I should be working, but I've had this story on my brain for days and finally finished it. It's my first M/F story of late.

This story is dedicated to a girl who used to do network support at an insurance company I worked at many years ago. There were a lot of men who couldn't fix their computers <grin>

A warning for those that like your spankings without sex. This has lots of explicit sex!

Desktop Support (M/F, sex)

(c) Copyright 2000 [email protected] May be freely distributed provided no fees are charged for access to this story and the copyright message is not removed.

Debra glanced through the glass separating the computer room from the rest of the room. She sighed as she looked in the empty office - even the cleaners were long gone.

Debra considered going downstairs to join her workmates at the local bar. It was a Friday night - time to socialise until the early hours! She shrugged, and tried to refocus on her work. Debra didn't feel like the company of others. She just didn't trust herself tonight.

She shivered. Her concentration was slipping. Despite the air conditioned room, Debra felt hot. Her nipples were sticking out through her bra and thin blouse. The dull throbbing she felt between her legs had slowly gotten worse all day. She squirmed uncomfortably on her chair and crossed her legs again.

Debra considered going down to the bar again. But Debra was a good girl, and she knew that after a few drinks she'd be going home with somebody - anybody. She unconsciously crossed her legs again. It was way too long since she'd had a man.

Without thinking, her left hand moved down and cupped her right breast. It was just a gentle touch, a brief caress, but it sent a bolt of electricity through her body. She groaned, before jerking her hand away. What was she thinking, she thought to herself. Still, it felt so good.

She glanced out into the office again. Nobody was there. But who would be at nearly eight on a Friday night, she mused. Her hand slipped back to her breast, this time she consciously teased her soft skin. Her mouth opened in a silent cry of pleasure. Her resistance broken, she moved her right hand under her short skirt. Debra closed her eyes and drifted.

Bloody printers, Mark thought to himself as he stepped out of the lift. And what are the chances of finding anybody in desktop support at this hour, he wondered as he glanced at his watch.

Still, he had to try. The CEO wanted that report by Monday morning - an impossible deadline. Not that the report was even important. Mark knew it that was a test - see if he's up to the impossible, test his mettle before even considering him for an executive position.

Mark glanced around the room. All at the bar, he thought, sighing and turning on his heel for the door. As he turned, he glimpsed a flash of movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned slowly. Somebody was in the computer room.

Mark walked slowly but purposefully towards the door. He saw a flash of long brown hair behind a terminal. He was especially in luck - it was Debra. Debra was the wet dream of the computer department. She was smart, attractive and had a handy habit of wearing short tight skirts.

Mark had always found Debra easy to talk to during their all too brief encounters, and had considering asking her out several times before, but she seemed so young and innocent. Many women in their early twenties thought a man in his late twenties was a dinosaur, so he'd kept his feelings to himself.

Just as Mark reached for the door, he heard a low moan - like a cry of pain. He hesitated briefly. Debra moaned again. This time it was clear to Mark that Debra wasn't in pain. It was a cry of pleasure. Surely she wasn't, he thought.

Mark carefully looked through the glass door. He could just see some of Debra's face, her body obscured by equipment and filing cabinets. She was leaning back on her chair, eyes shut, breathing heavily. Her expression was one of ecstasy.

Mark thought it was criminal that such an attractive woman should need to resort to pleasuring herself at work on a Friday night. His penis stiffened as he watched her. He could hear her crying out more rapidly as she clearly approached orgasm. She looked so beautiful.

Mark knew he should report her. He was far more senior than Debra. She'd be fired for sure. Debra moaned louder. She was close now. Mark opened the door.

Debra was so close to orgasm. Her hips had started to move against her finger. She moved her hand faster now, squeezing her breast at the same time. Her need was intense. Then the door opened.

Debra desperately tried to pull her hand away from her throbbing pussy, push her skirt down and take her other hand away from her breast. She only succeeded in a comical flurry of movement - like a kid caught with their hand in the lolly jar. She looked sheepishly at the newcomer. She was sprung, and she knew it.

"I ah ah, I was just," Debra tried to think of words of explanation, but she couldn't think of any rational reason for having her hand in her panties while she massaged her breasts.

"I saw it all. Everything," Mark told Debra in a flat tone.

Debra was momentarily speechless. She looked pleadingly at Mark. Debra cursed her luck at being caught, and being caught by Mark of all people. She had a bit of a crush on Mark, but had always been overcome by nerves in his presence. Her nerves had made her giggle and blush in his presence. He probably thought she was an air head. And now....

"You know I'll have to report this," Mark told Debra in a stern tone. A third party watching might have noticed the glint in his eye, or the slight smirk he was fighting to hold back. They certainly would have noticed the huge erection trying to push through his pants! But Debra was frantic with worry, and noticed none of this.

"Mark, please don't report me! I don't know what came over me. I thought there was nobody here. I didn't mean any harm, please!", she pleaded, tears forming in her eyes.

Debra looked up at Mark hopefully. Mark thought she looked pitiful, but so cute. He knew he didn't have any intention of reporting her, but his evil spanko streak thought the situation was too interesting to ignore.

"Debra, I wish I didn't have to tell, but I'm on the management team. I have a responsibility to," Mark reasoned.

"It'll never happen again Sir. I promise. Really, I need this job Sir," Debra pleaded. Tears now ran freely down her face. She stared submissively at the floor.

Mark stepped over and gently lifted her chin. Their eyes met. Debra still looked hopeful of a reprieve, though she didn't really expect one. She knew she'd that what she'd done was wrong.

"Now young lady, what you did was very bad. We can't have staff masturbating all over the building. You've been very naughty. Do you really think I should let you off scott-free?", Mark asked. He knew where he was going next, and hoped that she'd accept. He was taking a big risk.

Debra's eyes flicked around the room. She couldn't meet his eyes. Mark was a sexy older man and she was finding the way he was talking to her very exciting. She knew that her current state of arousal wasn't helping, but there was something else. Something deep inside her that made her squirm when Mark had called her a naughty girl. Finally, she looked down and shook her head.

"No sir," Debra said with resignation.

Mark paused, as if considering the situation. Debra thought that she may as well start packing up her stuff. Finally, he spoke.

"Perhaps there is a way out of this. Someway that means I wouldn't have to report you," Mark told Debra.

Debra looked up hopefully. Then, as the meaning of his words sunk in, her expression turned to pure fury. Surely he didn't mean. He couldn't.

Mark spotted Debra's concern and rushed to reassure her.

"No Debra, that's not what I meant. I would never ask that of you. Do you understand?"

"Yes Sir. Sorry," a relieved Debra replied.

"But don't think you're out of this yet. I can't believe you've done this. I used to think you were a bright intelligent girl..."

Debra soared. He didn't think she was an airhead. She wanted to cry out "I'm not!", but bit her tongue. Mark wasn't finished yet.

"...but you've really disappointed me. You've acted like a naughty little girl instead of a grown woman. I think you need to be punished," Mark continued.

Debra cringed under Mark's authority. She shivered when he told her she deserved to be punished. She felt a strong desire to please him. To make him think she really was a desirable woman.

"Debra, I think you've behaved like a child and deserve to be punished like one. Don't you agree?", Mark asked as he stared into Debra's eyes.

Debra didn't realize immediately what Mark was talking about. Then it clicked. Her eyes widened and her mouth hung open. She felt a new bolt of arousal surge through her loins as she imagined being physically punished by this handsome man.

Mark continued to stare into Debra's eyes. He was patient. He began to lightly stroke her chin with his fingers. Debra looked down again and studied his arm. She was shaking ever so slightly with fear and excitement.

"Well? I'm waiting young lady."

Debra felt conflicting emotions ranging through her body. Her pussy was telling her in no uncertain terms that she should agree. Her mind was swinging wildly between yelling her approval and grave doubts about whether this man might really hurt her. Strangely, even those thoughts were exciting.

After what seemed a painfully long time, Debra nodded slightly.

"So, you agree that you need to be punished for your behaviour. I'm afraid I didn't hear you, so I'm going to ask you again. This time I want you to know what you're in for.

"I'm going to ask you again if you need to be punished. If you say yes, then I'm going to give you a sound strapping across your naughty bottom. It will sting and once I start I won't stop until you're very sorry. If you say no, then I'll walk out of here and we'll forget the whole thing. That's right, I won't say a word about what I saw.

"Now, what's it to be? Do you deserve to be punished like a naughty child?", Mark asked, trying to keep the excitement out of his voice. His brain was telling him that he was probably killing any chance he ever had with this woman. The spanko in him was fuelling his erection.

Debra knew she was going to say yes. Her body was answering for her. Just the thought of being strapped by this strong, handsome man was incredibly exciting. Besides, she'd had been bad, she deserved it, she reasoned. She looked at Mark. Her seconds of silence were torture to him.

"Punish me Sir. Strap me." Her eyes were shining with arousal. She almost came when she asked him to strap her. It had sounded like somebody else, somebody else's fantasy. Mark knew he had found a willing participant.

No more words were needed. Mark pushed upwards on her chin, drawing her up from her chair. Her response to the gentle pressure of his fingertips a sign of her submission. He turned and cleared equipment from a section of the long bench that Debra had been sitting behind. It was the perfect height.

He put his hand up, open palm towards Debra. She tentatively placed her own hand on his and he led her towards the bench. Ever so gently he pulled her over it, leaning down on her back to push her bottom out. Her short black skirt tightened, presenting a target that could only have been enhanced by removing the skirt.

Mark stepped back and admired her form. Her breasts were resting against the bench, squashed out nicely at the sides of her blouse. Her bottom had 'spank me' written all over it in invisible ink. Her eyes were almost pleading, but Debra wasn't begging to be let off.

He reached down to his trousers and started to undo his belt. Debra watched with morbid fascination. The buckle undone, he whipped out the belt in a single motion. It made a swishing noise as the leather moved rapidly against his trousers. He doubled up the thick leather and tapped it against his left hand. Debra was mesmerised.

Mark lifted the belt back high, then paused, seeking to tease Debra a little longer. Debra moaned out loud in anticipation. Still he waited.

"What are you waiting for? Just do it!", Debra hissed. The excitement was too much to bear. Why didn't he just get on with it?

"Don't top from the bottom," Mark replied in an amused tone.

"What?", Debra replied, completely baffled by the statement.

"Don't," CRACK!, "worry." CRACK! Mark punctuated the words with sharp cracks of the belt against Debra's tight skirt.

"Ow! That hurts," Debra whined, completely surprised by the strikes of the belt.

"But of course. That's why it's called punishment!", Mark replied gleefully, fully enjoying the opportunity to strap this gorgeous woman.

Mark resumed the strapping. He wasn't hitting too hard at this stage. He wanted to savour this experience. He loved the way Debra's bottom rearranged itself after each strike with his belt.

Debra didn't think the belt hurt all that much really. Once she got over the initial shock, the belt felt quite nice. A sort of indescribable hot sting that started on her bottom and surged through her body. She could feel her pussy getting even wetter. She relaxed on the bench and tried to concentrate on the feelings between her legs, which seemed to be growing as her bottom got warmer.

Abruptly, Mark stopped strapping Debra. She groaned in frustration and looked up at him. Mark chuckled softly.

"Don't want me to stop eh? We'll see if you're saying that at the end!", Mark told her. "I've just got to get a better view of the target."

Mark reached down and in a single motion pulled Debra's skirt up to her waist, revealing flimsy white panties that barely covered her charms.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?", Debra exclaimed.

"Well, you were enjoying it way too much! Let's see if this has more effect."

Mark didn't give Debra time for any more protests. He brought the belt down sharply, right across the middle of her cute bottom. He could see the edges of her bare skin, and was satisfied to see the colour change quickly to a darker shade of pink.

"Yeow!", Debra squealed, surprised at how much more the belt hurt now. "Not so hard!"

Mark chuckled again and started to strap Debra with moderate, but regular strokes. She squirmed on the bench as the strap started to warm up her bottom.

Despite the growing pain, Debra felt the arousal between her legs becoming more urgent. She'd been on edge far too long now and the endorphins flowing through her body helped take the edge off the pain.

Mark paused. He really wanted to take her panties down. He watched her continue to squirm on the bench even after his last stroke had fallen. He realised that she wasn't exactly hating this. Good, he thought.

"Debra, I want you to take your panties down. You are going to get the rest of this strapping on your bare bottom."

Debra squeezed her legs together at the thought. She was a good girl. She couldn't possibly take her panties down for a man she barely knew. In this position, he'd see everything! She hesitated, then shuddered again and moved her hands back towards her burning bottom.

Mark watched as Debra reached back with shaking hands and slowly lowered her own panties. Her bottom was perfect, a gift from a generous deity. Now Mark could clearly see the areas that still needed attention. He wanted her bottom to be a uniform shade of red when he finished.

Debra watched Mark carefully. Her face had gone bright red with embaressment at having to lower her own panties for a man she barely knew. Not that she didn't want to know him better, she mused. Then, she noticed the huge bulge in his trousers for the first time, licking her lips subconsciously. Debra was glad that he obviously liked what he was seeing.

Debra was snapped back to reality by a sharp crack of the belt against her bare bottom. Mark brought the belt down firmer now, carefully measuring Debra's reactions. Debra groaned, clutched at invisible straws and squirmed on the desk as Mark strapped her bare bottom another dozen times.

"Only ten more to go Debra. I want you to stay in position. You've taken your punishment well so far," Mark said.

Debra steeled herself. Somehow she knew that these would be the hardest yet. She was right. Mark brought his belt down from higher, striking purposefully at the areas he'd neglected. Debra cried out with each stroke. Knowing that there weren't many to go made it easier to bear. Still, it wasn't easy and Mark made sure that every stroke counted.

Finally, it was done. Debra was sobbing softly now, with a few wet tears leaking out her eyes. Her bottom burned and her pussy gushed. She'd never felt more alive. Mark put his belt up on the bench and moved over to Debra.

"Are you sorry now?", he asked gently, studying her reactions. He hoped he hadn't overdone it.

Debra looked up and sobbed loudly. It was more of an emotional sob than a cry of pain. She nodded, unable to word the admiration and gratitude she felt.

"It's okay. I understand," Mark said. Debra smiled shyly.

"Would you like me to rub your bottom for you? It might soothe the pain a little," Mark asked hopefully.

Debra kept smiling and nodded again. Mark began to lightly rub Debra's reddish bottom. She sighed and moved her bottom back into his hands. It felt so good. His hands moved between stroking teasingly to gently squeezing her buns. Debra remembered his erection. She smiled to herself, he must be struggling to contain himself now. Well, if I'm going to be a bad girl I may as well do it all on one day, she thought.


"Yes, Debra," Mark replied, still rubbing her bottom. He could feel her heat, smell her arousal. He wanted her desperately.

"Take me. I'm ready. I want it," Debra told him, her own voice breaking with arousal.

Debra had barely finished talking when she felt the soothing hands disappear. She moaned as she heard Mark unzip his trousers. She felt a finger spread her soft wetness and spread her legs further to accommodate him. Something larger replaced the finger, pressing urgently, seeking entrance.

Debra cried out as Mark drove his penis deep into her, spreading her warm wet pussy open in a single thrust. She felt his balls slap against her pussy lips and his stomach press delightfully against her sore bottom.

Mark thought there was something primal about taking a woman from behind - the depth of penetration, the feeling of being in complete control. He grabbed Debra roughly by the hips and began to pump his hard member as deeply into Debra as possible. She squirmed and cried out delightfully. He quickened his pace, getting a satisfying reaction from Debra.

Debra felt her orgasm approaching. She felt like she'd been on the verge for hours and she knew this was going to make it all worthwhile. Mark's penis was hammering at her. From this position he struck her insides deeply and deliciously with each thrust.

Within minutes she was coming, shuddering in ecstasy against the desk as Mark continued to drive her higher and higher. Mark stopped and held still. He'd almost lost it when Debra's pussy had tightened around his penis. He gently stroked Debra's back and thought about farming equipment until his need eased.

Finally, Debra stopped convulsing against the bench. Mark slowly withdrew his still hard member. He had plans for it that involved both of them.

Debra felt Mark slide out. She hadn't even felt him cum, she mused. Then again, it's a bit hard to feel anything in the middle of an earthquake, she thought with amusement. Slowly, Debra tried to lift herself off the bench. Her legs felt like jelly.

Mark stopped her, and holding her hips firmly, swung her over onto her back in a fluid motion. Mark ripped her panties off and flung them across the room. In an instant, Debra found herself lying on the bench with a leg over each shoulder of her new lover. Her still hot bottom hung out over the edge of the desk. Debra glanced down and grinned at Mark's still hard penis.

"Oh my, more?," she asked Mark in a flirtatious voice. Debra found her lover's take charge attitude exciting and was eager for more loving.

"Lots more," Mark replied, a hard edge of arousal to his voice.

Debra squirmed in anticipation as Mark positioned himself. She sighed as he entered her again. He was slightly lower than her in this position and Debra felt his penis enter her at a delicious angle. Slowly, he began to move in her again, teasing her with slow smooth strokes. Debra arched her back and pushed her hips back to meet him.

They moved slowly like this for a while, both enjoying the pleasure of each other's bodies. Mark moved his left thumb around Debra's leg, placing it lightly above her throbbing clit. Debra tried to push against it, but couldn't quite get the stimulation she needed. What is he doing, she wondered in frustration through her erotic haze.

Crack! Her bottom exploded in renewed fire as Mark spanked her exposed bottom hard with his right palm. She lurched upwards, pushing her clit against Mark's thumb. Debra moaned in pleasure. The combination of her burning bottom, the stimulation on her clit, and Mark continuing to fill her up with his hard penis overpowered Debra's pleasure senses.

Crack! "Owwwoooh," Debra cried out again in pleasure and pain as Mark spanked her again.

Mark began to spank Debra regularly, every few thrusts. The positioning wasn't perfect, but he was still managing to land some good hard swats on Debra's already burning bottom. Debra let out a low squeal as she bucked up and down on the bench, strumming her clit against Mark's thumb.

"Owwwww. I'm cummmmiiinnnnng!", she cried as she came again around Mark's penis.

Mark felt Debra's pussy contract around his throbbing penis. With a series of hard deep thrusts he brought himself over the edge. Quickly he withdrew from Debra's convulsing body and sprayed his cum over her bunched up skirt. For several seconds, they both were in their own worlds, clinging to the last lingering moments of ecstasy.

Slowly, Mark pulled Debra up from the bench into his arms. She eagerly accepted the embrace and melted her body against his. For several long minutes they leaned into each other, enjoying the closeness. Then, Debra leaned back and smiled at Mark.

"Take me home with you," she said, moving forwards to kiss Mark for the very first time. She was such a bad girl.

[There may be another part to this yet.]

(c) Copyright 2000 [email protected] May be freely distributed provided no fees are charged for access to this story and the copyright message is not removed.

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