Nancy Drew and the Horror at Hillside (M/F)

        A Nancy Drew Parody
        All characters copyright the Stratemeyer Syndicate 

Warning: contains some very non-consensual spanking and more story than raw spanking action.

The girl was young and pretty. Her hair was brown and curly, her green eyes as wide as saucers. She held her father's hand in one hand and clutched a filthy doll, well past its use-by-date, in the other.

Nancy could not believe that anyone could be so evil as to abduct such a sweet child. She studied every inch of the photograph on the front page of the newspaper, searching for hidden clues. The headline summed up the situation, "Grave fears for missing Mayor's daughter".

Nancy's friend Bess Marvin put her hand on Nancy's shoulder as they walked. Their fun day of shopping had turned very somber. "I can't believe people can do things like this," Bess said.

Nancy nodded, still a little stunned. "I've been babysitting Sarah for years. She's such a sweetie. Tim and Monica must be devastated."

The pair reached Nancy's Mustang convertible, carrying half a dozen bags of new clothes from Bonnington's between them. Bess looked at her friend. "You look pale Nancy. You okay to drive?"

Nancy forced a smile as she unlocked the car. "I'll be fine Bess."

Nancy pulled her Mustang onto the freeway. She had to find Sarah. This was more important than any missing painting or haunted house. But where could she start when the police have no clues?

The Mustang purred as it sliced through thin layers of surface water, effortlessly climbing the winding bends that led to Hillside. Sarah's disappearance needed investigating, but would have to wait. Nancy could not avoid making the trip to Hillside today.

They drove in unnatural silence. Bess nibbled on a chocolate bar, even her healthy appetite seemed affected by Sarah's disappearance. Nancy turned into Hillside Cemetery. The car park was deserted. The drizzle and freezing wind gusts had kept people at home.

The two young women made their way down the rocky path separating the rows of plots. Nancy led the way, carrying fresh flowers and a weeding shovel. Bess followed, pulling her jacket around her as the wind whistled through the trees.

Bess stood back as Nancy replaced the flowers on her mother's grave. Nancy appreciated the time and space, sitting on her haunches for long minutes. She whispered a few private words before turning. "I really wanted to come today. It would have been Mum's birthday today. Thanks for coming Bess."

"That's okay Nancy. I wanted to," Bess said with a smile, "Though it isn't normally this cold and wet out here."

The two young women made their way back to the car, the dark mood lifting as they talked about the upcoming basketball final on Saturday. Nancy was convinced her boyfriend Ned's team, the Boomers, would simply crush Bess's boyfriend Dave's team. The two friends laughed as Bess pointed out they did not even like basketball much and only went to watch the guy's.

Bess shot her head to the left. "Nancy, did you see that?"

Nancy shrugged. "See what Bess?"

"I saw something move over at the old caretaker's residence. Hasn't that been abandoned for years?"

Nancy's inquisitive nature took over. "The Mayor declared that building derelict. Let's go take a look. We might have to warn somebody that the building is unstable."

The girls moved through the high grass on the edge of the cemetery towards the dilapidated wooden building. Instinctively they moved cautiously, trying not to make too much noise.

Nancy saw him first. A hunched figure struggling as he pulled a brown sack off the back of a Dodge parked near the front of the residence. The figure turned and dragged the sack towards the front door. Both girls could make out his face in the dim light as he looked from side to side, as if making sure nobody was watching.

"It's only grumpy old Malrick," Bess whispered, though her voice betrayed her nerves.

Nancy nodded, but made no move to leave. What was Malrick doing here in this weather? She watched Malrick haul the sack up the front porch, his pronounced limp not hindering him.

Malrick pulled the sack up into the building. At the last possible instant, just before the sack disappeared from view, something inside the sack appeared to move. Bess gasped, putting her hand to her mouth. "Nancy, did you see that?"

Nancy's mind clicked into overdrive. She handed Bess her car keys. "Bess, wait at the car for me. If I'm not back in thirty minutes, go to the police."

"Please don't go in there Nancy. It's too dangerous."

"If that is Sarah in that sack we might not have much time. I have to try. Now go."

Nancy watched her pretty friend dash back to the car. A pity George could not come shopping today. Her judo training might have come in handy.

Nancy climbed over the barbed wire fence at the edge of the tall grass, struggling to keep her plaid skirt clear of trouble. She made a mental note to restrict skirts to nights out with Ned from now on. He appreciated the easy access, but it made sleuthing difficult.

Clear of the fence, Nancy crept to the side of the building. She peered in the closest mud-stained window. The sack was sitting in the middle of an otherwise empty room. Footsteps approached the window. Nancy ducked, holding her breath as she huddled beneath the windowsill.

The footsteps stopped. Nancy bit her lower lip, her heart pounding. The footsteps moved away, towards the front of the residence. Nancy was in a dilemma. If she ran, she would be seen from the front yard. She steeled herself. Maybe she hadn't been seen. She stayed put.

Agonizing long seconds passed. The Dodge spluttered to life. Nancy sighed in relief. She waited at least five minutes after the truck left, then made her move. Feeling heady with excitement, Nancy pushed the oak door open and peered inside. The room was at least twenty yards long and as bare as it looked from outside. The only furniture was a wooden bench at the end of the room. A rickety wooden staircase led upstairs, while a door led into what appeared to have once been a kitchen. Malrick's brown sack was lying motionless on the wooden floor.

Nancy stepped into the room. Despite her caution, the floorboards creaked with each step towards the sack. Nancy fumbled with the knot at the top of the sack, her hands feeling clumsy as she shook with excitement. If she was right, this could be her finest hour. Her heart sank as she peered into the sack. There was only crumbled paper, a few broken toys and some food scraps, but no Sarah.

A piece of paper rustled. Two red eyes peered up at her. Nancy jumped back as the creature shot past her in a bid for freedom. Nancy felt fur rush past her cheek as the rat dived past her and out the door. She stood up, shoulders slumped. Well at least that explains the movement.

A floorboard creaked behind Nancy. "Well if it isn't little miss Detective herself," said a deep voice, dripping with sarcasm.

Nancy whirled, darting for the window. Nancy was quick, but not quick enough. A rough arm, muscled from years of hard labor, grabbed her wrist, pulling her round to face her tormentor.

Nancy looked into the dark eyes of the scar faced caretaker. "Please Malrick, I just got lost."

Malrick tightened his grip. "That's a likely story for a trespassing snotty sneak like Drew's daughter. I'll teach you not to stick your nose where it's not wanted."

Malrick dragged Nancy over to the bench the top of the room. She struggled, but Malrick was as immovable as a mule. He pushed her face down over the bench, pinning her left arm behind her back in a vice like grip. Nancy shivered with dread as Malrick loosened his belt, swishing the thick leather out in a swift motion.

Malrick snarled. He lifted Nancy's short skirt up, revealing high-cut white panties and an expanse of curvy skin. He ran a lecherous hand over the young woman's bottom. "Your father should have done this a long time ago."

Nancy squirmed at the unwelcome touch. "Please Sir, no..."

Her protests were cut off by a wicked stroke of the belt bouncing across her panties. Nancy cried out in surprise, unprepared for the sharpness of the belt. Her father had never spanked her.

Malrick snapped the belt down again twice in quick succession. Nancy squealed, all pretence at bravery gone. "Please stop, I'm sorry."

Malrick grinned, continuing the hard belt spanking. Stroke after stroke rained down on poor Nancy's bottom. Red stripes crossed Nancy's pert bottom. She felt tears coming to her eyes. Nancy did not cry. Nancy Drew never cried. The belt came down again, right across where her bottom met her thighs.

The spanking stopped. Nancy sniffled, feeling a solitary tear sliding down her face. Malrick pulled her panties up high, giving her an uncomfortable wedgie, exposing her bare cheeks. She heard the belt drop to the floor. A calloused hand stroked her hot cheeks.

Nancy closed her eyes, trying to imagine this wasn't happening, that this was Ned's hand exploring her bared bottom. A sharp smack on her exposed bottom snapped her back to reality. The smacks came hard and fast now. Nancy could not fight off the tears any longer. She started to cry openly, promising never to trespass again, never to come anywhere near Malrick, as long as he'd let her go.

Malrick did not end Nancy's first experience of discipline until she was bawling like a six year old. She stood up gingerly rubbing her sore bottom as tears streamed down her face, embarrassed that she had broken down, been humbled so completely.

Malrick looked down at the young detective brushing the tears from her red face. He snickered. "You're not so sassy now eh? Now if you tell anybody 'bout that you'll have them cops taking pictures of ya prissy little bottom. Maybe they'll want to have a go too."

Nancy nodded, feeling too subdued to argue. "I won't Sir."

Malrick smiled, leading the compliant woman towards the door. He smacked her bottom hard one last time through her skirt, prompting fresh tears. "Now get out of here. If I catch you round here again your pretty face might get all cut up in an accident like."

Nancy brushed her reddish blond locks from her tear strained face as she ran out of the residence and back the way she came. She stepped over the barbed wire fence, now more concerned about the throbbing in her bottom then pricking herself on the wire.

A high pitched voice cried out above the wind. Nancy looked back towards the broken building. The noise seemed to come from the top floor. Was it a child's cry for help? Again, Nancy heard a muffled cry. She waited, but nothing more.

Nancy ran through the grass, back towards Bess and her car as fast as her legs could carry her. Malrick might have embarrassed her by spanking her like a child, but she'd have the last laugh.

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