Desktop Support - Part III

(c) Copyright 2000 [email protected] May be freely distributed provided no fees are charged for access to this story and the copyright message is not removed.

It was a chilly December evening, and Debra was glad to get out of the elements and into the warmth of the office foyer. Her legs had broken out in goosebumps in the few seconds it had taken to run the short distance from the taxi. At Mark's insistence, she was dressed as one of Santa's helpers, complete with a very short red dress and matching red beanie.

"How come you get to wear the warm outfit?", Debra asked Mark with a pout. She'd tried to get Mark into a Santa outfit without luck, but she still thought he looked sexy in his black tuxedo.

"Because I wear the pants," Mark joked. "Besides, your legs look much better than mine."

"I think I'd like to see your legs in a skirt. Besides, I thought you wouldn't want other men looking at me," Debra said with a grin as they moved towards the lifts.

"I trust you, though since you look so incredibly hot I'm sure you'll get some looks. Besides, it'll give me something to look at while I think about my devious plans for your bottom tonight."

A lift was coming down ever so slowly from the top floor. Debra moved closer to Mark and hugged him tightly. He had a way of making her feel sexy and desirable. She still felt slightly cold and shivered in his arms, just as the lift doors finally opened.

"Still cold?", Mark asked, concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I'll be okay though," Debra replied.

"Let's take the stairs. It's not far and you'll be warm in no time," Mark said.

Debra shrugged, then agreed. They ignored the open lift doors and moved to the stairwell.

Mark and Debra leisurely climbed the stairs towards the Christmas party on the sixth floor. This would be the first time they showed they were an item to their work colleagues. It wouldn't really be an issue since they didn't work in the same area, but it was certain to be a hot topic of conversation.

"Still cold?", Mark asked as they reached the third floor.

"A little, but I'm warming up fast," Debra replied.

"I've an idea that'll help," Mark replied with a slightly devious grin.

Debra looked up at him in alarm. She knew by now how his mind worked. Sometimes he made her feel completely vanilla. Mark turned, put his hands around Debra's waist and led her towards the railing beside the stairs.

"You're not? Surely. Somebody could hear!", Debra said, giving Mark an incredulous stare.

"Keep that thought while I warm you up," Mark replied with a grin.

He gently turned Debra until she was facing the railing and pushed her over until her bottom stuck out nicely. Debra briefly considering protesting, but knew it would only earn her more. Besides, she was quite looking forward to this. If was unlikely anybody would hear, but the thought sent a hot flash through her.

Debra felt Mark lift up her short dress, exposing her full white panties. She had felt a little underdressed in her short dress and had compensated by wearing her most conservative panties. Besides, she thought Mark might like them.

Mark slipped one hand down to her bottom, his large strong hand gently stroking the rounded surface. Debra's bottom had always been an erogenous zone, and Mark's caresses on her rear were as arousing as his more private intimate touches.

Mark leaned closer and whispered in Debra's ear, "Regulation panties. I approve. You are quite the good girl tonight. I'll even let you keep them on for now."

Debra breathed a sigh of relief. She really thought he might take them down, even in this public place. Her relief was short lived as she felt the caressing hand disappear, replaced with a sharp burning sensation as Mark crashed his hand down over her panty clad bottom.

Debra groaned and gripped the railing tightly. Mark spanked Debra firmly about a dozen times, alternating from cheek to cheek. The noise of palm on panties sounded deafening to Debra and between grunts of pain she wondered if anybody could hear. Despite her worries, she was getting aroused by the spanking and pushed her bottom back into position after each spank.

Abruptly Mark stopped and turned Debra around. He pulled her towards him and they kissed passionately. Debra could feel that Mark's arousal matched her own. Having to wait until after the party to satisfy themselves would make it all the sweeter.

"I'm definitely warm now," Debra said with a grin, as they started to climb the remaining stairs.

"If you're warm now, you'll be hot later," Mark replied, rubbing Debra's panties under her dress as they reached the door to the sixth floor.

"Now, no flirting with strange men, or you'll regret it," Mark warned in a more serious tone.

"What, me flirt?", Debra said impishly. She stuck her tongue out at Mark, her eyes full of mischief.

Debra moved around the party, talking to all her work friends and meeting new people. She flirted shamelessly, batting her eyes and flicking her long hair Cameron Diaz style.

She kept a constant eye on Mark, talking with a particularly dull manager across the room. His eyes rarely strayed from her legs and pert posterior. Debra made sure she gave him plenty to look at as she bent over tables and let her dress run up higher.

He seemed amused by her flirting efforts. She wanted Mark a little more annoyed. Lately most of her spankings had been erotic foreplay and a little on the short side as they'd been unable to resist moving quickly to sex.

Debra's bottom was tingling from the spanking on the stairs. She was aroused and was eager for Mark to finish what he'd started. Could she could provoke him just enough? But how?

Suddenly she had a brainwave. She crossed the room and stood next to Mark and his protagonist, a finance manager named Brian. Mark raised his eyebrows at her in a slightly disapproving manner. Brian continued rabbling about the need for better cost control measures as if Debra didn't exist. What party conversation, Debra thought as she became bored within the first ten seconds. She yawned pointedly.

"Oh, I know what you mean Brian. We waste far too much money. I've been trying to cut costs too. Look at these shoes! I got them on special. Twenty percent off," Debra said, lifting her feet to show Brian her heels.

Brian was momentarily speechless. He looked awkwardly at Mark. Mark just shrugged and tried unsuccessfully to suppress a slight grin.

"And this dress too. I saved on material by not buying much. What do you think?", Debra asked. She turned her hips, consciously lifting the hem about six inches. She showed off the back of her long legs and most of her thighs to Brian, who ogled her shamelessly.

"Ahhh. Yes, looks... ahh, looks nice, ummm, if you'll excuse me I think I need another drink," Brian stammered before wandering off across the room, in search of a very cold drink.

Mark turned and stood directly in front of Debra. She knew by the look in his eyes that she was in trouble now. Suddenly the floor became more interesting.

"Look at me," Mark said in a low, deep voice. Debra looked up. He seemed taller now. His face was turned at a slight angle to hers, which made his eyes seem more piecing.

"You've certainly gone out of your way tonight young lady. It seems I must have been neglecting you a bit. I can't believe you did that right in front of me. Do you have anything to say for yourself?", Mark asked.

Debra glanced around. Nobody was close enough to hear them.

"Ah, he was pretty boring though. Really, I was doing you a favour.... sorry," Debra said in a low, unconfident tone.

"Don't worry you will be. I'd already planned to heat up your naughty little bottom tonight. Now I'm afraid it's going to be more serious. Tonight, I'm going to introduce you to the cane," Mark said in a slow, serious tone.

Debra's eyes lit up in exclamation. Her jaw dropped.

"But Sir," Debra exclaimed.

"Stop," Mark said.

Just one word but Debra was immediately quiet. He leaned closer and whispered in her ear.

"Do you trust me?", Mark asked.

"Yes," Debra replied without thought.

"Good. Do you accept that you deliberately disobeyed me?", Mark asked.

"Ah, I guess so," Debra replied reluctantly. She was both scared and excited at the prospect of the cane.

"Good. Now, do accept that I can punish you as I see fit, and that the punishment should be a strong lesson to make you think twice about testing me again?", Mark asked, his voice barely audible.

"Yes Sir. I'm really sorry Sir," Debra's voice quivered. Her heart was racing with a cross of fear and excitement. She knew she was getting aroused.

"You're not sorry yet, just nervous. Now remember, I've wanted to cane you since I first saw that cute bottom of yours. It's my fantasy. I'll want to do it again. So while it'll hurt a lot, and it should, it won't be unbearable", Mark said in a reassuring tone.

Debra felt slightly relieved, though she was still a little worried. She forced a slight smile.

"Thank you. Please, do it how you want to. I'll be okay, and I have been pretty naughty," Debra replied, her voice barely audible. Though scared, telling Mark to punish her severly was incredibly exciting.

"As well as being naughty, you are brave too. But you're not ready for a real punishment caning yet." Mark paused, then added, "Now, I want to see you in my office in ten minutes. Remember to knock."

"You have it here?", Debra asked incredulously.

"Yep, gotta appreciate a man that prepares for every occasion," Mark replied, then added, "Remember, I love you."

Mark walked purposefully away. Debra watched him every step of the way to the lifts.

The next ten minutes were pure torture for Debra. She downed a nearly full glass of champagne, noticing almost distantly that her hand was shaking slightly.

Debra stepped out onto the darkened floor. She was greatful that access to Mark's floor required a twenty-four hour security clearance. Her network support job gave her access to the entire building. The chances of being discovered were slim.

She walked down the corridor towards Mark's office. Debra knew how nervous she was, yet she also knew how excited she was. Her nipples were sticking out through her bra and red dress. She could feel the moisture dripping between her legs. How was it possible to dread something yet want it so much, she wondered.

Finally she stood at the door. She knocked.

"Come in," Mark called out from behind the door.

Tentatively, Debra entered the poorly lit office. Mark's normally cluttered desk had been cleaned. Her stomach dropped as she realised why. A straight backed chair stood ominously in the centre of the room. Mark was sitting in it, looking expectantly at her.

"Please shut the door Debra. Then I want you over my knee immediately. I'm going to give you a sound spanking with my hand before I cane you."

Debra shut the door behind her and shuffled over to Mark's side. She gave Mark a pitiful look before voluntarily lowering herself over his knee, her red beanie falling off in the process.

Mark adjusted Debra over his lap. He wanted her bottom right in the strike zone so he could give his naughty girlfriend what she had coming to her. Once, he had Debra in the right spot, he slowly lifted her short dress, exposing her tight white panties inch by inch.

Debra felt Mark's hand rest on her panties. She knew her chastisement was about to begin. Normally Debra loved Mark's hand spankings, as they usually led to great sex. Mark could make a point with a hairbrush or his belt, but his hand always felt quite erotic. However, the prospect of a caning after this spanking tempered Debra's desire.

Mark lifted his hand high and brought it down hard on Debra's panties. She let out a surprised cry - normally Mark didn't start out so hard! Mark began to spank Debra firmly and rapidly, trying to warm up Debra's panties quickly. Debra was more concerned about the warmth growing beneath her panties!

Mark was pleased with Debra's reactions and began to spank faster, though just as hard. Debra's "schoolgirl" panties offered some protection, but even so it was obvious she was beginning to feel the heat. She cried out whenever Mark laid several spanks in a row in the same place or landed a particularly hard spank.

"Markkky, please not so hard. I've still got the cane to go," Debra whined.

Mark just chuckled and sent down a few more hard spanks before stopping. Debra was glad for the reprieve until she felt Mark's fingers in the waistband of her panties. She squeezed her legs together with excitement as Mark slowly pulled her panties down to mid-thigh. Though Debra knew the spanking would hurt a lot more on the bare, she never failed to get excited when he pulled her panties down. It made her feel like a bad little girl, but the sexual element made it seem deliciously naughty.

"Your bottom is a little red, but it's not quite there yet. When I've finished young lady, your bottom will be so sore you'll feel it for a week. I'm not going to have you disobeying me like that in public again," Mark warned ominously.

Debra shivered at Mark's words. She'd pushed him and now her bottom was about to cash in on the cheques she'd written.

"Give me your hand. I know you're going to struggle, so I want to get a good grip," Mark said.

Debra reluctantly put her hand back behind her back. Now she felt completely helpless. Mark pulled her closer to him and pinned her hand back tightly. It was a strong, secure grip, though not uncomfortable.

It soon became uncomfortable though. Mark began to spank Debra's bare bottom, if anything harder than before. Debra's bottom was already a little tender, and with the increased sting of the bare bottom spanking, she was soon squirming and struggling against Mark's strong grip.

Debra's struggles just seemed to inspire Mark, and he began to spank faster. He was relentless. Debra felt the sobs long before they came. She was determined not to break down so quickly. After all, it was only a hand spanking, even if was the hardest hand spanking she'd ever gotten.

The sobs finally came. Mark's hand kept coming. The sobs grew louder and Debra struggled harder, but Mark's grip was too strong. She felt tears running down her face. This was new for Debra, she never cried so freely from a spanking. Orgasmed, well close; tears, a few; but bawling, never.

Debra felt like a dam had burst inside her and burst out crying openly; the taste of her own salty tears flowing into her mouth only made her more emotional. Mark finished the spanking with a series of the hard spanks on Debra's sit spot. She would definitely feel this spanking tomorrow.

Debra laid over Mark's lap, still crying freely. She'd never felt so truly sorry for her behaviour in her life. Her bottom had probably felt as sore before, but it was Mark's attitude that had broken her down. He'd spanked hard and fast, without breaks or rubbing. He'd really taught his naughty girl a lesson this time.

Mark released Debra's hand and gently pulled her up into his arms. He was a little surprised himself at her tears and was relieved when she melted into his arms easily. He gently stroked her hair and hugged her tightly. She was still crying softly. They held each other until Debra calmed down.

"I'm so sorry Mark. It'll never happen again," Debra said into Mark's ear.

"That's okay baby. I forgive you." He also knew it would happen again - whenever Debra felt like she needed it.

"Are you, are you still going to cane me?", Debra asked, then quickly added in a rush, "My bottom's sore already. I've really learned my lesson."

"Yes I am. It won't be quite what you think it will be though. I want you to bend over the desk now. No arguments."

Debra was reluctant to leave Mark's strong embrace, especially since she still had a caning in store. Mark gently lifted her off his lap and led her to the desk. After a final searching look for a reprieve, Debra bent over the desk. She reached forward and compliantly pushed her bare bottom out. Though she'd never been caned, they'd replayed Debra's first hot strapping several times in the bedroom. Debra found being bent over a desk particularly arousing. She relaxed into the desk and tried to concentrate on the warmth between her legs.

Mark walked around behind his desk and retrieved several items. Debra knew he had a couple of objects, but she couldn't take her eyes off a long thin crook handled cane. She shivered. This was Mark's fantasy, not hers. She'd seen pictures of horribly marked bottoms on the Internet and hoped that Mark didn't intend to punish her so severely. Still, she could feel moisture dripping down her legs - a strange paradox.

Mark moved behind Debra. He hoped she was going to love this as much as he knew he would, but was feeling as uncertain as Debra. The last thing he wanted to do was really hurt her. He spread her legs further apart, exposing Debra's glistening pussy. Mark was glad to see she was already aroused. It would make things much easier.

Debra felt Mark push her legs wider. Her pussy and bottom were completely exposed. She felt one of his fingers at her entrance, slowly sliding in. His touch felt so nice, and she pushed back, seeking more. This "caning" was certainly off to a pleasant start.

Mark gradually slipped two, then three figures into Debra. She was heaving slightly against the desk, trying to get some stimulation on her clit. She was ready. Mark withdrew his hands and picked up one of the objects off the floor.

Debra felt something cold pushing against her pussy. Was it a dildo, she wondered. The first inch seemed to slide easily into her, then it seemed to get impossibly thick.

"Relax," Mark whispered.

Debra sighed and spread her legs further. She felt her pussy open wider and wider as Mark slowly pushed whatever it was into her. Then it seemed to slip completely inside her. It was the strangest sensation. She felt very full, yet it wasn't a deep penetration.

Mark picked up the cane from the room moved to Debra's side. He placed the cane over Debra's bottom, gauging the right distance so as not to let the cane wrap around. Then, he flicked the control he held in his left hand.

Debra felt a wave of vibrations from inside her pussy. She'd never felt anything quite like it and she squeezed her legs around it. It felt like a vibrating tennis ball was inside her. The cold wooden cane resting on her bottom was quickly forgotten. She moaned and stretched out on the desk.

Mark flicked the switch again and Debra moaned in response as the vibrations increased. He watched her and waited. Debra groaned and sighed. The vibrations weren't as direct as a sentation directly against her clit, but they were deep and powerful, coming from inside her and moving through her body.

Debra was ready. Mark lifted the cane high and quickly brought it down, burning a line of red fire across Debra's bottom. Debra was shocked out of her enjoyment of the vibrations as she felt an incredible burning sensation.

Mark flicked the vibrating egg up to top speed, causing conflicting sensations to rush through Debra's body as she felt the burn of the cane reach its peak. She cried out loud in pain and pleasure. Mark lowered the vibrations. He didn't want Debra to reach her own peak too quickly.

He repeated the stroke. This time slightly lower, with less time with the vibrator on high afterwards. This time Debra was expecting the cane and cried out loudly when it burned another line across her bottom.

Mark paused and watched, letting the burning sensation grow. He switched the vibrator back to high. Then, he raised the cane and quickly whipped it over Debra's red bottom. This stroke was harder.

"Owww!," Debra squealed. Then, about a second later, she came, thrashing on the desk.

Mark kept the vibrator on full speed, and brought the cane down again. The thin rattan cane burned a fourth line across her bottom, at a slight angle across two of the others.

Debra cried out as the cane hit. She squeezed her legs together. She was still coming, and coming hard. The cane seemed to be helping, making her orgasm stronger.

Mark quickly whipped the cane down twice more. The strokes were delivered quickly, only about a second apart. These two stokes were as hard as any English schoolgirl ever experienced. Debra grunted with each stroke, lost in the sensations. Then, as the pain from the new strokes reached their peak, she came again. She let out a primal cry of pleasure and pain as her hips quivered against the desk.

Mark dropped the cane. It looked to him like Debra might have actually had an orgasm during the caning. He'd hoped the vibrator would dull the pain, but he didn't really think she'd come during the caning.

Mark had found Debra's reactions to the cane the biggest turn-on of his life. He moved behind her and slowly withdrew the vibrating egg. Debra's pussy was a flood.

Debra felt a slight sense of loss as the egg slid out, but that was soon rectified when Mark dropped his trousers and shoved his hard manhood straight into her. This was not making love as such. It was a rigorous, masculine fuck. Mark was taking the woman he loved just as she wanted it. He took her hard, deep and for oh so long.

When he was finished Debra felt taken, exhausted, sore in many places, but completely satisfied.

(c) Copyright 2000 [email protected] May be freely distributed provided no fees are charged for access to this story and the copyright message is not removed.

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