A First Time For Everything (F/18M schoolboy caning, harsh)

Copyright 2001 [email protected] Reposting, web publishing & archiving okay, just don't charge for access to this or remove the copyright notice.

Story Inspired by a picture

An immediate hush came over the room as Headmaster Baker entered. St Gregory's was a private school steeped in tradition. The Head more than expected such respect, he demanded it. He stepped up to the podium.

He had the full attention of the school. Almost all of the school anyway. Andrew Walker shuffled nervously in his seat, feeling butterflies rumbling in his stomach. The 6th former was understandably nervous as yesterday afternoon he'd been reported by Ms Marks in history. Andrew fully expected to hear his name called out at the end of the assembly, with the result almost certainly to be a hot bottom in the Head's office.

The head prattled on. Andrew could not think of anything except how the Head's cane would feel. Why did he have to act up in Ms Mark's class again? She had a reputation for reporting boys to the Head.

Andrew's attention was snapped back to the present as a striking dark haired woman was being introduced to the room. Andrew leaned over and whispered to his friend Paul beside him.

"Who's she?", he inquired in a low voice.

"The replacement for the Vice, haven't you been listening? She's from Wales. Pretty hot eh?", Paul whispered back.

Andrew nodded, partly dumbstruck. His eyes were fixed on the captivating woman. She was surprising young, and certainly softer on the eyes than old McKinley had been.

All too soon the young woman stepped away from the stage. Andrew found his eyes glued to her. Her long black locks flowed across her shoulders, giving her a sultry "just stepped out of bed" look.

Andrew was still staring unashamedly at the new Vice as his name was read out. He cursed his luck. As the assembly broke up a few of the boys gave him words of encouragement, but it did little to raise Andrew's spirits. Dejectedly he grabbed his bag and headed towards the Office.

Feeling a sense of growing dread, Andrew knocked on the Head's door timidly. A grumble from inside indicated he should enter. He opened the door and entered to face his fate.

"Ah, Walker. I've been expecting you."

The Head stepped out from his desk and looked Andrew up and down with piecing eyes.

"I'm afraid I'm getting a little old for this. I've got some unexpected news for you...." His voice trailed off.

"So young Andrews, what are you doing here?", Ms Zeta Jones asked. Andrew had barely had time to introduce himself when the new Vice got straight to the point.

"The Head sent me Ms Jones. He said, ah.."

"Well spit it out young man," Ms Zeta Jones interjected. She had little patience for stumbling.

"He said that you, that you were to, ah, cane me Miss."

Ms Zeta Jones let her head lean back slightly and laughed softly.

"Only here half an hour and I get a naughty boy on my doorstep. I guess England isn't so different after all. No wonder the cat had your tongue."

Ms Zeta Jones paced the room, looking at Andrew periodically, as if considering. She worn a simple black dress, armless, revealing her toned arms. Her ample curves clung to the material as she moved. Andrew's eyes were glued to her figure, despite the situation.

"You know I'm from Wales don't you lad?"

"Ah... yes Miss, I've heard." Andrew followed her with his eyes. He used the situation to notice her pursed lips, the curve of her breasts, and her well defined calves. It was her shining eyes that truly captivated him though.

"Well I had a strict reputation for discipline at my old school. I'm afraid for you that I'm a firm believer in firm discipline for young men like yourself."

Andrew shuddered. Initially he'd thought this would be a blessing. Surely she couldn't hit as hard as the infamous Head Bakers.

"Unfortunately I can't use my strap here. They've only give me these two twigs to use." She gestured to her desk where brand new junior and senior canes laid.

Clearly they had never been used. Andrew felt the butterflies in his tummy grow in size. They didn't look like twigs from where he stood.

Ms Zeta Jones picked up the two rattan canes from the desk. Eying Andrew carefully, she tentatively swished them through the air.

"You're a senior boy aren't you?"


"Well, answer me!"

"Ah, yes Ma'am," Andrew stuttered.

She nodded. "I thought so. That means you get this one I believe."

Ms Zeta Jones put down the thinner cane, and held up the thicker of the two. She swished it faster through the air before Andrew. It made a frightening sound as it sliced through the vacant space.

"Miss, but I've never had the c..."

"Silence," her voice quiet but firm.

Ms Zeta Jones stepped closer, much closer. Andrew quivered with fear and something bordering on excitement as he smelt her perfume. She bended the cane sharply in front of Andrew, as if demonstrating how effective it would be.

"While you are being disciplined by me you will not speak unless you are asked a direct question. Do you understand young man?"

"Yes Ms Jones"

"Much better. Now how many strokes is normal here?", Ms Zeta Jones asked.

"Six Ma'am," Andrew replied dejectedly.

"Only six?", Ms Zeta Jones replied rhetorically.

"That hardly sounds adequate for a boy of your size. Well I shall give you ten then. That sounds a nice round number."

"But miss..."

"Would you like a dozen Mr Walker?"

"No Miss." Andrew hung his head.

"Good. That's a better attitude. I'm sure you wouldn't have gotten into this mess if you'd been a little more compliant. I can see you might be a difficult child."

Andrew flushed at being called a child at the age of eighteen. He was a senior, and this woman was treating him like a ten year old.

"Right. Let's get this over and done with. Move over to the desk and drop your trousers immediately".

Andrew stared wide eyed at Ms Jones. His mouth opened to protest. Head Baker only caned over the trousers.

"No need to protest. I checked with the Head this morning and he could see nothing in the handbook that prevented me from disciplining wayward young men in the same fashion as I did in Wales.... on the bare bottom. Now quickly, to the desk."

Andrew trudged over to her desk. With a final imploring look he unbuttoned his trousers and slid them over his hips.

Ms Zeta Jones walked over to Andrew with a slight sway of her hips. Andrew was all too aware of Ms Jones' femininity. The cane was bad enough, but to be humiliated by a young woman like this was beyond comprehension.

Ms Jones ran her hands over Andrew's jocks briefly. He could feel the points of her delicate nails across his bottom. Then he felt the cold of an English autumn's day as she placed her palms on each side of his jocks and slowly slid them down to mid-thigh.

Andrew was a border at the all boys private school, and had little experience with women - especially ravishing young women such as Ms Zeta Jones. Inexplicably, despite what he was about to endure, Andrew felt his penis fill with hot hormone induced blood. His senses heightened. He was aware of every whiff of Ms Jones' fragrance, every point of contact from her fingers on his thighs. As much as he tried to will it down, Andrew was as stiff as a rod of steel.

Ms Jones stepped back and rested the cold wood of the cane on Andrew's bare bottom. Much to his surprise, she just tapped it lightly as she began to lecture.

"Now young Mr Walker. I'm not sure what is normally expected of you here, but I expect you to stay in position until your punishment is finished. Since this is the first time I've been called upon to deal with unacceptable behavior I intend to leave a sound impression.

"Now do you have anything to say for yourself before I cane you?"

"I'm sorry Miss... please, I've never been caned before Miss."

"Well that makes it a new and exciting experience for both of us," Ms Zeta Jones said knowingly. It was not unusual for the recipients of her punishments to become sexually excited... at least at first.

"Right, brace yourself..."

Andrew gripped the back of the desk hard. He just had to take this without making a noise. It was a important amongst the young men of St Gregory's - don't let em show how much it hurt, no matter how hard Baker laid it on.

Unfortunately for poor Andrew, Ms Zeta Jones had never witnessed a caning before. She knew nothing of the devastating effects of the senior boy's cane. What she did know was that the harder she used her trusty tawse back in Wales, the more satisfying the reaction from a naughty boy. She was certain the same would apply in England.

She brought the cane back and swung it down in a vicious arc... the thin rod cutting through the air to make a devastating strike.

Swissssshhhhh.... CRACK!

Silence. Andrew bit his lip hard. Internally he was asking himself questions that burned almost as much as the hot line of fire across his cheeks. How could a woman strike so hard? How could he take it?

Hmmmmm, thought Ms Zeta Jones. The crack was satisfying, but no reaction. Perhaps I'm not doing it hard enough, she reasoned.

She brought back the cane above her right shoulder and swished it through the air faster towards Andrew's shiny white bottom.

Swisssshhh.... CRACK!!!!

"Arggg," Andrew slipped and let out a low groan. He could scarcely believe it, that stroke felt even harder.

Ms Zeta Jones smiled slightly. She was getting to him after all. She brought the cane back again, aiming just below the previous two strokes.

Swisshhhh .... CRACK!

Andrew gripped the desk harder, but managed to keep quiet. He just couldn't let a caning from a woman affect him.

Ms Zeta Jones didn't pause as long for the next stroke; she rained down a spectacular swish of the cane that bisected the other welts that were forming on Andrew's bottom.

Swisssssshhhhh... CRACK!!!

Pleased by the visual effect, and Andrew's low groan, she followed up immediately with a matching stroke.

Swisssssshhhhh... CRACK!!!

Andrew's bottom was now criss-crossed with two burning lines from the senior cane.

Andrew hung his head. He could feel the tears forming in his eyes. He had tried to be brave, but the cane was burning an indescribable fire on his bare bottom.

"Half way there naughty boy... remember to hold still. You're taking your caning well so far."

Andrew couldn't help but cry out in despair. He couldn't believe there was still five strokes to go. A six of the best he could steel himself for, but a ten of the best from Ms Zeta Jones would come to break the hardiest of St Gregory's.

"Please Miss... I've learned my lesson...," Andrew practically sobbed.

Ms Zeta Jones felt a rush as Andrew's voice broke. Obviously the cane is an effective implement after all, she thought. Not wanted to diminish the effects by pausing, she lifted the cane again and swung her shapely hips as the cane cut through the air like a hot knife through butter.

Swisshhhhh... CRACK!!

"Arrgggg," Andrew cried out as his white hands gripped the desk. Hot salty tears began to flow from his eyes. He distantly noticed that his erection was long gone, causing him further embarrassment as he realized that Ms Zeta Jones would be able to see his shrivelled member.

Seeing that her young charge was on the verge of breaking, the experienced disciplinarian stepped up the pace. She stepped back and delivered two rapid fire strokes of the cane to the centre of Andrew's well striped bottom. She was really getting used to the cane now, and was learning to flick her wrist to emphasize the stroke.

Swissssssh CRACK!! Swisssssh CRACK!!!!!

Andrew broke down and started crying. His bottom felt like somebody had taken a blow torch to it. The tears now flowed freely from his eyes into his mouth. His red eyes looked imploringly at his beautiful but stern tormentor.

"I see I've made an impression thus far. Are you going to be misbehaving in future young man?"

"No Miss... Please.. *sob* I've learned my lesson Miss."

"Perhaps you have young man, perhaps you have. But I am a woman of my word, and it's two more strokes for you young Andrew. Brace yourself, these shall sting..."

Andrew hung his head and sobbed at the sentence. He tensed up as he felt the cane tapping his bottom again. Ms Zeta Jones always took careful aim, and there was a small patch of white remaining between the eight railway lines that crossed Andrew's cute bottom. She knew somebody had to do something about it.

The cane whistled through the air twice more in quick succession. Andrew's body jerked twice in response to the new lines of fire. Ms Zeta Jones watched with the satisfaction of a job well done as Andrew collapsed bawling over the desk. He sobbed and hiccupped his apologies and made promises to anybody listening to behave in future. He looked the picture of a contrite young man as his tears flowed down onto the oak desk.

Ms Zeta Jones placed the cane on the desk and grabbed a few tissues from her handbag. She moved to Andrew's side where he still lay crying openly and soothed his hair.

"Now, now... I bet you won't be doing that again soon will you?" Ms Zeta Jones delicately wiped the errant schoolboy's tearful face. She hand ruffed the hair of her chastised student as she cleaned up his tears.

Her soft touch and sensuous smile caused all sorts of confusion in poor Andrew. He pulled himself together and forced a slight smile back at his teacher, who was still dabbing the remaining tears from his face.

"I'm so proud of you Andrew. That was a very hard and sound caning. You took that very well indeed." Andrew glowed under the praise, feeling some of the shame he'd felt dissolving.

Then she stepped back and gently eased his jocks up his thighs, careful not to rub them on Andrew's welted bottom. Again her soft hands trailed over Andrew's legs, in direct contrast to the punishment those hands had just dished out.

Ms Zeta Jones gave him a playful swat on his sore bottom, causing Andrew to suppress a grimace.

"Now up with those pants and off to class," Ms Zeta Jones said, "before I have to take you over my knee as well." She added the last with a slight smile, her eyes implying there was a hint of seriousness behind the threat.

Andrew quickly drew up his trousers and after a brief, embarrassed, "Thank you Miss", headed for the bathroom to survey the damage. Sitting would be a challenge for quite some time.

Ms Zeta Jones watched the chastised young man leave with a satisfied look, and perhaps, feeling just a hint of warmth despite the English weather.

Yes, the cane would do just fine.

Andrew tossed and turned in his sleep. Vivid images of Ms Zeta Jones flashed before him again.

Strangely, despite the pain at the time, it was still Andrew's most intimate experience with a beautiful woman. Many times, in the darkness of night, in classes, and in the privacy of the bathrooms, he had relived the experience.

Repeated, it would have to be.

Copyright 2001 [email protected] Reposting, web publishing & archiving okay, just don't charge for access to this or remove the copyright notice.
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