Nancy Drew and the Horror at Hillside (M/F) - Part II

        A Nancy Drew Parody
        All characters copyright the Stratemeyer Syndicate 

Nancy stepped out of the shower. Despite the chill of mid-autumn, she'd had to shower with cold water to soothe her burning bottom. She dried herself and slipped on her loosest nightie, choosing to skip wearing panties for a change. Her bottom was just too sore.

Nancy's heart skipped a beat at the sound of her father's car coming up the driveway. She raced down the stairs two at a time. She waited impatiently at the front door as her father stepped up to the front porch.

"What news Dad? Did you find Sarah?"

Carson Drew looked tired. He shook his head and walked inside. "I'm sorry. We didn't find anything Nancy."

Nancy followed her father inside to the living room. "But Dad, I know what I heard. Did you look upstairs?"

Carson went to the bar, fixing himself a scotch on ice. He turned to face his daughter, disappointment etched on his face. "Nancy, I went with Chief McGinnis and ten other officers. We tore the place apart. There was nothing there."

Nancy hung her head. She had been so sure.

"Nancy, Malrick said you were there trespassing earlier too. I'm really disappointed in you."

"I'm sorry Daddy. I just wanted to find Sarah."

"Honey, believe me, we all do. But you took a lot of good people off the case on a wild goose chase. Not to mention upsetting a harmless old man."

Nancy flushed. She was too embarrassed to tell her Father about the belting Malrick had given her. She knew hope harmless Malrick was.

"I want you off this case Nancy. You know I normally support you, but this time it's too important, being the Mayor's daughter and all."

"But Dad, I can help..."

"No honey. Sarah's clothes were found in a dumpster today. Her parents are resigned to the inevitable. They don't need you raising false hopes. You're off the case and that's final."

Nancy nodded, feeling a hollow feeling in her stomach at the unwanted news. Poor Sarah, how could this happen?

"Good, now you remember what I said would happen next time you disobeyed me. You might be eighteen, but I've probably been a bit soft on you since your mother died. You'd best scamper off to bed now before I decide to punish you here and now."

Nancy blushed. Her father's warning was a little too close to this afternoon's events. She kissed her father goodnight and went upstairs to bed.

Nancy slept fitfully on her stomach. Try as she might, she could not shake the image of Malrick strapping her with his belt. The disturbing part of her dreams was that Malrick kept blurring into her boyfriend Ned, standing tall, naked and erect as he brought the belt down on her waiting bottom.

Nancy spotted the maroon pick-up at a hundred yards. She had been out for a trip to the grocer. Making her father a nice dinner might soothe his disappointment. Now, as she stood beside the pick-up parked outside the police station, there was no mistake.

She took a breath and walked inside. Nancy was not surprised to see Frank and Joe Hardy talking in front of the police counter. Trust them to be here. Nancy started to walk towards them and then realized neither had seen her. Maybe she could pick up some clues.

"Can you believe we're standing here in River Heights eh Joe? Smack bang in the middle of Nancy Drew's turf and the police ask for our help," Frank Hardy said.

Joe laughed. "I can't believe she's grounded from the case, must be losing her touch."

Frank chuckled, punching his brother in the shoulder. "You're still smarting from losing her touch to that jock Ned bro. Maybe you shouldn't have threatened to take her over your knee last time she sassed you."

"I couldn't help myself Frank. That butt of hers is so darn cute it's like it was cast from a mould of my hand."

Nancy could take no more. She stepped in between the two astonished sleuths. "Excuse me, but Ned is the only one that touches my butt. Now you two boys better stay here where it's safe. I have a case to solve."

Nancy stormed from the police station. In the distance she could hear those two blasted Hardy brothers burst into uncontrollable laughter.

Nancy picked at her food. The housekeeper Hannah had cooked her favourite dish, but Nancy could not get her mind off poor Sarah, and merely rearranged the food on her plate. Something was gnawing at her, burning away at the back of her mind. She knew she was missing something very important.

Nancy put her fork down and raced past a startled Hannah up to her room. She grabbed the newspaper from her desk, studying the photo of Sarah and her father intently. That's it, she thought. Sarah's doll, or at least its head, had been in Marlick's sack. Nancy had only had a brief look at it before Marlick burst in, but she was certain it was the same doll.

Nancy got dressed, grabbing a torch from the study. Calling the police was not an option, and since her father was out of town until the morning, now was the time to test her theory.

The drive across town was torture. Nancy kept finding herself straying over the speed limit. She forced herself to stay calm and relaxed, which was difficult considering how excited she was. She only hoped she was not too late for poor Sarah.

She parked a way down from the cemetery, preferring to walk further to avoid the car being seen. Nancy dared not use her torch. She used the light from the three quarter full moon to find her way, retracing her path from two days ago.

Light shone from the ground floor window of the old caretaker's building. Nancy could hear voices and see movement from her hiding place in the long grass. She strained in vain to hear what was going on inside.

Navigating the fence was much easier in her navy slacks. Her bottom had finally recovered enough to slip into one of her tighter pairs, though not too tight to restrict movement. Nancy knew she might need to be able to run like the wind tonight.

Nancy crept up to the window, each step making what sounded to Nancy like a clamor on the long grass. She peered over the windowsill, risking a glance. Hooded figures in black robes stood in rows. An imposing figure in a scarlet robe stood near the top of the room, gesturing with his hands, commanding respect as he moved among the others. Nancy could not see his face, but there was something familiar about the scarlet figure, the way he moved, and that booming voice.

The scarlet robed man raised his hands. "The time is near loyal subjects. When the moon is full, the chosen one's end will appease our master. Let us drink to our life of eternal favour."

The black robed figures raised golden goblets in unison. Nancy noticed that they each wore a gold ring that bore some kind of dragon, or perhaps a serpent. The people in the black robes leaned back, revealing more of their faces. Nancy could make out both men and women. Their eyes were glazed over as they raised their goblets. They chanted foul words in a foreign tongue as they poured red liquid over their own faces.

The headlights of an approaching vehicle sliced across the cemetery behind Nancy. She pulled back from the window. Marlick's truck was approaching. It was time to get away from these deranged people while she could. Nancy stepped into the darkness and slid away, running once she was clear of the building.

Nancy was surprised to see her father's car in the driveway as she pulled her convertible alongside it. He must be home from New York early. Excited by what she witnessed at Hillside cemetery, Nancy skipped up the front steps, hoping to catch her father before he went to bed.

She found her father in the lounge reading a newspaper. "Daddy, I was right about the cemetery, and I think Sarah might still be alive. We have to act quickly," Nancy blurted out.

Carson Drew put down his newspaper. He eyed his daughter up and down. "Nancy, slow down. Sit down and tell me what on earth made you go out to Hillside when I specifically ordered you not to. Then, tell me what you saw."

Nancy sighed, sitting down on a sofa chair next to her father. She could see her father was angry she'd broken a promise to stay off the case, but he just couldn't be mad at her after he found out what she'd seen.

Starting at the beginning, Nancy told her father about the doll, the people in robes and the fearful words of the man in the scarlet robe. Her father listened, leaning forward in his chair at times, prodding with gentle questions for details.

"So Dad, what do you think? Should we call the police?"

Nancy's father leaned back in his chair. "I'm not sure what to think Nancy. I hope you're right, but you haven't uncovered anything that guarantees we'll even get a search warrant, especially since you were trespassing again to get so close."

"But I saw Sarah's doll?"

"If we had the doll and knew for sure it was hers, that'd be a different story. Could just be a bunch of crackpots for all we know."

"But I'm sure this time Dad, I really am."

"The only think I'm sure of Nancy is that I'm tired of you disobeying me again. I'll tell Chief McGinnis what you saw in the morning, but right now you have more immediate concerns. I'm going to give you a good spanking."

Nancy's eyes widened. "Surely not Daddy, I didn't mean any harm, and, I'm too old for a spanking."

Nancy's father tapped his right thigh. "Nancy Drew, come and stand here this instant. I won't ask you again."

Nancy shuffled over to her father, scarcely able to believe this was happening. Her face went bright red as her father unzipped her slacks and slid them down her thighs. A gentle push on her back and Nancy complied, lying over her father's lap.

"Well, I guess I don't need to take your panties down."

Nancy wished she hadn't chosen to wear a g-string to hide any panty line in her tight slacks. He must be getting a real eye full.

"I've been too soft on you Nancy. Even good girls like you can do with some discipline once in a while."

The preliminaries over, Carson Drew began to spank his naughty daughter. He was a large man, with strong hands that covered Nancy's bottom with minimal effort. Nancy began to squirm on his lap, but there was no evading the punishing hand.

Nancy could not believe how much her father's hand hurt. Each smack was almost as bad as Marlick's belt, and she was getting a lot more of them. Her bottom felt like somebody had glued a frying pan to it. She flung her hand back in desperation, only to lose it in her father's grip.

Now there was no escape. Salty tears flowed down Nancy's face as she began to do the time honored naughty girl lap dance. Her legs kicked in the air aimlessly as her father switched his attention to her lower bottom and upper thighs.

After several dozen more spanks, Nancy stopped struggling and just cried. She was not aware of when exactly the spanking stopped and her father started rubbing her back gently. Nancy felt herself pulled up into her father's strong arms. She buried her head into his chest and let years of pent up emotion flow.

Carson Drew held his daughter close, rubbing her shoulders and scalp until she regained her normal composure. Still sniffling, Nancy leaned back, looking her father in the eye with a smile. She swallowed hard and leaned forward, resting her head on her father's shoulder. "Thank you Daddy, I needed that," she whispered.

Carson Drew smiled. He kissed his daughter's salty cheek. "Now off to bed sweetie. I'll talk to the police in the morning. I promise."

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