Do You Make Exceptions Sir? (M/F, 18 yo schoolgirl caning)

(c) [email protected]
Reposting, web publishing & archiving okay, just don't charge for access to this or remove the copyright notice.

Natalia felt the butterflies growing in the pit of her tummy as she wandered the halls towards the office. All around her girls wandered in different directions. They paid her no attention. School was out, and their laughter and wide smiles only served to darken the young woman's mood. She forced herself to keep going, even though a voice from the back of her mind tried to impose reason. Was she still sane?

She forced herself towards the school secretary's office. She almost faltered, almost spun on her heal and out to safety. But she had no choice in the matter, not really.

Mrs Witherspoon was not particularly surprised to see Natalia in the office. After all, as school captain she often had to visit Principle Skinner. It was not even that unusual when Natalia said it was a 'private matter'. She shrugged, picked up her bag, and prepared to leave. It was Friday afternoon and she had no intention of staying late today.

She knocked, slipped her head into Mrs Skinner's office, and told him Natalia was waiting. He looked a little surprised, but pleasantly so. Natalia seemed a little preoccupied, almost worried. Surely she wasn't in some kind of trouble.

"Principle Skinner will be with you in a moment. Say, are you okay Natalia?", Mrs Witherspoon asked in a concerned tone.

The girl seemed to snap out of her inner thoughts and looked up with a warm smile.

"I'm fine thanks. Just preoccupied. Have a good weekend."

Mrs Witherspoon smiled. She was such a lovely girl, and so pretty too. To think she'd wondered whether Natalia might be in some kind of trouble. She bade Natalia goodnight and slipped from the office, closing the door behind her.

Principle Skinner led the senior girl's captain into his office. He was a little surprised to see her here unannounced, particularly with the unreadable expression on her face. He offered her a seat, trying desperately not to let his eyes linger too long on her figure as she did so.

For Natalia was an exquisite beauty. She had only turned eighteen years of age that fall, but her figure was full with a woman's curves. However it was her hair that made her stand out, long golden locks that flowed in a wavy fashion down her back. He sighed to himself as he sat down; it would not be quite the same next year without her.

"Well Natalia, you're not smiling today for a change. What seems to be the problem?"

Natalia paused slightly, as if carefully considering what to say. In fact, she had practised every word of what she was about to say several times, but her mind was blank. Her heart raced. Principle Skinner sensed her unnatural nerves and waited silently.

"Sir, do you remember those girls that were caught smoking last month?", she asked. Her heart leaped. She struggled to make eye contact. There was no going back now.

Principle Skinner frowned. "Certainly Natalia, seniors too. Very sorry girls now I'd say, are Miss Ellis and Miss Derrington." He was not sure where this was heading, but knew Natalia had more to say.

"Yes... they were, ah... punished weren't they Sir," Natalia stammered with a blush. This was harder than she thought it would be.

"You know the rules Natalia. Smoking is a mandatory six of the best with the senior girl's cane," He paused, meeting her eyes, "on the bare."

Natalia shivered, her eyes lighting up. She felt a cold tingle down her spine.

"That sounds pretty harsh Sir."

"It is meant to be Natalia. I can assure you they were very sorry young ladies afterwards." Principle Skinner looked carefully at Natalia. "You don't have anything to tell me Natalia?"

Natalia shook her head, but ignored the question directly. She pressed on.

"Do you make exceptions Sir? I mean, if someone who's never been in trouble did something like that... would.... would you....", she could not finish the sentence. Her voice trembled.

"I'm afraid not Natalia. Even if it were you who had been smoking I'd have to cane you. I can never make exceptions, be seen to be playing favourites."

Natalia hung her head. It was the answer she was expecting. She looked up again, meeting his eyes. He seemed so calm. It must have been the contrast to how she was feeling herself.

He thought about prying here. Had she been smoking? Surely not Natalia. She was the angel of her teachers. He began to open his mouth to voice the impossible question when she spoke again.

"Principle Skinner, I'm eighteen now, a woman."

"Yes I guess you are Natalia, but still at school regardless and that means..."

"But I'm a woman," she interrupted. Principle Skinner was surprised by the interruption. She pressed on.

"I'm a woman. I'm mature, with a woman's body and a woman's...," she blushed bright red, unable to complete the sentence. It had seemed so much easier when she pictured herself here in front of the Head. Reality was much more difficult.

She reached for her purse with shaking hands. She delved into it searching. Her fingers felt large and uncoordinated. Finally she found it. Principle Skinner watched with open eyes, his face disbelieving.

Natalia leaned forward, close to her shocked teacher and mentor. She whispered, "No exceptions". Then she lit the cigarette with her father's lighter. She leaned back in the chair, trying to look nonchalant as she blew uninhaled smoke back out her mouth. She crossed her legs and flicked her hair back trying to look more confident than she felt.

Principle Skinner stared. Natalia would have giggled if she felt more confident. It looked like he was trying to catch flies in that open mouth.

Finally the cogs turned as he did the simple arithmetic. She was actually asking him to cane her. She wanted him to. He smiled slightly at her. Natalia started to breathe again.

He picked up the ash tray from his table and offered it. "I don't think you really want to finish that."

Natalia reached forward and extinguished the cigarette. She sighed. Her ruse didn't appear to have worked. He was far too calm.

Principle Skinner rose and walked over to the cupboard on the wall. Natalia's heart raced as he fished around. She squirmed nervously on her chair as he turned, flexing the senior girl's cane in his hands. It was longer than she realised, and thicker too. The empty feeling in the pit of her tummy grew.

"No exceptions I'm afraid Natalia. It's six of the best on the bare for smoking, and I intend to make them smart." The words were intense, but his eyes held the glimmer of a smile.

Natalia was breathless with excitement. Her eyes were hungry. How she'd fantasised about this moment. But the doubts were still there. This was meant to be severe punishment. How could she enjoy it when others didn't?

"Stand up and remove your skirt and panties. Then lean over the desk for your caning." Principle Skinner was all business now. If she wanted a real caning, then a real caning she'd get. He'd never dreamt that this gorgeous beauty would ever be leaning half-naked over his desk for the cane.

Natalia hesitated. The moment of truth had arrived. "Quickly girl, I don't have all day." He whistled the cane through the air. One, two, three, firm cuts right before Natalia's haunted eyes.

She moved like a zombie towards the desk. Her hands fumbling with her skirt button as her eyes stayed transfixed on the thin rattan rod. Her skirt slipped to the floor, leaving her naked from the waist down. She'd left Skinner no choice when she dressed today. She blushed red again. It was embarrassing being practically naked like this in front of an older man. She'd rationalised it before, saying to herself she'd been naked for her last boyfriend, but again, the reality was far different.

Principle Skinner thought she was a figure of perfect beauty as she bent over the desk. Her golden locks flowed down around her face as Natalia gripped the edge of the desk without being asked. He smiled; it should not be a surprise that she knew what was expected.

"No panties today Natalia?"

"No Sir, I guess I forgot..."

"Two penalty strokes for the uniform violation Natalia. There are no exceptions here."

Natalia shivered with delight and nervous energy at the words, but kept silent. She tensed as she felt the cold wood of the cane tapping on her bare cheeks. Then it moved away. She gripped the desk. But the stroke didn't come.

Principle Skinner had tried to maintain his professionalism, but the willing upturned bottom in front of him was too much. The cane was used at St Mary's so students could be punished without touching them, which was precisely what Principle Skinner wanted to do. He lowered the cane and moved behind Natalia, running his fingertips slowly over her perfect bottom. He couldn't resist squeezing and kneading the soft flesh. He bent over Natalia's back, whispering in her ear...

"I'm going to thrash this naughty bottom girl. Cane you good and proper. That's what you want isn't it, my school captain, my bad little girl?"

Natalia squirmed under the Principle's touch. This was more like her fantasies and she could feel her body responding. She gasped and nodded her head.

The roaming hand dipped between her thighs, lightly massaging the warmth there. She pushed back against his hand eagerly.

"That's not good enough naughty girl. Tell me what you want. What you need."

Tears of frustration and embarrassment began to form in Natalia's eyes, but her arousal only grew. She bit her bottom lip. The hand kept exploring her intimate regions. Finally she could stand it no longer.

"Please cane me Sir. God I need it. I need it hard." The words brought colour to Natalia's face, but if anything her arousal surged.

With a satistifed smirk Principle Skinner stepped back and tapped the cane on Natalia's bottom. Without warning he brought it back quickly and applied the first stroke. It was hard, intense and without exception easily the equal of any he had delivered before.

Seconds after the initial impact Natalia felt a hot white flash of pain streak through her body. Her eyes flew open. She was so surprised that she could only let out a low groan of surprise.

The second stroke equalled the first in magnitude, striking slightly lower on the sensitive curves. It burnt a red line below the welt that was quickly forming from the first stroke. Natalia was ready this time and let out a low guttural cry.

Principle Skinner paused to survey his work. It was the start of a good caning. He was pleased with his work. Two parallel stripes burned uniformly across the most beautiful bottom he'd ever seen, let alone had the privilege to cane.

Natalia gripped the desk tightly. It had just begun and it burned beyond belief. Hot tears had quickly formed in her eyes and begun to roll down her pretty face. The voice at the back of her head she had forced aside earlier was laughing, pointing and saying 'told you so'.

Skinner resumed his difficult task. He raised the cane high and resumed Natalia's caning. The rattan arched through the air, burning a third stripe on Natalia's bottom. She gasped and exhaled air in a low groan. The fourth quickly followed as Natalia writhed against the desk. She broke out in pitiful soft sobs, wondering to herself if she would be able to sit by Monday.

Another pause. Natalia cried silently, feeling the burning on her bottom cheeks. Another fire burned back there too. A low throbbing between her legs. It had been overwhelmed at first by the initial shock of the caning, but it was returning, returning with a vengeance.

Natalia was concentrating on it just as the fifth stroke hit. This time the pain seemed to pulse and ebb down her spine and back, ending up in a hot rush between her thighs. She moaned out loud, surprising even herself.

Skinner failed to notice the difference in Natalia's reactions. Absently he thought to himself that she was taking it rather well. He brought down the sixth stroke right at the lower part of Natalia's bottom. It was a real zinger. Perhaps his best stroke ever, so far anyway. He made a mental note to himself that there is always room for improvement at any art.

Natalia shuddered in ecstasy as the energy of the stroke seared her bottom and throbbing pussy. She collapsed on the desk, tears still streaming down her face in paradox to the huge orgasm building within her.

Skinner felt a tinge of pity. After all, she did ask for this. It isn't surprising that she doesn't like the reality of it. He paused. Natalia sensed the hesitation, right at the wrong time.

"Give it to me. Now," she turned her head and hissed. Her eyes were wet with tears but shone with arousal.

Skinner's final two strokes burned across Natalia's bottom in quick succession. The result was devastating as Natalia gushed incoherently as she came hard. The searing white pain of the cane bringing searing white ecstasy to the young woman. Never would her life be the same. That sunny afternoon a bond was created on that desk.

Skinner watched the young woman breathing heavily. She was still crying softly and her red lined bottom was covered in perspiration. Normally this is where he told them to get up and get dressed.

He moved behind Natalia, still composing herself on the desk. Her arousal was obvious to the more experienced man. He sighed as he inhaled her sexual musk. He could not resist. He unzipped his pants, hearing Natalia moan in anticipation.

For the second time today, Natalia felt the full brunt of Principle Skinner's rod. She cried out in pleasure at the deep penetration, glad that at last, he had made an exception for her this time.

(c) [email protected]
Reposting, web publishing & archiving okay, just don't charge for access to this or remove the copyright notice.

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