This is a sequel to the story I posted about a week ago. If you missed part 1, it can be found at:

I found Part I *very* difficult to follow, so I hope the sequel isn't too disappointing.

Note: A warning to those that like their spankings without sex. This story has lots of very explicit sex - inc. oral.

Desktop Support Part II (M/F)

(c) Copyright 2000 [email protected] May be freely distributed provided no fees are charged for access to this story and the copyright message is not removed.

For a Monday morning, Debra was in a up-beat mood. She strode confidently across the office floor to her desk - beaming with positive energy. She had barely sat down when her work colleague and good friend Sophie wheeled her chair across to her workstation.

"Alright, what's up with you?", Sophie asked her friend.

"What do you mean?", Debra replied.

"I saw the way you strutted in, swinging your hips to the world. Every guy in the place noticed you too - more than usual that is," Sophie said with a grin. "Did you finally get laid on the weekend or something?"

Debra blushed at the comment and looked around to see if anybody was listening. Sophie's blunt nature was part of her charm - what you saw was what you got. Feeling the colour rising in her cheeks, Debra nodded, unable to hold back a shy grin.

"Well about time! Girl, you were in danger of becoming a born again virgin. Let's do lunch today. I want to know everything," Sophie said in a low voice. She wheeled her chair back to her desk, still grinning her approval to Debra.

"And I mean everything!", Sophie added in a none too quiet voice.

The morning was passing slowly, despite Sophie's frequent lewd innuendos. A complete lack of support calls left Debra with precious little to do. So, she thought about Mark instead.

Debra had gone back to his house on Friday night and they'd made love til the early hours....and the next morning.... and the next afternoon. Debra smiled at the memory.

Strangely, though they'd talked for hours, they hadn't talked about the strapping that Mark had given her. This hadn't stopped Debra fantasising about it. Debra found just the thought of Mark getting stern with her again was arousing.

Debra's phone rang. Finally, some work to do, Debra thought.

"Desktop Support, Debra speaking," Debra answered.

"Hi sweetie, it's me, Mark," Mark replied.

"Oh, Hi Mark," Debra replied in the tone of voice women reserve for lovers.

Just the sound of Debra's change in voice caught Sophie's attention, and she looked in Debra's direction. Debra gestured with her hand at Sophie to 'buzz off'. Sophie grinned and turned her attention back to her computer.

"How's it going?", Mark asked.

"Good, really good. And you?," Debra asked, still using her flirtatious girly tone.

"I'm good. You know, it's only been a day and I've missed you. I'd like to see you again. Would you like to come around again tonight? I could cook you dinner."

"I'd love to. What time?", Debra asked, elated that Mark not only wanted to see her again, but he'd missed her!

"Around 7:30 okay?", Mark asked.

"Sounds great to me."

"Great," Mark replied, then paused briefly. "Say Debra, I've been wondering..."

"What's that?"

"Does your bottom still sting from the bare bottom strapping I gave you?"

Debra felt her heart jump at the question. Her eyes glanced around the room, as if worried that the people nearby could somehow hear Mark's question. Debra didn't know what to say.

"Cat got your tongue, my naughty girl?", Mark asked.

"No...," Debra replied shyly. She had almost called Mark Sir, and bit her tongue at the last moment.

"Well, does it still sting?", Mark persisted.

"Not any more. It did a bit yesterday," Debra replied, feeling the colour rising in her cheeks again. Her loins were experiencing a similar hot reaction.

"Maybe you're not trying hard enough. Squirm around in your chair a bit and see if you can feel it."

"I can't do that!", Debra whispered urgently into the phone. Despite her protests, Debra could feel her excitement mounting.

"Of course you can! Who's going to guess you're trying to see if you can still feel the effects of a bare bottom strapping? Now, be a good girl, and squirm, just for me."

Debra considered the request again. Her heart was racing. She could feel herself getting wet.

"Okay, just a second," She replied.

Debra glanced around the room again. Sophie appeared to be engrossed in her work. Nobody else was in sight. Slowly, she began to wiggle her bottom cheeks on her chair. Oh my god, Debra thought, I can still feel it.

"It's still there... barely."

"Well, I'm just going to have to warm it up again tonight. I can't have my naughty girl without a hot bottom. What do you think?," Mark asked. He felt he'd judged her reactions the other night as a fellow spanko. Now he'd find out for sure.

"I don't know. I guess so," Debra replied. Now Debra was subconsciously squirming on her chair, pushing down harder on the parts that were still a little sore.

"Good. It's settled, one hot bottom for Debra coming up. See you tonight sweetie."

"Bye Mark," Debra replied dreamilly, her hand trembling as she put down the phone.

Debra squirmed on her chair for the next hour.

Debra returned from her lunch with Sophie to find four roses in an arrangement on her desk.

"Roses already? You must have been as good as he was," Sophie joked. "Strange arrangement though," she added.

It was an unusual arrangement. There were four roses of different colours. There was a white rose, a pink rose, a red rose and a rose in a brighter shade of red. Debra reached for the card, making sure Sophie couldn't see its contents.

It read "Debra, You add colour to my life! Tonight, bring the rose the colour you want your bottom to be and I'll add colour to yours. Thinking of you, Mark"

Debra gulped and quickly put the note into her purse.

"It's personal," she said.

"I bet it is!" Sophie said as she returned to her own desk. She had hardly believed a word that Debra had told her at lunch and knew that there was a lot more to this new office relationship than Debra had let on.

Debra picked up each rose in turn and smelt it. As she handled each rose, she pictured her bottom colouring under Mark's strap. She couldn't believe Mark was asking her how hard she wanted him to spank her.

Debra studied the colour of each rose. She should pick the white rose and teach him a lesson, she thought. But the image of Mark wielding the strap was so powerful.

The afternoon went even slower than the morning had. The arrangement of roses on Debra's desk teased her imagination. Debra was dripping with arousal all afternoon.

Debra hadn't seen her bottom after Mark had strapped it, so she didn't know what colour it had been. Was that the intensity of a 'red' spanking, or only a 'pink' spanking? Surely it had to be at least a 'red' spanking! She wondered whether she take level of discipline again, and whether she could take more...

The clock finally ticked over to six. Debra reached for the rose she found the most beautiful, the most arousing. It was bright red.

Mark greeted Debra with a passionate kiss that lingered, neither party wanting to break it. They pressed their bodies together with the hard urgency of new lovers. Finally, Mark broke off the kiss.

"What did you bring?", Mark asked, praying that she hadn't brought the white rose.

Debra grinned deviously and reached into her handbag.

"I brought my toothbrush!", she exclaimed, sporting a mischievious grin. Mark rolled his eyes.

"Brat! The rose Debra, did you bring a rose?"

"Oh the rose!," Debra said as if she'd forgotten about it. She reached into her handbag again and pulled out the rose, offering it to Mark.

Mark was shocked to see Debra produce the bright red rose. He was hoping for pink, praying for red, but he never anticipated the bright red rose. He accepted it greatfully, staring in wonder at its colour.

"I'm overwhelmed. Debra, I never expected. Are you sure?"

"Mark, I'm positive. It's all I've been able to think about all day. You've had me on edge since that call this morning."

"Horny for a spanking eh?", Mark asked with a grin. He couldn't believe his luck.

Debra nodded.

"Mark, can you do it now?", Debra asked hopefully, briefly meeting his eyes before dropping them with embaressment. She couldn't wait any longer. She was wet with longing.

Mark laughed. A hearty chuckle that rumbled deep from his stomach.

"You are eager, my naughty little one. After dinner sweetie. What's a little bit longer?", Mark said with an evil grin, thinking the anticipation would make it even better for Debra. He knew she'd have to be very aroused when the time came.

Debra groaned out loud and pouted. But she had anticipated this move, and had devised a devious plot in response.

"Alright, I can wait," she said with a note of resignation in her voice. "It might make it easier to sit through dinner too."

Debra smiled. She moved closer and rejoined their bodies together. She felt him harden as she pressed her breasts against his chest.

"But I haven't thanked you for the flowers yet. That can't wait," Debra whispered into Mark's ear.

Debra leaned closer and lightly bit Mark's earlobe playfully. She lingerly slightly, breathing on his neck seductively. Then she slowly moved down Mark's chest, running her palms down him, moving lower and lower until she was sitting on her knees before him.

Mark watched in amazement as Debra unzipped his pants and drew his already rock hard penis out. She rubbed her hands along the shaft, before placing a lingering tongue kiss on the tip.

"Thanks for the flowers Mark," Debra said, just before sliding his penis deep into her mouth.

Mark's last coherent thought was an attempt to calculate the price of a year's supply of flowers. Then, as Debra began to use her tongue, he gave up and decided that it couldn't cost that much.

Debra took her time. She teased and pleased equally. She wanted him begging to cum. Mark could feel his orgasm building. It wouldn't be long now. He squeezed Debra's shoulders, telling her of his need. His penis thickened; his balls contracted. Then Debra stopped. With a final light kiss on the tip of his penis she rose to her feet.

"Gee, don't know about you, but I'm famished. Maybe I'll finish that after dinner," Debra said in a tone that promised nothing, batting her eyelids at her stunned lover. She walked towards the kitchen, swinging her hips seductively.

"Why... you brat! Wait til I get my...." Mark lunged towards Debra, but she was one step ahead of him, dashing down the hall towards the bedroom. Mark was handicapped, having to hitch his pants up over his dangling erection as he ran, and Debra easily made it to the bedroom first.

Mark burst into the room, looking like he was running in a sack race. He let go of his trousers and closed the distance between them, arms extended like he was about to make a football tackle.

Opps, he looks really pissed, Debra thought, wondering if she'd gone too far. Too late to think that, she thought as she felt Mark's strong hands grip her waist. She felt a hot flash of excitement between her legs as he pulled her over to the side of the bed.

"Ah, sorry Mark, I'll finish blowing you if you want," Debra said, now a little worried about what Mark might do.

"Not yet you won't," replied Mark.

Mark sat on the edge of the bed, using his strong arms to pull Debra over his lap. Mark used his left arm to pin Debra in place - she wasn't going anywhere until her bottom had paid the piper. He reached down and pulled her skirt up to her waist, revealing sexy black lace panties.

"Nice. These are almost too sexy to take off."

"Why don't you leave them on then?" Debra replied impishly.

"You really are a brat aren't you? I did say 'almost'," Mark replied as he pulled the skimpy lingerie down. He rested his hand on Debra's perfect pert bottom, gently stroking it - the calm before the spanking storm.

Debra's pussy was wet and dripping. She found this position over her man's lap even more exciting than she'd found being draped over the bench. She was powerless and exposed, and the spanking hadn't even started yet.

"This bottom looks pretty white to me. I think it was a bright red colour that you wanted me to make it, wasn't it?"

"No, it was a pink rose." Debra couldn't help being a brat, despite her position.

CRACK! "Ow!", Debra cried out, as Mark's hand smacked her crisply.

"Now, tell me you want me to make your bottom bright red."

Debra squirmed on Mark's lap, pushing herself against his erection. She was so close to getting what she wanted now - what she needed.

"Make it red Sir. Bright red, like the rose Sir."

"That's better. Now I'm going to spank you. You've been particularly naughty tonight. Fancy leaving me hanging like that. I'm afraid this is going to be a very long spanking young lady."

Mark lifted his hand high and brought it down with a resounding crash on Debra's upturned bottom. She squealed with pain. Satisfied with the response, Mark began a long series of cracking spanks, slowly adding colour to Debra's bared bottom.

Debra squealed and thrashed on Mark's lap. His hand was really stinging and she desperately tried to avoid the blows. But there was nowhere to go. Mark held her in a powerful grip while he continued to punish her.

She threw her hand back desperately, managing to stop at least one blow before it crashed down on her burning bottom. But Mark just pinned her hand down behind her back, and resumed spanking her. She didn't even seem to have upset his rhythm! Now Debra knew she was completely powerless. She had to take every spank Mark wanted to give her.

Despite the pain, Debra knew how aroused she was. She bucked in time to the spanks, pushing her stomach against Mark's hardness. Later, in a moment of weakness, she would confess to Sophie her inner need to be thrown over a strong man's lap and spanked silly. For now, she just squealed and kicked her legs.

Mark deliberately spanked Debra repeatedly in the same spot, knowing it would sting more. He only had his hand to work with tonight, but was determined to teach his new lover that he wasn't a man to be messed with.

And teach he did, spanking Debra hard and long. Her bottom was already glowing bright red, but still he spanked. Debra groaned and moaned, caught between pleasure and pain. Finally, after a particularly hard wave of spanks on her upper thighs, the pain got to her through her arousal and she began to sob quietly.

Mark heard her sobs and knew he was nearly done. He raised his hand high over his head and brought down a rapid sequence of devastating spanks on Debra's sit spot. The sound of his hand striking bare flesh echoed around the room. Then he stopped and listened. Debra was crying openly - still quietly but continuously now.

Gently, Mark rested his hand upon her bottom. He was amazed at the heat it radiated. He began to run his fingertips from the peaks of her bottom to the tops of her thighs, teasing her by moving his fingers close to her engorged pussy. He ran his left hand through Debra's long hair and stroked her scalp and neck.

Debra felt drained, exhausted from her struggles and from crying. The pain was gone now, replaced by the pleasant sensations of Mark's fingers and her need.

"You can get up now sweetie," Mark told Debra in a soothing voice.

Debra felt thoroughly chastised but totally aroused. She tried to get up, but practically fell off Mark's lap, landing roughly between his thighs. Wiping the tears from her eyes she found herself staring at Mark's hard penis. She was only inches away from it, as it seemed to point at her eyes. She looked up and Mark and smiled.

"Well, I guess I got what I wanted...", said Debra.

"Please suck it sweetie, before my balls go blue!"

She moved her head forward, opened her mouth wide, and took Mark between her lips. There was no teasing this time. She slid his penis in as far as she could, swirling her tongue over him. Debra moved her hands up and stroked Mark's shaft and balls with both hands, while still sliding her mouth over his hardness.

"Ahhh, Debra, you should stop... I'm close."

Debra merely shook her head, not taking her mouth from his cock for an instant. She sucked harder, taking him deeper now. She wanted him to cum.

"Oh yeah, Debra, god, you're so good, ahhhhhhh", Mark cried as he felt the cum bursting through his penis. Like a canon firing, he blasted bursts of cum into Debra's mouth. Finally, after what seemed to Debra like a gallon, he was spent.

But Debra didn't stop. She eased off, but kept licking the underside of Mark's penis gently. Thick white fluid oozed out her mouth while she sucked, covering his cock with thick lubrication. Slowly, reluctantly, she slid her tongue over him one last time and smiled up a Mark - a pleased grin.

"Hope you liked that. Felt like it!"

Mark could only nod his approval.

"Still looks pretty hard. Can I take it for a ride?", Debra asked. Her pussy was still throbbing, and blowing Mark had only increased her need.

"I guess that might be okay," Mark said with a grin. He moved back onto the bed, his penis still sticking upwards in an open invitation to Debra's greedy pussy.

Debra crawled on the bed, straddling Mark. She slowly lowered herself until she felt so full she thought his penis must be in her stomach. She groaned in pleasure, and moved her hard nipples down to her lover's mouth. Mark licked and nibbled the tips, sending jolts of pleasure down to Debra's pussy.

She began to move slowly, pushing herself down at the right angle to push her erect clit against Mark. Periodically, she would rotate her hips, moving her most sensitive areas against Mark. Mark never stopped stroking his lover's body - in awe of her beauty as she rode him.

Debra quickened her pace, slamming her hips down to gobble up her lover entirely. She threw her head back and moaned, then stiffened and cried out as she came. Mark grabbed his lover's hips and thrust into her, continuing to drive into her as she came.

Satisfied, but exhausted, Debra slumped down on Mark's chest. Her breasts rested against his chest, his penis still deep inside her. Mark kissed her cheek and held her while she slowly came back to reality.

Debra opened her eyes in surprise as she felt herself being turned over - Mark's penis still inside her. She winced slightly when her bottom touched the bed and drew her legs up around her lover's waist.

"Oh my, more?", Debra sported a grin from ear-to-ear as she repeated her line from their first encounter.

"Lots more," Mark replied, sporting an identical grin. Then he began to thrust his penis deep into his willing lover, wiping the grins off both their faces.

[The End]

(c) Copyright 2000 [email protected] May be freely distributed provided no fees are charged for access to this story and the copyright message is not removed.

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