Part 1 is archived on my web site...

"But mother, I just have to go to the beach during Summer Break. I don't want to be stuck at home for four weeks," the college-aged girl implored her mother for about the fifth time for the hour.

"I've told you before, I don't approve of the company you keep, and besides, you should be spending time with your family," her mother replied.

"But mother, just everybody is going to be there. You just don't care. I'll be so bored at home hanging around old fogies," the girl argued.

"Lisa, don't take that tone with me. If you weren't so old you might find yourself sitting uncomfortably tonight," her mother hissed.

"Mother, you can't mean that. I'm way too old. I'm an adult now, not a baby," the girl said, slightly startled. However, she quickly regained her composure, confident that her mother was not serious, and resumed her tirade.

"Please, just let me go, just this once. I'll stay home next year," Lisa whined. She wished she could afford to go without her mother's help.

Her mother had heard enough. She leaned over and hissed into her daughter's ear, "If I hear one more word about that beach trip today I don't care how old you are, I'll be taking my hairbrush to your behind. Now be quiet and try and enjoy the rest of the trip."

Her daughter pouted, rolled her eyes, then slumped back into her chair with a sigh of resignation. The holidays were going to be so dull, and how could she possibly enjoy this infernal train ride, particularly when she thought about how unpleasant India was likely to be.

Lisa was surprised by her mother's threats to spank her. She hadn't been spanked in years, at least not by her mother, she thought with amusement.

Roger listened intently to the young girl arguing with her mother. He'd noticed her as soon as he'd gotten on the train. She was pretty in a cute kind of way, with long curls of reddish blonde hair that she liked to flick backwards periodically, drawing the attention of any man who hadn't noticed her already. She was dressed in a long shirt, emblazoned with the emblem of a UK university, which she wore hanging over a shortish skirt. Her British accent and bratish personality had been the icing on the cake.

Fortunately Roger had been able to get a seat close to the university student and her mother. The noise of the old train drowned out some of the details, but he'd been able to pick up most of their conversation. Roger was determined that this British brat was going to get what she was subconsciously asking for.

One of the three wishes he'd been granted by the genie was the ability to spot a woman who liked spanking by sight. It was strange how it worked. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see a slight blue tinge around some women. He assumed that this was his new ability to discover spankos, but so far all he'd gotten for his trouble was a few slaps in the face. He considered that his approach thus far was too cocky, simply asking a spanko woman if she'd like a spanking was a little forward for somebody he didn't know. He'd thought it would be so easy.

He returned his attention to the college girl, Lisa as he now knew her name. She was perhaps twenty years old, cute, bratish, and with a bottom that just begged for a firm and repeated application of his hand. The blue tinge around this girl was intense. The strongest he'd seen in the three days since he'd walked down from his revelation on the mountain. She was definitely worth a slap in the face.

Lisa looked out the window, staring at the barren sameness with a bland expression on her face. Twice she'd opened her mouth to continue her protests with her mother before thinking better of it. Not that the idea of provoking her mother into spanking her wasn't slightly appealing. Lisa just didn't think an experience with her mother's brush would be anywhere near as pleasant as some of the erotic love swat games she'd played with a few fortunate young men on campus.

With an exasperated sigh Lisa rose from her seat, an uncomfortable piece of hard leather. After telling her mother she was off to the dining car for a drink, she made her way forward through two carriages into the dining car.

The dining car was sparse, but this was hardly a luxury train. It consisted of a simple bar, manned by a gruff looking Indian man, and about half a dozen tables, most of which were empty. Lisa bought a soft drink, the temperature being far too hot to consider alcohol, and sat at an unoccupied table.

Roger watched Lisa leave the carriage, eyes glued to her skirt covered bottom. He plotted. Then, after waiting a few minutes, he followed. Moving through the next carriage he looked into each of the private sleeper rooms, finally finding what he was looking for. Fortunately it wasn't the peak of the tourist season.

Roger entered the dining car. Lisa was sitting at a table by herself, sipping a drink. Roger summoned up his courage, and walked over to her.

"Hi there, mind if I sit down? It's pretty boring travelling by yourself in a foreign country," Roger asked.

Lisa looked up in surprise at the handsome young man. She was immediately impressed by his physique, especially the strong lean arm muscles bulging through his short sleeved shirt. He certainly looked more interesting than sitting by herself.

"Sure, I could do with some company myself," Lisa replied.

Roger tried to hide his enthusiasm as he sat across from Lisa. The two made small talk for a while, discussing everything from the weather, Lisa's university courses, to Roger's sometimes risky mountain climbing. Lisa seemed interested and if Roger could read her right, was perhaps even flirting with him a little. The time was right.

"I couldn't help overhearing your argument with your mum. Sounded like you were lucky you didn't keep arguing," Roger said with a broad grin, trying to keep the tone jovial for the moment.

Lisa blushed bright red. She could not believe that other people had heard. How embarrassing!

"She's all talk. I'll get my own way eventually," Lisa said, trying to give an air of confidence she was not feeling.

"Is she? She sounded pretty serious to me. I think you were pretty close to getting a sore bottom," Roger said.

Lisa blushed a brighter shade of red. She shifted a little uneasily on her seat, wishing the conversation would turn to something less embarrassing.

"As I said, she's all talk. I'm way too old for that," Lisa said with a tone of finality.

"You think so?", Roger asked, leaning forward, speaking in a low tone. "If you ask me, you had it coming to you, and naughty girls of all ages still get spankings when they need them, or want them."

Lisa stared into Roger's eyes. They had a hard glint to them that matched his voice. She understood what he was saying, she just couldn't quite believe it. How could a man be so open about it? He could not possibly know. She crossed her legs under the table, feeling the beginnings of arousal.

"So, if I were your girlfriend, what would you do?," Lisa asked almost breathlessly.

Roger leaned closer. "If you were my girlfriend and you acted like that, I'd put you over my knee and spank your bare bottom until you were sore. Then..."

"Then what?", Lisa asked impatiently, her eyes wide with excitement.

"Then I'd spank you some more, and keep spanking until you were a very sorry girl, promising not to be naughty again. After that, I'd make passionate love to you for hours, until you were so sore you'd be begging me to stop or cum."

Lisa sighed her approval. She wished they were in her dorm room and not on a train trekking across the countryside.

"Promises, promises. Lucky I'm not your girlfriend and we're on a train, so you can't get your fiendish, sex-craved hands on me," Lisa said with a flirtatious smile.

"You might not be my girlfriend, but there is an empty sleeper room in the carriage behind us. I want you to come with me. I'm going to give you what you've been begging for."

He rose and offered Lisa his hand. Though she was incredibly excited, it was a nervous Lisa that placed her hand in his. They walked in silence, down through people packed uncomfortably into rows. At the back of the carriage there were four private rooms. Roger opened the door to one, offering entrance to Lisa.

"You're not going to spank me too hard are you?", she asked quietly, not really sure what answer she wanted.

"No more than you need."

Lisa shivered, knowing how much she needed. She walked into the small room. It consisted of two small single bunks close together. A small window provided little light, but rather let the regular clunking noise of the train penetrate into the room. At least the train was noisy.

Roger shut the door behind him. He hoped that the room really was unoccupied. If not, its owners could get a pleasant surprise when they came back. He could sense Lisa's nerves and decided to get straight to it before she changed her mind.

He sat down in the middle of one of the bunks, patting his thigh as an invitation. Lisa knew the position well and quickly moved to lie across Roger's lap. Better to get this over with quickly she thought, then see if this hunk is as good in the sack as he says he is.

Roger pulled up Lisa's long shirt, exposing her cute rounded bottom, covered by her thin cotton skirt. He slowly patted her bottom, exploring every curve.

"Lisa, the way you spoke to your mother was disgusting. You are a very naughty young lady. I'm going to give you the lesson she should be giving you. You're going to be very very sorry before I'm finished," Roger said.

Roger raised his hand, bringing down a stinging spank on Lisa's skirt. He peppered her skirt with his hand, beginning slowly, knowing he was going to raise the intensity level later. Lisa moaned and squirmed on his lap, feeling his hardness beneath her. She had expected, hoped, that he would take her skirt up, and was slightly disappointed that he hadn't.

Roger continued to spank Lisa for five long minutes - not too hard, but not softly either. He had rough, strong hands from mountain climbing, and could spank Lisa all day if he needed to. When he finally stopped, Lisa was starting to feel relieved that he hadn't taken her skirt off. But Lisa's relief was short lived; Roger was just getting started. He reached under the hem of Lisa's skirt and slowly pulled it up, exposing Lisa's high cut bone coloured panties. He tucked her skirt in under her, making sure it wouldn't get in the way.

Lisa felt Roger's hand rest on her panties. She began to realise that Roger intended to keep spanking her for quite a while yet. Her college boyfriends normally just gave her a few taps on her bottom then asked for a blow job. She wondered what she'd gotten herself into.

Roger began to spank Lisa again - firmer, slightly faster, and without the protection of the skirt, definitely with more sting. Lisa felt the heat building in her bottom. She began to cry out regularly, with each smack of palm on panties.

"Roger, please not so hard," she finally verbalised her growing distress.

"Lisa, this isn't hard yet. This is just a few love taps. You'll know when it's hard. And don't tell me your mother's hairbrush wouldn't have hurt," Roger replied, slowing, but not stopping the spanking.

Roger continued to spank Lisa's panties for another five minutes, slowly increasing the force he was using. Lisa began to cry and moan regularly, not knowing whether she wanted Roger to stop or spank harder. Although this spanking was harder than those she'd gotten from her boyfriends, it was also making her more aroused. She knew her panties were soaked.

Roger stopped, reaching into Lisa's panties and ripping them down rapidly. Lisa felt the cool air flow against her warm bottom and equally warm pussy. She pushed harder against his erection below her. She felt Roger's hand on her bare bottom, gently rubbing the warmth in.

"That was the warm up. Now for the actual spanking," Roger said, much to Lisa's alarm.

Roger lifted his arm high and brought the first of many hard spanks down on Lisa's bare bottom. He considered using one of his other secret spanking powers, but decided that what this naughty girl needed was a good, old-fashioned, bare bottom spanking til she howled. Roger had the hand and the inclination to deliver.

And didn't Roger deliver! He drove his palm and stiff fingers all around Lisa's red bottom, expertly driving cries for mercy from the naughty girl on his lap. These only served to spur Roger to greater heights, lifting his hand higher and driving it down with all of his force.

He knew to punish the same area repeatedly; he knew to concentrate on the sit spot where Lisa's round bottom met her creamy thighs; he knew to scold as he delivered, telling Lisa that she was so naughty she'd need spankings every week to make her a good girl. He knew how to make it really sting!

Lisa may not have been as experienced as Roger, but she performed like an expert spankee. She kicked, she cried, she even threw her hand back only to have it pinned, but gee she was horny. Though her bottom burned and her eyes leaked, Lisa could feel her pussy burning with desire.

Roger spanked Lisa's bare bottom for a good ten minutes, ignoring her pleas and turning every inch of her bottom bright red. Lisa finally gave up pleading and burst into tearful sobs. She felt contrite, lying helpless over Roger's lap, getting the hard bare bottom spanking she richly deserved.

When Roger finally let a sobbing Lisa off his lap, she literally attacked him, pushing him back onto the bunk and driving her tongue into his mouth. Without breaking the kiss, she used her hands to free her lover. After a few minutes of kissing and stroking, she moved down Roger's chest, her still watery eyes staring into his. She reached his hard member, slowly running her tongue up its length. Then, without breaking eye contact, she showed the depth of her appreciation to her stern disciplinarian.

She sat down gingerly on her hard leather seat. Lisa's mother looked up from the book she was reading, staring crossly at her.

"Where have you been? You've been gone for hours. And don't tell me you were in the dining car. The barman said you left in the company of a man hours ago," her mother spat.

Lisa sighed contentedly as she remembered Roger's vigorous, lengthy love making. She was still in a haze, experiencing lingering arousal.

"Mother, don't have a cow. I just spent a few idle hours making love with a man I met in the dining room," Lisa said as if she was discussing a perfectly everyday occurrence.

"Lisa Simpson, you nasty girl. I can't believe you did that. When we get to the motel tomorrow I'm going to introduce your naughty bottom to my hairbrush. Now stay put and keep quiet. Disgusting, naughty slut. Really, I'm going to make sure that my brush spanks this sluttishness out of you."

Lisa squirmed on her chair, knowing she'd be punished good and proper for being such a slut. Now she had something else to look forward to on this trip. She closed her eyes and dreamed of hairbrushes.

Roger got off the train in India, giving Lisa a final longing look as her mother nearly dragged her into a taxi. She was a hot girl; it was a shame she lived on the other side of the world.

However, Roger was pleased that one of his powers had worked, and worked so well. He was patient, and knew that an ideal opportunity to use his other two secret spanking powers would eventuate; it was only a matter of time.

(c) Copyright 2001 [email protected] May be freely distributed provided no fees are charged for access to this story and the copyright message is not removed.

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