This is going to be a pretty light story. It will have M/F, F/M spanking and a little sex...

This first part does not have any spanking or sex at all :)

The wind whistled around his thick jacket, spraying particles of ice over what little of his face was visible. He pulled his jacket tighter, desperate to retain what warmth he had left. He glanced upwards as he walked, noting the darkness of the sky with alarm.

The ground crumbled under him, sending Roger sprawling to the ground. Shaken, but unhurt, he picked himself up, glimpsing the tall peaks above as he rose, partially covered by mist and the driving snow. The need for shelter was becoming more urgent.

Roger crawled carefully to the top of the precipice and peered down the cliff. He was too high up. He'd never make it down before nightfall. A blast of cold wind across his face was an unwelcome reminder of the situation.

Roger moved away from the cliff, half running, half stumbling towards the base of the nearest peak. He collapsed in a ball, shivering with cold. His mind raced, desperation taking hold. He lent against the icy wall of the peak, collecting his thoughts.

The wall collapsed, and Roger fell. He crashed through sheets of ice, snow and rock, sliding across rough ground until he crashed into something hard. He blacked out.

Roger woke with a start, splaying his arms in alarm. Then he realised slightly sheepishly that he'd already stopped falling. He peeled himself off the ground, rubbing his hand against his aching head.

He was near the end of a dimly lit cave, about ten feet from where he'd fallen. A gentle rocky slope led up to where he'd fallen through the thin ice. At least getting out would not be a problem.

Outside, the storm still raged. Roger was protected from the brunt of it, though chilly winds still occasionally whistled into the cave. He huddled into a sheltered corner, burying himself into his jacket. He waited.

Morning brought relief. Roger squinted his eyes as sunlight reflected off the icy walls. At last, he thought, rising from where he had slept. As Roger turned towards the cave entrance, his eyes caught a light shining off something on the floor of the cave.

Despite his keenness to get back to camp, curiosity won out, and Roger bent over the floor, pushing ice and loose rocks away from the embedded object. It was made of a dull metal, perhaps brass. Roger worked for nearly a hour to free it, spurred on my boyhood fantasies of buried treasure, while telling himself that he was being foolish.

With a final heave, Roger pulled the 'treasure' from its resting place, showering himself in dirt and rocks. He held the object to the light. It no longer seemed worth the effort. He had uncovered an old partially-corroded tea pot. At least that is what it looked like.

He sighed with disappointment, leaning against a wall before laughing out loud at himself. He tossed the useless junket across the cave, watching it bounce heavily across the hard floor. Still shaking his head, he considered what else it looked like. Then he laughed again at the thought, thinking he'd been stuck in this cave for far too long. He picked himself up and started to walk out of the cave, giving the tea pot one last look.

He could not do it. He had to try. Nobody would ever know. Roger turned, and walked over to the discarded tea pot and picked it up. Tentatively and with a strange sense of expectation, he put his finger onto the bronze surface; then he rubbed it.

Hot gas burst out of the pipe at the end of the pot, scalding Roger's face. He dropped the pot, backing away against the wall in fear. Smoky gas filled the cave, before condensing into a ball above the steaming pot. Roger could swear he could see the features of a face forming in the gas cloud. He tried to push further away, but the wall behind him was solid rock.

The cloud of gas continued to swirl, slowly solidifying into a huge ball of what looked like, grey fairy floss. Roger considered running, but his legs were paralysed with fear. The features that Roger had seen in the cloud became more apparent, until Roger was convinced it was staring at him.

"Who wakens Audlib after so many years?," a booming voice echoed from the cloud.

Roger's jaw dropped. The face in the cloud was actually talking to him.

"Well, who wakens Audlib? If you want your wishes you'd better speak up," the voice boomed.

"Ahh. Roger, Roger McLean," Roger answered hesitantly.

He felt ridiculous talking to a cloud of gas, but the talk of wishes had perked his interest. Had he really freed a genie?

"Well Roger, you have freed me from five thousand years entrapped in a tea pot. For that, I grant you three wishes. Choose them now and choose wisely," the genie said, its eyes bulging as it spoke.

Roger was taken aback and took a moment to gather his thoughts. Every boy and girl wonders during their childhood what they'd wish for if they freed a genie. Now it was coming true! Why couldn't he remember all of those boyhood fantasies now?

The genie studied Roger patiently. Audlib had waited five thousand years, a few extra minutes was inconsequential. Finally, Roger spoke.

"I wish I could fly through the air like SuperMan, faster than a speeding bullet," Roger wished, feeling slightly foolish despite the presence of what seemed like a bona fide genie. He was almost waiting for a man with a camera to pop out and say "practical joke".

"Sorry Roger, you can't wish for that. I'm not that type of genie," the genie replied.

"Well what can I wish for?" Roger said, feeling slightly cheated.

"It depends on the person that finds me. In your case..."

The genie went on to explain exactly what Roger could wish for. At first Roger could not believe his ears. Who'd have thought? Then he realised the things he could wish for, and how interesting life could become.

An hour later Roger had made his three wishes. The genie seemed pleased with his choices and wished him well before streaming out of the cave like a puff of smoke rising from a fire.

Roger walked out of the cave, smiling broadly. He headed down from the slopes of Tibet towards base camp. He could not wait to meet some young women to try out his new powers on. Fancy discovering a genie. And most of all, fancy discovering a spanko genie!

(c) Copyright 2001 [email protected] May be freely distributed provided no fees are charged for access to this story and the copyright message is not removed.

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