Nancy Drew and the Horror at Hillside (M/F) - Part III

        A Nancy Drew Parody
        All characters copyright the Stratemeyer Syndicate 

Ned had the ball again, swerving and ducking around defenders as swiftly as a dolphin through water. He stopped inches shy of the three point line, balancing on the balls of his feet and letting the ball soar. Nancy squealed as the ball sunk into the hoop, nudging Bess beside her as the Boomers surged past the hapless Alligators.

The pace of the game was electric. Nancy looked around the packed stadium. Everybody was on the edge of their chairs, and it was still two minutes before half time. Nancy did a double take as she spotted Tim and Sophie Terry in the patron's box. Their faces were dead of emotion, watching the game as if in a deep sleep.

Nancy hung her head. She should be out trying to find their daughter instead of wasting precious time here at the game. The police had been unable or unwilling to obtain a warrant based on her evidence and time was running out. Tomorrow the moon would be full, and if she was right, the horror that had captivated River Heights would reach its conclusion.

The siren signaled half time. Nancy kept up appearances, waving to Ned as he headed over to the team huddle. Telling Bess she was off to the ladies, Nancy headed up the isle towards the patron's box.

Sophie Terry had not seemed to notice the game had stopped. She stared red eyed into the distance. Being Mayor, Tim Terry could not escape unwelcome attention so easily. A queue of well wishers and back slappers used the half time interval to offer their almost sincere condolences to the city Mayor.

Nancy gripped Sophie's shoulder softly. "I'm so sorry Sophie. I'm doing all I can to find Sarah, I promise."

Sophie looked up at Nancy, meeting the young sleuth's eyes with a soft though sad smile. She placed her hand on top of Nancy's. "Thank you sweetheart, that means a lot to me."

Nancy did not want to intrude too much, and turned to leave the couple to their thoughts and prayers when a glimmer caught her gaze. Tim was talking to Chief McGinnis, catching up on the latest progress on the case. His hands gripped the top of the box. He wore a gold ring bearing a serpent.

Nancy swayed, her eyes glued to the ring. Tim turned to face her with a challenging stare. She knew those eyes, that voice. The man in the scarlet robes stared at her, stripped bare, despite the navy suit he wore tonight. Nancy regained her composure, pulling her eyes from the ring and forcing a smile as she backed away.

Nancy's eased her Mustang into the cemetery car park for the third time in five days. This time she knew she was right. Nancy had never felt more uncertain. The Mayor was implicated. There were at least a dozen other dressed in robes that night; others were certainly involved. She had to find Sarah by herself.

She reached the abandoned residence. The ground floor window facing the cemetery was dark tonight. Nancy skirted the side of the building. Aware that she was disobeying her father again, she rubbed her bottom subconsciously, still able to feel the lingering effects of her father's spanking.

Flicking on her torch, Nancy stepped into the darkened residence. She scanned the room, shining the torch over the bare wooden floors. A blood red pentagram had been inscribed on the floor in the middle of the room. Nancy felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as she stepped closer. A long handled dagger was embedded in the wood, point down in the centre of the pentagram.

A rickety staircase led upstairs. Nancy took the stairs carefully. The light was poor and the stairs wobbled with each step. A door hung open at the top of the stairs. Nancy leaned closer, eager for the faintest sound of a little lost girl, dreading what she might hear, what she might find. She heard nothing.

Nancy pushed the door open, stepping into a small scarcely furnished room. She shone the torch around the walls. Except for a small bed, the room was bare. Nancy's spirits sunk, though she was determined for little Sarah's sake to push on.

Nancy shone the torch over the stark floorboards, searching for clues. Reaching a dead end, Nancy turned and headed back towards the stairs. A thin wisp permeated through the floorboards. Nancy spun round. The noise came again, a shallow scraping sound from near the bed.

The corners screeched on the floor as Nancy dragged the bed out from the wall. On hands and knees, Nancy ran her hands over the floorboards. She traced over something metal, a latch. She put the torch down, unbolting the latch and pulling it up with both hands. Two panels in the floor lifted with a tired groan. Nancy grabbed the torch and shone it down into the darkness.

A dirty little girl with hair curls looked up towards the light. She was gagged and dressed in white robes, but appeared to be uninjured. Nancy reached down and pulled the young child to her. Tears of relief flowed down Nancy's face.

Nancy pulled the blindfold from Sarah's eyes, savoring the recognition on the young girl's face. "Are you okay Sarah? Can you walk if I pull you out of there?"

Sarah squinted, her eyes still adjusting to the light. She lifted her wrist up to the light. "The bad people chained me up." A length of steel chain extended from a bracelet on Sarah's wrist to one of the walls.

Nancy yanked on the chain, but it was stuck fast. She needed the crowbar from her car. "Sarah, I have to go and get help to get you out of here. Hold tight and keep quiet. I won't be long."

Sarah frowned, looking as if she was going to start crying at any moment. "I want to go home Nancy. Promise to come back? Please Nancy."

Nancy smiled, "I promise Sarah, cross my heart. Now I need you to be a very brave girl and wait for me, okay?" Sarah nodded though didn't look entirely happy. Nancy placed a kiss on the child's forehead and made her way back down the staircase.

The hairs on the back of her neck stood up when she shone the torch into the lower room. The knife was missing from the middle of the pentagram. A blur of movement struck the torch from her hand. The torch scattered across the room and shattered into the far wall.

A dark shape dressed in scarlet robes loomed in front of her. "Malrick should have killed you when he had the chance. I won't miss the opportunity."

Moonlight cast an eerie glow around Tim Terry's face. River Height's Mayor and Sarah's own father stood before her, sporting a gloating smile and demented glaze. He held the silver knife up to the moonlight, casting reflections on Nancy's blouse.

The evil Mayor advanced on Nancy, knife out in front of him. Nancy inched backwards until she felt a wall behind her. "There's no escape now you little snoop."

Nancy looked over Tim's shoulder, widening her eyes. The mayor spun his head round, unable to help himself. She lashed out with her right sand shoe, catching the malevolent bastard right where it hurts. He crumpled into a heap, dropping the knife for more urgent concerns. Nancy raced past him to the relative safety outside the front door of the residency. She heard cursing and stumbling behind her.

Tim Terry staggered out the front of the residency, knife in his hand, clad in the scarlet robes of secret sect of Hillside, still clutching his swollen privates with his other hand. He looked surprised to see three patrol cars parked on the residency lawn and even more surprised when two policemen jumped him from behind, pushing him face first into the mud.

The full moon shone over the lake. Nancy huddled closer to Ned on the blanket they had laid down at the edge of the lake. She was frisky, kissing his neck repeatedly and squeezing his buns with her hands, trying to coax Ned to make love to her. Detective work is rather stressful after all.

Ned's strong hands roamed her slender body, making Nancy squirm with delight. He leaned back, looking his love in the eyes. "Is it over now? I mean, did they get them all?"

Nancy purred, running her hand up Ned's inner thigh. "I hope so. The police found a list of the sect's members when they raided Malrick's house. Hopefully they're all behind bars by now."

"What about poor little Sarah?"

"She's doing it tough. It's not every day you find out your daddy is a killer. She's a tough kid though, with the love of her mum and enough time, she'll bounce back."

Ned smiled. "I hope so. Just as I hope River Heights is quiet for a while. If Bess hadn't have guessed what you were up to, and your father hadn't gone out on a limb, I might have found myself at your funeral."

Nancy pouted. "I had it under control, mostly."

Ned shook his head. "I'm not kidding sweetie. From now on I'm going to keep a closer eye on you. You'll be more careful, and I'll take corrective measures when you aren't, starting right now."

Ned sat up, his powerful arms gliding Nancy over his lap. Nancy protested, but Ned ignored her, lifting up her skirt. The cold night air raised goose bumps on her thighs, though Nancy had other concerns as Ned pulled her lacy panties down.

"No, please Ned," she whined.

Ned's hand came down sharply on Nancy's bare cheeks. She squirmed on her lover's lap as he applied strict discipline. Ned did not spank as hard as her father, but the spanking seemed to be going on much longer. Nancy began to plead, feeling the heat rising in her bottom.

She twisted, feeling helpless. Ned was so strong. He'd never been so dominant before, and despite the growing sting of Ned's palm, Nancy was finding this spanking a massive turn on. Gosh, what would her friends think of Nancy Drew getting spanked by her boyfriend? She imagined Bess and Georgia watching as Ned spanked her, the thoughts feeding a fresh surge of heat between her thighs.

Ned was unaware of the shifting feelings in his young love and spanked her cheeks to a rosy shade of red. Nancy accepted her boyfriend's discipline, sobbing quietly as he lit a fire on her bare bottom. The throbbing between her legs matched her throbbing cheeks, unsure if she wanted him to stop, but thankful when he finally did.

Nancy's eyes weren't the only thing wet when Ned finally let her up. She pushed him down to the ground kissing him passionately, driven by a primal feminine urge. The young lovers kissed deeply, their hands undoing zips and ripping at buttons. Nancy had never been so overwhelmed by passion.

Ned responded in turn, rolling Nancy over onto her back. He found her hot and wet when he entered her, driving her against the blanket. He pumped his hardness into her, eliciting gasps of pleasure with each stroke. Nancy's fingers dug into his bottom urging him deeper. "Does it hurt when I push your bottom into the blanket?" he whispered, voice quivering with tension.

"Yes, it does." Nancy moaned with pleasure as her bottom hit the ground again. "Do it harder."

Ned grinned, taking Nancy with hard urgency. Nancy wrapped her legs around her lover's waist. He'd never felt so big before. She felt the tell tail quivers as she pushed herself back against Ned's hard body. Her neck flushed. She felt the vibrations, squeezing herself around Ned. She felt like a spring would up ready to burst.

"Oh Ned..."

Nancy's back arched. She came hard, shuddering around her boyfriend's cock. Ned could hold off no longer; Nancy's glove like vice taking him over the edge. He shot and shot and shot, firing deep into his lover.

Ned kissed Nancy's forehead. They were drenched in perspiration, but huddling close under the blanket as the autumn cold started to catch up with them. Nancy snuggled in closer. Soon they would be making love again, slower this time. The night was still young.

"I'll have to spank you more often I think, my bad little girl."

Nancy smiled. "I'm a good girl. You won't need to spank me again."

Ned chuckled. "Nancy Drew, you're not getting off that easily. I know what a good girl you are. I'm going to have to dream up things to spank your cute bottom for."

"You really mean to spank me, even if I'm not bad?" Nancy's voice was mixture of concern and excitement.

Ned stroked Nancy's face affectionately. "You didn't seem to mind that spanking too much. If you're really a bad girl I'll have to use my belt to teach you a proper lesson."

The thought of Ned spanking her with his belt brought back several recent fantasies. Nancy held her breath. "You know Ned, remember last Christmas when you got jealous of Joe Hardy and I said nothing happened."

Ned's eyes narrowed. "Yes."

"I went out dancing with Joe while you were in LA."


Nancy blushed. "Well, I didn't kiss him or anything, but I was horny and we sort of ended up dirty dancing."

Ned wiggled his finger in front of Nancy's face. "You're a very naughty girl. I'm going to have to spank your bare bottom with my belt for that."

Nancy wriggled against Ned's body, feeling warm and tingly all over and glad Ned didn't point out that she didn't even like Joe, or dancing for that matter. "I know, often."

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