, he stopped for a chat with the lovely new blonde secretary Mary. He was a little unkept from walking and fiddled with his belt as he adjusted his shirt. There, that was better. He didn't notice the doey glazed look Mary gave him as she stared at his leather belt.

Around lunch, Mr Vanilla decided to go for a walk and pick up a sandwich. He sat watching the passing crowds. Now, Mr Vanilla is not asexual; he watched many pretty women walking past, undressing a few tasty sights with his eyes. He did notice Mr Top near him too. He seemed to like more curvy women from where his eyes trailed. What Mr Vanilla didn't know, is that Mr Top was amusing himself by debating which implement, hand, strap or brush might be needed to deal with each potential spankee who passed.

Driving home from work, Mr Vanilla noticed a strange number plate - "BRAT", being driven by a young woman. He wondered why on earth somebody would advertise that they act like a spoiled child? How could anybody live with somebody like that he wondered.

Nearing home, Mr Vanilla stopped in at the supermarket to pick up some of his favourite vanilla ice cream. He noticed a middle aged couple arguing. The woman seemed in a foul mood. Suddenly she got real quiet and dropped her eyes as the man gave her a stern look. If only Mrs Vanilla were that easy to control!

Home in front of the television, Mr Vanilla decided to relax in the lounge until Mrs Vanilla got home. He flicked through channels, not surprisingly skipping over a game of women's tennis to watch some football. He picked up a puzzle book and worked on a crossword. Using a dictionary for help, it never once occured to Mr Vanilla to look up naughty words like "spank" or "whip" or see if "hairbrush" had a new usage listed in the latest edition.

Later that night, Mr Vanilla and Mrs Vanilla decided to play hide the salami. Mrs Vanilla was wearing a new sexy pair of white high-cut panties, but Mr Vanilla only noticed after she pointed them out. Mr Vanilla took his wife admirally from behind, she seemed to like that. Not once did he think about anything like smacking her bottom, or growling, or pulling her hair back, or ...

An hour later, as Mr Vanilla slept soundly, Mrs no-quite-so Vanilla dreamt a recurring dream about a stranger who called her a naughty young lady, threw her over his lap and spanked her silly. Now if only Mrs Vanilla could get Mr Vanilla to take an interest in women's tennis.

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