Princess Marie (M/F)

The dark haired beauty marched up to her father, stamping her foot on the plush carpet. "No Daddy, I don't want to go to Washington. I want to go to school in Texas."

She was speaking in perfect Vorarlbergerisch, a little known dialect of Austria, as was to be expected by the teenage daughter of the Arch Duchess of Vorarlberg.

Marie's elderly father Carl sighed, ready to cave into his stubborn daughter's demands again. Much like her mother, when Marie's dark eyes flashed, Carl folded. "Marie, Washington is far more civilized. Texas is not the place for a young princess. We have your security to consider."

Marie turned her eyes away, unsure how her father would react to what she was about to propose. "Daddy, I've been thinking, I really want to see America as a normal person. Couldn't I go on my student exchange, like not as the Princess of Vorarlberb, but as an ordinary person?"

Carl's hands flew up. "But Marie, you'd be treated like a commoner! That'd be indecent and out of the question for my daughter."

Marie gave her father her best puppy dog eyes, putting her hands on her father's chest. "Please Daddy, just think about it. I don't want to be surrounded by security guards while I'm there. This would be so special to me."

Carl grumbled, pursing his lips. "I'll think about it. Now you my little princess better go brush up on your English, it's woeful."

Marie hugged her father tightly. "Thank you Daddy. I'll be so good in America I promise."

Marie straightened her hair as she walked up the driveway of Timpson High. She looked back at the black Mercedes parked discretely a block away. Keeping the two secret service agents away from school had been more difficult than getting her father onside.

Asking passing students for directions in broken English, Marie made her way to the principal's office. She was so excited about learning at a real school. At home, she'd had private tutors (generally wrapped around her finger) and nobody to have fun with.

The principal was a tall man of medium build with a hint of facial hair. He had a gruff mannerism that radiated authority with few words. He gestured to the seat in front of his desk. "Take a seat Marie. I know you're keen to get to class, but I won't hold you up long.

Marie smiled and sat in the offered seat. "Thank you Principal Cooper. It pleasure to be there."

Principal Cooper smiled at Marie's slip, but did not comment. He sat and proceeded to outline the school layout, history and rules. Marie tried to keep up, but he was talking very fast and cutting over sentences. It wasn't like the English audio tapes at all.

He paused and reached into his desk, pulling out a long wooden paddle. "Now Marie, I'm sure this won't be necessary for a senior, but we do use the paddle as a last resort option here at Timpson."

Marie's eyes never left the paddle. She nodded trancelike. "Yes Principal Cooper, I see it is much necessary to spank seniors."

Principal Cooper gave Marie a curious look, shrugged and stood up. "Off to class now Marie. You're in block B for first period. I hope you have an enjoyable stay here."

Marie settled in quickly. Language barriers aside, the other girls were friendly and wanted to know all about life in Austria. She told the girls mostly the truth, just leaving out the princess part. Of the other girls, it was mousy brown-eyed Amy who Marie bonded with. She had a nervous giggle and the sweetest smile. She also spoke slowly, making things much easier for Marie.

The hardest thing to take was the strictness of the teachers. Even a few minutes late and you could get a "tardy", and three of those could get you a suspension, or even a paddling, though Amy said senior girls didn't get paddled, mostly.

Back in Austria, time revolved around Marie. She got up when she was ready. She left for the theatre when she was ready. It wasn't as if the show could start without her. Being on time wasn't in the young princess's nature. Not surprisingly, she picked up her first three tardies in her first week at Timpson.

Amy gave her a sympathetic look as she staggered in fifteen minutes late on her first Friday morning. Middle aged Maths teacher Mrs Burns, a tyrant at the best of times, had already had quite enough of the foreign student with no head for the clock. She handed Marie the note, already written up for her arrival.

"It's off to Principal Cooper with you my haughty young foreign miss. I suggest you use you two days suspension to work on your time management."

Marie slumped her shoulders as she headed to the office, each footstep heavy with dread, the pit of her stomach a tornado of nerves.

Principal Cooper closed the door behind Marie, striding back to his desk, a man on a mission. He gestured for Marie to sit and reviewed the note from Mrs Burns.

"Well, you haven't taken long to get into trouble young lady."

Marie stammered, her voice clamping up, concentration a mess, "I'm sorry not long running late Sir."

Principal Cooper shook his head and deciding conversation wasn't a great deal of point, pulled out his trusty paddle, his willful brat breaker as he liked to call it. He tapped the paddle on his hand, "Now Marie, it's time for you to taste the paddle, or you can opt for no swats and in-school suspension".

Marie looked like a doe caught in flood lights. She twisted her hands nervously. "No suspenders, ya, panties Sir." She looked at the paddle like it was the grim reaper and she was the next confused victim. "Paddle for eating Sir?"

Principal Cooper stood, picking up the paddle, twirling it in his large hands. "Up girl, if you can't tell me what you want, I'll give you want you need."

Marie stood on shaky legs. She had to be helped over the desk, guided by Principal Cooper's strong arms. The paddle felt hard and cold through her pants as he ran circles on her curvy bottom. The local rage at Timpson was skin tight slacks; you could mould them to your behind and somehow get away with it. The teachers would never let you get away with denim jeans that tight.

The paddle swung back; Marie held her breath. Principal Cooper swished the paddle against the fullest part of Marie's bottom, knowing to follow through, attempting to drive the paddle a foot past Marie's bottom.

Marie winced, letting out a sharp exhale, more of complete shock. A week ago she was living in luxury, nights full of fluffy dresses and fine dinner parties with foreign diplomats, now she was bent over the principal's desk getting her first paddling.

Principal Cooper swatted Marie again, burning her lower cheeks with a spank that drove her forward on the desk, her tight pants providing little protection. She clutched her hands into balls and fought back tears.

Principal Cooper put the paddle on the desk and pushed a form in front of Marie. "Sign here."

Marie rubbed her burning bottom with one hand while she signed the punishment form. She gathered her bag and walked gingerly back to class, wondering what a whole year at Timpson would be like if the first week was any guide.

Mr James was the most dashing of the staff, jet black hair, broad shoulders and a body that was trim from regular workouts. His passion for History kept the students interested, and in Marie's case, starry eyed. She couldn't understand all that he said, so she concentrated on his pale blue eyes and that top shirt button that kept undoing itself.

Mr James was lecturing about slavery, and how slaves were regularly beaten, until more enlightened times of course. Marie paid little attention, except when he turned his back and she could admire his bottom more discretely from her trouble-makers seat at the back of the room.

"Did you know class, that once upon a time, corporal punishment was used everywhere, jails, city squares, why even teachers used to be able paddle students. Say..."

Mr James looked towards the back wall. Proudly hanging pride of place in the back of the room was an old paddle, a relic and a reminder for unruly students of what waited at the principal's office.

"Marie, can you get the paddle off the wall for me?"

Marie jumped to attention, ripped cruelly from her day dreams. She clutched the oak paddle in her hands tightly, afraid of dropping it, and walked to the front of the class. Mr James took the paddle gratefully and waited for Marie to return to her desk.

Marie swallowed, her eyes wide as saucers. "I didn't mean attention pay no, ya." She turned resigned and bent over the teacher's desk towards the class. The class immediately burst into laughter, sending Marie's face a bright shade of crimson. How could they be so cruel in America?

Mr James chuckled, waving the paddle, playing up to the joke a little. He started to put the paddle down, to put the poor foreign girl out of her misery. The class sensed something special. "Paddle her Sir, go on," a male voice cried from the back. The voice turned into a chorus. Poor Marie just wished it would be over with. Why was he taking so long?

Lusty boys eyed the foreign princess, her dark eyes and well groomed locks gave Marie an exotic look the local girls couldn't compare with. The girls, jealous of the undeserving attention the newcomer got, bayed for blood. Even Marie's friend Amy was amused, joining in the chants, though unprepared for what happened next.

Mr James swung the paddle down, connecting with Marie's bottom with a resounding crack on her pants. Marie gasped; he spanked nearly as hard as the principal. The class roared in approval, unable to believe the prank had gone this far.

Marie had a bottom that can hypnotize any male. Powerful urges were surging through Mr James's mind. He swung the paddle again, eyes riveted to Marie's bottom as the paddle rearranged her pants. She gasped in pain. The laughing had died down. A few of the girls snickered, watching the obvious distress on Marie's face. The boys were silent, captivated.

Mr James paddled Marie again, the hard oak echoing around the walls of the room. Marie gripped the desk, her hands white, her eyes water filled. The paddle had burned just her right cheek, ignoring her left. Mr James held the paddle back. He looked around the class, taking in the silent stares. Symmetry was too important. He brought the paddle down one last time on the naughty princess's bottom, setting a fire on her left cheek.

Marie sniffled on the desk, a couple of tears sliding down her face. She was dimly aware of the paddle being put down on the desk beside her and the school bell ringing. She stayed over the desk, head down, unable to face her class mates as they filed out in excited whispers.

Mr James lifted her to her feet, giving her a brief un-teacher-like hug, too brief for Marie's liking. He looked her in the eye, his voice nervous, "I um, guess you won't be naughty in class again Marie."

Marie dropped her eyes, shaking her head. A paddling in front of the class was way too embarrassing.

Principal Cooper was very annoyed with Marie. She was in trouble for the third time in two months. He'd already paddled her twice; this time he'd have to make a firmer impression on her.

He looked at the girl before him. She was older than the other students at the school, but still in her late teens, certainly not too old for a good dose of the paddle. She nervously clasped her hands, eyes lowered. For once she was wearing a skirt; summer must have finally made those blasted pants too hot. Nothing beat paddling a girl in a short skirt.

He sighed, reaching into his desk for his trusty paddle. He intended to give her a good six today, so a witness might be a good idea. He popped his head out the door for Roger, the Assistant Principal. The girl frowned at this additional humiliation as a bulky overweight man strolled in behind Principal Cooper. She gave Principal Cooper a fierce glare.

"Got a live one Rog. I keep paddling her and she keeps coming back," Principal Cooper said.

Roger chuckled. "You old softie. You'll have to leave a better impression on her eh Cooper."

Pricinple Cooper grinned back at Roger, then turned his attention to the meek princess. "You know the position, over the desk girl. You've quite a lesson coming."

Marie stood, nervously eying the two men. She submissively draped herself over the desk, her short skirt riding up her shapely thighs. She felt the paddle tapping on her bottom and knew what was coming.

Principal Cooper stepped back. "Marie, spread those legs a bit wider now, slowly now, too narrow and you'll get it all in one spot, too wide and your skirt will lift."

Marie blushed, her face burning. She spread her legs wider apart. Unable to face the watching men, she reached back with her hands to flip her skirt up, revealing high cut white panties on a perfect bottom. Neither man breathed for three seconds.

Principal Cooper looked at Roger. "Her English isn't too good."

Roger shrugged with a smile. "Fortunately everything else looks up to scratch."

Principal Cooper delivered the first burning swat, admiring the impact on Marie's curves. The tardy student kicked her legs and tried to remain stolic. Redness on either side of Marie's panties confirmed that this paddling was going to be memorable.

Principal Cooper gave Marie the paddling of her life. His large paddle turned every inch of Marie's bottom a scarlet red, her panties offering no protection as they crept further into her bottom as she kicked and twisted in vain. Tears followed pleas, sobs followed tears. When Principal Cooper's paddling was over, Marie was one very sorry young lady.

Roger looked at the crying girl bent over the principal's desk, red bottom protruding from the sides of her panties. He smiled. "You definitely made an impression that time. She's a sorry girl now."

Principal Cooper looked at the tearful girl, now rubbing her bottom and doing the timeless well-spanked bottom dance. He was glad he'd finally taught the exchange student something she'd remember when she went home. He escorted the Assistant Principal out and thanked him for his time.

He handed Marie a few tissues along with the punishment form. She had recovered quickly, but he knew she wouldn't be sitting easily for several days. She certainly was pretty, even with red puffy eyes from crying.

He smiled reassuringly, resting a hand on Marie's shoulder. "Now I hope you start to behave yourself young lady. Or you'll find yourself with a sore bottom on a regular basis. I can see you back here once a week if need be."

Marie nodded, picking up her bag and giving a forced smile. She rubbed her swollen bottom with her other hand. She got to the door, turned and said, "I behave try soon Sir." She looked sadly at me. "Friday class after paddle ya?"

Principal Cooper nodded as the girl shut the door behind her, his draw dropped as he took in her last sentence. He laughed loud and heartily. He picked up his paddle and gave it a few practice swings. This was going to be the best year yet.

Marie rushed up to her father and gave him a huge hug. She'd been home a couple of hours and waiting for him to come home had been awful.

Carl pinched his daughter's cheek lightly. "How was my sweet princess's time in America?"

Marie replied in perfect Vorarlbergerisch, "I had a great time. The school was real strict, but everyone was really nice."

Carl kissed his daughter on the cheek and gave her another hug. "I've missed you so much. We must catch up, you must tell me everything."

Marie smiled. "Tonight Daddy, after dinner. I'm sort of on the phone downstairs right now," she lied.

Marie skipped back downstairs. Catching up with Father would be great, but she was in the middle of something really important.

She went to her room and locked the door behind her. She sat down at the computer, still in the middle of an Internet chat session. She'd had to run away in the middle of something hot - her "saucy_princess" was about to be paddled by "strict_principal". She hitched up her skirt and began to type away.


Principal Cooper looked down at the end of year results. The students had done particularly well this year, probably due to his willingness to paddle any misbehavior out of erring students he figured.

Interestingly, one Marie van Ivenberg had topped the school. He could still see Marie draped over his desk, at least once a week given her Friday afternoon appointments for a dose of the paddle. She'd stopped wearing panties on Fridays about halfway through the year, and who was he to complain really?

He looked at her marks and the teacher's comments - English, 97%, "outstanding oral and written skills". He smiled, his suspicions confirmed. What a sexy girl, he thought.

Opps, she's back. He looked up at the computer screen. Time to pick up his cyber paddle and give saucy_princess a good dose of old fashioned American style discipline. She was a feisty one. How he'd love to spank this girl in real life!

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