This story is a loose sequel to a story called

        "The Reading of the Will" © Angels & Brats 2000

Ms Greene was just too powerful a character for one story ;-)

The Determined Ms Greene (F/M)

(c) [email protected]
Reposting, web publishing & archiving okay, just don't charge for access to this or remove the copyright notice.

I'd managed to avoid thinking about her for almost an entire day. Then the package from Ms Greene arrived. It contained some forms that I had to signature and return. I knew my concentration for the rest of the day was now shot.

Since the reading of my Father's will, I'd be unable to get her off my mind for long. My Father's last wish was that I receive a sound hairbrush spanking from Ms Greene, his beautiful young lawyer, before I would qualify for my considerable inheritance; his final attempt to make me realize the importance of discipline.

Ms Greene had only been too keen to carry out the task. I had trouble sitting for two days after she'd applied the wicked hairbrush to my burning bottom while I begged for mercy - much to the amusement of my relatives and employees in the next room. It had been hard to believe that such a petite and beautiful young woman could deliver such a hard spanking.

Since that day I'd struggled to get her out of my thoughts. I kept hearing her saying, "If you ever feel the need for a repeat dose, just give me a call. I'd be happy to oblige. Your bottom looks gorgeous in red." I could hear the words in my head like she'd said them a few minutes ago. The tone had been quite suggestive.

But it hurt like hell, I reasoned with myself. Why do I keep thinking about her... and it? I could not even bear to think the word 'spanking'. It brought back the horrible feelings of shame and humiliation. I could not longer look some of my relatives in the face and had thrown myself into my work to help avoid them. My late Father would probably have been pleased.

And as for Ms Greene? Well, she dominated my fantasy life now. If I was not day dreaming about her gorgeous figure, I was dreaming about laying over her firm thighs again.

I looked down at the forms in front of me. I could easily sign them and return them by post. There was no need to meet with Ms Greene again. I should avoid that dangerous woman at all costs!

Yet I watched myself reach for the phone and start dialling her law firm. I heard myself ask to be put through to her, felt my heart beating like it was going to burst as I was put on hold. It was surreal.

"Hello Mr Stephens, so glad to hear from you," Ms Greene answered her phone in a friendly but professional tone.

"Um.. Hello Ms Greene. I'm just calling about these forms you sent through today," I replied, feeling like a nervous teenager again rather than a rich and powerful young businessman.

"Ah, glad you received them. I'm pleased you called. I was afraid you were going to take your services to a different firm." She paused, then added, "I hope you're not still upset with me. You know I was just performing my job."

"No. All that's forgotten, and in the past. I just need to meet with you to discuss the paperwork you sent through," I replied, trying to change the topic of conversation.

"I hope it isn't too easily forgotten! I'd hate to think I hadn't delivered the 'sound and thorough' spanking your father requested. I'd like to think it left an impression," said Ms Greene. I could hear her smiling through the phone. So much for just doing her job I thought.

"Oh, you made an impression all right. I couldn't sit down properly for two days!," I replied before I could stop myself. I groaned inwardly and immediately cursed myself.

I didn't pause long enough to give her a chance to gloat. "Anyway, I just want to drop these papers in. I'd like to get the transfer of my Father's estate finalized. Can we meet today?" I found my confidence returning when I turned the conversation to something more pleasant - the inheritance of more than a hundred million dollars in assets.

"Certainly Mr Stephens. I'll be at my desk all afternoon. Just tell the receptionist that I'm expecting you and I'll buzz you through," Ms Green had quickly switched back into a more professional tone.

"Okay. I'll drop by this afternoon. See you then."

"Looking forward to it. Goodbye Mr Stephens," Ms Greene replied and ended the call.

I put my head in hands. Why, why, why did I do that? I've been working too hard, not enough sleep, I reasoned. But somewhere deep inside, I knew the real reason.

"Here Mr Stephens, have a seat. It's padded too," Ms Greene smirked as she lead Todd Stephens into her office. Although she knew she shouldn't tease the young man too much, especially considering how much he was now worth, but she just couldn't help herself.

"Err, thanks Ms Greene," Todd replied, still nervous in this beautiful young lawyer's presence.

"Please, call me Liz. I'm your lawyer now, not your Father's. We'll need to get to know each other better," Ms Greene said as she sat down behind her desk.

"Eh, okay Liz. You can call me Todd too. Well, I really just dropped by to give you these papers. I've think I've filled them out properly, but you might want to check." Todd pushed a pile of paperwork over the desk to Ms Greene.

Ms Greene quickly scanned through the papers with practiced ease. Todd couldn't help but notice a glimpse of her impressive cleavage as she bent over the papers in her black tailored suit.

"Everything looks in order," Liz Greene said as she looked up from the papers, catching Todd in the act. He blushed slightly, and looked away.

Liz smiled to herself. I was right, she thought to herself. Todd's an intelligent young man. He didn't need to come down six blocks just to drop off some simple papers. He could have gotten his PA to do it.

"Oh good. I guess I'll be going then," Todd said as he rose from his chair.

"Are you sure you didn't come for anything else? Anything at all," Liz Greene said with a slightly amused smirk on her face.

"No, that was it. I'll see you again shortly. I'll make sure you get an invitation to the house warming party at the estate after I move in," Todd said as he extended his hand to Ms Greene. She accepted and shook his hand in a firm handshake.

"Great. I'd be delighted to come. Hope to see you again soon. I trust you can find your own way out?," Liz said.

"Yes thanks. Goodbye." Todd lingered slightly, his eyes feasting on the object of both his nightmares and fantasies a little longer before he pushed himself towards the door and out of Ms Greene's office.

Well, wasn't that was interesting, thought Liz Greene as she watched the handsome young man walk out of her office. He does have a cute butt too. Just as cute as she remembered it. Liz smiled at the thought. And rich too, so he wouldn't want her for her money.

She snapped herself out of her reverie. He's a client, you can't go out with him, she reasoned. And besides, after what happened at the reading of the will, it doesn't matter that he's only a couple of years younger than me.

Still, spanking cocky young Todd Stephens to tears was the biggest turn-on Liz had experienced in her life. She'd had to lock the door to her office straight after the last relative had left and relieve herself. And Todd's cries and burning bottom bouncing on her thighs had been recurring images in her fantasies.

The memory was enough to make Liz flush. I really need a new boyfriend, she mused. Perhaps I could use him to satisfy my newly found sadistic urges she joked to herself. Her thoughts turned back to Todd. She could still picture his red bottom bouncing, his tearful sobs as she'd brought the brush down hard. She remembered how merciless she'd been.

She flushed again. Her hand moved down beneath her short skirt. The brush, the sobs, that smacking noise, hitting harder, faster, Todd bawling - the thoughts blurred. Liz's vision blurred. Her hips shook. She was close. She covered her mouth with her free hand so her collegues in nearby offices wouldn't hear. Moments later, a dam of pleasure burst as Liz saw stars.

I thrust my hard member into the groaning brunette below me. She cried out and used her hands on my hips to pull me further into her.

"Oh Todd," she squealed as I continued to relieve the past two month's sexual tension.

I'd picked her up at a local wine bar. A few drinks and a glimpse of my new found wealth and she'd been back at my townhouse in record time. Her inane chatter and irritating laugh hadn't been enough to deter me.

I needed relief tonight. I could feel my climax approaching and quickened my pace - Faster, faster, faster.

The brunette below me was nearing orgasm herself and I thought I ought to at least try and hold off until she got her rocks off. Though I knew I wouldn't be seeing her again. I closed my eyes and concentrated on holding off my orgasm.

No sooner had I closed my eyes and the face of beautiful Ms Liz Greene appeared unbidden. She smiled at me wickedly. He sensual voice echoed from my memories, "If you need a repeat dose, just call me, call me, call me, your bottom looks gorgeous in red, red, red."

I shot and shot and shot and shot until my entire body felt drained. I'd never felt anything more intense. I opened my eyes. Amongst the haze I could see that the brunette beneath me was a bit pissed off.

I didn't care. I returned my thoughts to Ms Greene. She was tapping her hairbrush on her thigh. I felt myself getting hard again.

At first my Father's estate had just seemed large and impressive. Now, just two weeks after moving in, it seemed empty. The place was far too large for just myself, the maid and the cook. I would be glad for the company at tonight's house warming party. Or most of the company anyway.

Since I'd already stupidly promised to invite Ms Liz Greene, I'd felt obliged to honour it. I'd spent most of the day either fantasising about her or racked with worry that she'd tell my friends about what happened.

The doorbell rang.

I walked down the long hallway to greet the first of the guests. I'd specifically invited my friend Matt over early to get the party started over a few beers. I knew I'd also wanted to settle my nerves about Ms Greene's presence.

I opened the door only to be shocked speechless to find Liz Greene at the door.

"Hi Todd. Sorry I'm early, but I gave myself plenty of time to get here and the traffic on the freeway was really light. So here I am," Liz Greene said.

I was surprised to see Liz, but I was even more shocked at how good she looked. She was wearing a ravishing short black dress that hugged her figure in all the right places. It looked more like an elegant piece of lingerie than a dress, with lace framing the top of her breasts and the hem extending to mid-thigh. Tonight she wore her shoulder length honey blonde hair down instead of back. She looked amazing.

"Hi Liz. Uh. You, ah, look, you look great," I stammered like an idiot as I looked up from admiring her scantly clad figure.

"Thanks. You look pretty good yourself."

There was an awkward pause in the conversation.

"So, are you going to invite me in?", Liz asked.

"Oh sorry. Please, come in." I led the voluptuous Ms Greene through my new lavish house to the entertainment area in the back yard.

I offered Liz a drink and she surprised me by asking for a beer. Maybe she's not a stuck up lawyer, I pondered. I popped two open and handed her one.

We made small talk for half an hour before the other guests started to arrive. After overcoming my initial nerves I found Liz easy to talk to. She was intelligent and quick witted. I found myself reluctant to stop talking to her, but as more guests arrived I was obliged to mingle.

"Hey Todd, who the hell is that hot babe over there," my friend Matt asked as he looked across the crowded room.

"That's my lawyer, Liz Greene," I replied.

"A lawyer eh? Well she can read the law to me anytime she wants," Matt replied. I almost choked on my beer as I considered that Matt might not like what Liz might have in might.

"Is she single?", he asked.

"Yes, but I hear she's a real bitch," I tried to put Matt off. He gave me a puzzled look for a moment then burst out laughing.

"She's got you hook, line and sinker. Hasn't she buddy?"

I managed a strained grin back and nodded slightly, much to the amusement of my friend.

The first few hours of the party passed quickly. Everybody seemed to be having a good time, but free food and alcohol tends to have that effect. I'd tried to find Liz in the crowd several times but had been constantly bailed up the few times I'd been able to see her.

At one stage I could see her talking to my maid Annette, a middle aged woman of about forty-five. Annette had been present in the room next door when Liz had spanked me at the reading of the Will. The two women were talking and laughing a little too much for my liking. Liz spotted me across the room and winked at me. Annette noticed and gave me a huge grin. I groaned inwardly and escaped to get another drink.

The hours passed and the crowd slowly thinned. Eventually the crowd was down to under ten. I'd managed to shake off the hanger ons and was sitting with Liz on chairs in the outdoor area. We were getting on famously and she'd made no indications of leaving soon. I sipped on my beer and slowly, using my new found dutch courage, moved my hand on top of hers.

I expected a rebuff, and was relieved when she just smiled at me. Then she winked again at me, sending my heart racing. Was she saying anything? Was she saying what I didn't want her to say? Or did I?

My thoughts were interrupted by Annette walking towards us. "Sorry to interrupt Mr Stephens, but the cook has finished for the night and I'd like to retire too. I've put away what's left of the alcohol. I will clean up the rest of the mess in the morning. Would you like anything else tonight?"

I looked up to find her talking to me, sporting a grin from ear to ear, while looking at Liz. Obviously she'd noticed our show of affection.

"No, we're fine Annette. Thanks for the help tonight. I'll see you in the morning."

Annette bid us both good night and walked inside still smiling.

The end of the free drinks certainly cleared out the rest of the crowd. I said farewell to Matt at the front door. He gave me a huge grin and a double thumbs up before leaving in a cab. Normally he'd just have crashed in a spare room, but Liz still hadn't mentioned leaving. Things were looking up.

I walked back out to the outdoor entertainment area. Liz was standing up waiting for me. She still looked just as ravishing in her short black dress. She smiled at me. I walked across the wooden floor and stood in front of her, closer than I would have if she were just my lawyer.

She looked up at me thoughtfully. I started to open my mouth to speak but she stopped me with a fingertip over my lips. Then she kissed me. I responded in turn and soon we were kissing passionately with our bodies pressed together. I'd never wanted any woman more.

After several long minutes, she broke the kiss and put her head against my shoulder. We were still pressed together, our arms around each other. I could feel her breasts against my chest and my hard penis against her.

We stayed like this for several minutes, just enjoying each other's presence. Then Liz lifted her head and looked at me.

After several seconds she spoke, "So am I here with you because of what happened at your Father's will reading, or in spite of it?"

"A bit of both perhaps," I replied honestly.

"I guess I'm a bit hard to forget," Liz smiled at the comment. Her smile was infectious. "Did you see me talking to Annette earlier?", she asked with a devious grin on her face.

"Yeah, though I can't say I was too happy about it. You looked like you were laughing way too much for my liking," I replied.

Liz laughed. "Well, Annette just thinks I'm a good influence on you. Apparently you've worked harder in the last few months than ever before. And you've been nicer to the staff and...," Liz paused, as if a little nervous, "do you know what else she said?"

"No, but you've got me a little worried," I replied uneasily.

"Well, she said that you've begun to slacken off a little in the last few weeks and you've been sharper with the help. She thinks that perhaps the spanking I gave you has worn off and that you might need regular reminders."

Liz lifted an eyebrow at me and moved both her hands down to my bottom. She squeezed my buns slightly then began a slight rubbing motion.

"What do you think?" she asked in a purr.

Just the thought of lying over the thighs of this gorgeous creation in my arms was strangely arousing. Her hands on my bottom magnified my arousal and in seconds my erection was back pressing against her. I knew she could feel it as she pressed against it. Oh no, I thought to myself. I've trapped myself.

"I think you've answered that question," she said with a pleased but devious look on her face. "You know, my hairbrush is in my bag tonight. A girl never knows when she might need to touch up her hair."

"But it hurt so much Liz. I can't understand why the thought of you... of you spanking me turns me on so much. It really hurt Liz," I was almost pleading already.

"It was meant to hurt. You know I'm going to spank you again. And it will hurt this time too, though not as much. Since you have been much better behaved lately perhaps I'll mainly use my hand," she started to lightly pat and squeeze my bottom as she spoke. I pressed harder against her. I was both excited and scared, yet I knew I'd do anything this captivating woman wanted.

"Liz, the staff will hear. Can't we do this another time?" Like never, I thought to myself.

"Now Todd, I don't want to hear another word of argument from you. I'm going to put you over my knee and spank your bare bottom soundly. The staff have heard me spank you before, so it's nothing new, and we both know they approve. Spanking you turns me on. I'm going to deal with this end of you," Liz said as she lightly pinched my bottom, "then, if you take your spanking like a good boy, I'll deal with this end of you."

Liz reached one hand between us and lightly stroked my erection through my pants. I knew I was gone. I would have taken a caning in a Singapore jail to get the lovely Ms Liz Greene into my bed.

Liz had decided the time for talking was over. She took me by the hand and led me over to the chair she had been sitting on before. I was now glad for the large estate, at least there was no chance of any neighbours hearing my impending outdoor spanking.

Liz sat down with me on her right hand side. She wasted no time and started unbuckling my trousers. The sight of this gorgeous determined woman, with her short dress riding up past mid-thigh, unzipping my fly, was the most exciting thing I'd ever seen in my life.

Liz pulled down my trousers to my knees, leaving my erection poking out of the top of my jocks. Liz couldn't resist briefly running her hand over it before sliding my jocks down to my knees. My cock stood out perpendicular to my body.

"Hmmm. Nice. I'll enjoy playing with that later. But for now it's time to get you over my knees."

Liz grabbed my hand and pulled me over her lap. She rearranged me so my bottom was perfectly positioned. Unlike last time, she seemed to deliberately put my hard penis between her firm thighs. I groaned at the sensation.

"Now Todd, I think it's time to establish a few rules. Firstly, you will not try to get up or I'll start the spanking from the beginning. Secondly, if you put your hand back to try and stop me, then I'll just give you some extra with the hairbrush at the end. And lastly, you are to address me as Ms Greene while I'm spanking you. Do you understand all that?"


CRACK! Ms Greene unexpectedly crashed her hand hard against my bare bottom. "Owwww!," I exclaimed.

"That's yes Ms Greene. Now try again."

"Yes, I understand Ms Greene."

"That's better. Now I'm going to spank you. It's going to hurt and you'll be a sorry young man when I've finished. I want you to think about the consequences of bad behaviour while I'm spanking you," Liz told me as she raised her hand high above her shoulder.

Ms Greene swung her hand down hard onto my exposed bare bottom. The blow struck my right cheek hard. I gritted my teeth, determined to take this spanking better than the last one. At least her hand didn't hurt as much as that awful hairbrush.

But Ms Greene was a determined young woman, and she unleashed a powerful flurry of spanks on my bare bottom. I tried to be brave, but Ms Greene wasn't going to end this spanking without leaving a strong impression. Her hand continued to strike briskly, alternating between the centres of each cheek and occasionally striking where my bottom met my thighs.

"Are you learning your lesson yet?" Ms Greene asked, briefly pausing the spanking.

"Yes Ms Greene," I replied, thankful for the respite.

"Good. I've only just started though, so you've still got some learning to do."

Ms Greene recommenced the spanking. Her hand fell harder and with more purpose now. I began to squirm on her lap, causing conflicting feelings as my still erect penis rubbed between Ms Greene's firm thighs. I groaned in pleasure and pain.

Ms Greene paused from spanking me to reach underneath me and gently stroke my penis with her fingertips. I was in heaven, but not for long.

Ms Greene's hand began to fall again in a regular pattern. My bottom began to get sore, though I'd begun to subconsciously push my bottom up for each stroke.


Ms Greene continued spanking me at a regular pace for about three minutes, paying particular attention to my upper thighs. My penis grew harder between her thighs. Just when I'd decided that I might even cum between her legs, she stopped and started teasing my penis again.

"See my little naughty boy, a spanking can feel nice too. Though that's not what you're here for. There will be plenty of time for good boy spankings when you deserve them. But that's not what tonight is about," Ms Greene told me in a seductive voice.

I sighed in frustration when she abruptly stopped stroking me. She put her hand back on my now pinkish bottom and began an even more erotic light stroking. Her hand ran circles around my warmish cheeks.

"Tonight is about you slacking off and being rude to your staff! Now I'll show you how a naughty boy's spanking feels," Ms Greene said in a much stricter tone of voice. I felt her reach down to the ground under me. She fished around in her purse and extracted something. I felt a rush of dread run over me as I realized she had fetched her hairbrush.

"Your bottom is pink and warm. I'm about to make it red and hot. You can beg, kick and cry your eyes out - I'm sure you will, but remember not to put your hand back."

Ms Greene raised the old wooden hairbrush. She briefly considered that perhaps Todd's father had meant things to pan out this way when he left it for her to use on Todd. It was her inheritance, and she planned on using it well.

SWAT! "Yeoow," I cried out. The brush hurt much more than Ms Greene's hand. Ms Greene paid no attention to my cries and began a rapid sequence of swats that quickly had me bucking on her lap, desperately trying to avoid the blows. But it was helpless, and spank after spank rained down on my poor burning bare bottom.

Ms Greene was a determined young woman. A woman who enjoyed her work. Her supple wrist flicked with each swat of the hairbrush on my bottom. I could feel the tears beginning to well up in my eyes. My bottom burned. I began to weaken under the steady but firm spanks. A series of spanks on my upper thighs soon had me howling for mercy.

"Please stop Ms Greene! I promise I'll be good. I'll do anything! Not so hard!," I begged as the first tears fell down my face. My erection was history.

Ms Greene paused briefly. "You'll do anything? Well how about you just lie there and take the rest of this spanking. I'm about half way there," she told me.

The hard swats with the brush resumed again. Though I'd been happy for the break, it seemed like Ms Greene was spanking even harder now. Ms Greene applied the brush relentlessly, without let up. I gasped; I groaned; I fought for self-control. I failed.

Ms Greene just kept spanking me vigorously and soon I was sobbing. I could taste my own salty tears as they flowed down my face.

A pause. The sound of my sobs were deafening without the regular swats of the brush. I struggled hopelessly to regain control.

"Sounds like I'm getting through to you, young man. Now hold still. I'm nearly finished, but these will be real zingers," Ms Greene warned.


Ms Greene began a series of the hardest spanks of all, scolding me as she spanked. I begged forgiveness. I promised to be a saint. I pledged my fortune to her if it would stop her evil brush. The determined Ms Greene had none of it and reapplied the brush to all corners of my blazing bottom. Finally, I broke down and bawled.

After only a couple of extra swats, Ms Greene stopped. Although it didn't feel like it at the time, this spanking hadn't been as severe as the last one. Ms Greene had stopped once I'd been broken this time.

She put the brush down and began to slowly rub my scorched bottom for me. I felt exhausted and continued to sob for several minutes. Ms Greene held me tightly to her and comforted me, telling me that it was over now and that she was proud of the way I'd taken my licking.

If I'd looked up towards the house at that moment I would have seen the curtain being drawn back and my maid and cook walking back to bed. They knew that everything was going to be just fine now. Annette thought that it would be nice to have a lady around the house.

I thrust my hard member into the groaning blonde below me. She cried out and used her hands on my hips to pull me further into her.

"Oh Todd," she cried as I continued to relieve the past month's sexual tension. I needed relief tonight.

I could feel my climax approaching and quickened my pace. Faster, faster, faster.

The blonde below me was nearing orgasm herself and I thought I ought to at least try and hold off until she got her rocks off. I concentrated on holding off my orgasm. After all, Ms Greene wasn't a woman to disappoint.

Then I felt her come, her pussy contracting powerfully around me. I wasn't far behind her, my orgasm surpassing anything I'd known.

We cuddled together afterwards. I'd never known such intimacy with a woman. I knew I was in love for the first time. I'd always thought it an alien concept before. Now I understood.

"Thank you. That was amazing," Liz spoke quietly into my ear.

"No, thank you," I replied squeezing her tightly against me, "for everything".

"Everything? Even earlier?" Liz asked with a playful grin as she reached around and stroked my still sore bottom.

I hesitated and thought. I couldn't understand it, maybe I never would.

"Yes, everything. Liz, I don't understand it, but maybe it's what I need. I know I need you," I told her.

"I need you too Todd," Liz told me, her eyes sparkling as she looked into mine. She bend down and started kissed me on the chest, moving slowly up my neck. She leaned back slightly and grinned,

"Though I know you're going to be the best behaved boyfriend I've ever had!"

We both laughed and kissed passionately again. The night was still young.

Mrs Stephens paced at the bedroom window. Where was he? Surely he wasn't working late tonight. Why hadn't he called? After all, it was their 6 month anniversary.

She looked at the diamond solitaire on her finger. It still felt a little strange calling herself Mrs Stephens. Her eyes glanced from her ring down to the bed. Her faithful hairbrush was lying there. Liz had a feeling that it would be needed tonight. The thought brought a wave of warmth in all the right places. She smiled. Yes, tonight the determined Ms Greene would ride again.

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