Alissa - MF - Part 2


[this will make a lot more sense if you read part I first!]


Riotous laughter reverberated through the room, drowning out the royal bard playing uplifting tunes on his hornpipe.  Goblets clashed regularly, spilling fresh ale over the remnants of the royal banquet.  Father backslapped Duke Morak for the umpteenth time, the two of them behaving like teenage kitchen scullions playing after thieving brew from the cellars. 


Alissa shifted on her velvet cushion, feeling the lingering sting of Lord Gallis' belt.  He was to be executed at dawn.  Lord Gallis was a scoundrel; she should be glad, yet she pushed at her potatoes, unable to get those dark eyes out of her head.


"Seems the bride-to-be is nervous about her wedding tomorrow eve," her Father bellowed, shouldering Duke Morak rollickingly.


Duke Morak sported a grin from ear to ear.  He patted Alissa's hand.  "Perhaps our young maiden is worried about her wedding night.  Never fear my love.  I have experience to make up for the both of us."


Alissa forced a smile.  Duke Morak had a notorious love of courtesans.  A love she would be cutting off at the stem.  Alissa turned to her father.  "Father, about Lord Gallis…"


Her Father's face darkened.  "My dear, I am so sorry I left you alone with the savage.  He will get what he deserves in the morning when he is hung, drawn and quartered."


Alissa pursed her lips, considering her words.  "Father, with the wedding and celebrations, perhaps we might show some mercy?"


Duke Morak laughed.  "Show mercy?  I'd kill him myself if your father gave me the chance."


Alissa brightened.  "You mean like in a duel, a duel, over me?"


Duke Morak choked on his beer, his face going red.  "Well not exactly.  I had offered to hack off the misbegotten savage's head personally, but your Father wisely decided it might provoke war."


Alissa's hopes sank.  Mercy was as rare as diamonds in her Father's court.


"Alissa, if it pleases you, since it is to be your day tomorrow, I will show this Lord Gallis mercy," her Father said. 


Alissa's heart jumped.  She could not bare the thought of Lord Gallis being executed when she, kind of, not that she would ever admin it, deserved the toasted bottom he had given her.


"Though it will not please the peasants, I will order that Lord Gallis be merely beheaded, sparing him considerable suffering.  But come the Devil or the deep blue sea, I will see the end of him," her Father said.  "Now off to bed.  You've got a long day ahead of you."


Alissa rose, ignoring her mother's icy stare.  She bode her parents and her husband-to-be goodnight and left for her chambers, silent tears starting to flow down her face.



Decades had past since the keep's walls had been breached; slothful guards smoked on weed or caught up on sleep in recesses cut into the stone towers.  The keep was so quiet even the cellar rats seemed to be resting in preparation for the morning's festivities.    Lord Gallis crept up the circular stairway, towards the pinnacle of the keep's tower.  Welts on his back outlined where the torturer's lash had landed, the torturer that had made a fatal error in judgment when he dragged a spent Lord Gallis from the rack just ten minutes earlier.  Men of the Western Plains were made of stouter stuff, as the late torturer and his apprentice had discovered.


The princess was sleeping in her quarters, perilously unprotected from the dangers of the night.  Lord Gallis prized the heavy door open, using his reclaimed blade to force the latch, though mindful not to disturb the watch.  Princess Alissa slept soundly, her eyes red, her hands clutching a mangy teddy bear to her breast.  Lord Gallis ran a calloused hand over her cheek.  She was truly the most exquisite woman he had ever seen.  Alissa was a fiery woman, spoilt and with a temper to match, but nothing a few years of quality time over his lap would not redress.


Her eyes flashed open.  Lord Gallis put his hand over the young princess' mouth, attempting his most reassuring smile.  The princess thrashed in her bed.  Lord Gallis pulled the princess into his arms, quieting her struggles.  He could not escape like this.  Using his boot and one hand, Gallis ripped two strips of cloth from the bed linen.  With a smile that hid what he was doing, Gallis gagged and bound the recalcitrant princess and threw her over his shoulder.  Her curvy upturned bottom provided too tempting a target.  Lord Gallis gave the princess a couple of hearty swats; the princess' muffled cries demonstrating the thin night shift provided scant protection.   Much as he would have liked to finish what was due, play would have to wait. 


Lord Gallis headed down from the tower towards the stables, the princess lying over his shoulder.  Passing two sleeping guards, one who was sleeping on his watch and another who slept soundly after Gallis' fist brought a swift end to the guard's surprised look, Gallis made his way to the darkened stables.  The first flickers of dawn crept through the window.  Time was of the essence.  Gallis saddled his horse, placing Princess Alissa in front of him as he rode towards the keep gates.


A guard stepped forward, pike in his hand.  "Halt rider, state your name and business," the guard asked.


"Gallis, Lord of the Western Plains.  I have Princess Alissa.  You must open the gates now!"  Gallis could not bring himself to threaten Alissa, even as a deception. 


A long minute past, Gallis holding his breath as the guard verified his claim.   The guard signaled.  The gates swung open with a tell-tale screech, letting in the day's first light.  Gallis kicked his legs, driving his faithful mare out and to the West with speed.



Even Alissa, a skilled rider in her own right, was astounded at the speed of their flight.  Gallis' horse was trained for long distances and by mid-afternoon they were clear of her Father's lands.  She felt sick in the stomach.  As much as she was glad Gallis was alive, she now appeared to be his prisoner, heading towards a land far from her own.  Her Father's men would be no match for the horsemen of the Western Plains; rescue seemed out of the question.


Lord Gallis rode until the sun was setting, with only brief stops to rest.  Finally he pulled off to a secluded area off the main road.  Gallis helped Alissa from his horse, removing her bounds and gag.


Alissa planted her hands on her hips.  "You have some nerve dragging me out of bed and half way across this forsaken land, and then, you having the hide to keep this gag on me all day."


"Sorry to inconvenience you so, my Lady."  Lord Gallis turned his back, revealing the effects of hours of torture.  "However, I had some trouble myself in your Father's dungeons where I do believe I was goaled on your orders."


Alissa's mouth dropped.  "I had no idea…"  She reached out, touching Lord Gallis' back with her hand.  "I tried to have you freed but Father would not have it.  You must believe me."


"So you have forgiven me for the episode in the garden, admitted you deserved a good taste of leather?"


Alissa coloured.  "I have forgiven your bestial behavior.  I am a princess you know.  You just can't spank me whenever it takes your fancy.  It isn't right."


Gallis moved closer, his frame towering over Alissa.  He took hold of Alissa's wrist.  "Well now that you mention it, there is still the matter of you having me thrown in a dungeon to discuss.  I do not think our relationship is going to work until I impress on you that I don't take kindly to rats, the rack or spoilt princesses."


Alissa backed away.  "No, you can't.  I want to go home…"


Lord Gallis ignored the protests, sitting on the ground and pulling Alissa over his lap. 


Alissa punched Gallis' leg in protest, whining as he lifted her light night shift.  "Let me up this instant or, I'll have you thrown back in the dungeons."


"Oh Alissa, this is a position you'd best get accustomed to."


A hand, covering a large portion of the princess' bare bottom caught her attention, resting gently on her bottom.  "Get your hand off me you wolf.  Father was right about you."


A resounding crack sent the nocturnal animals scurrying for safety.  Unfortunately there was no escape for Alissa as the punishing hand of Lord Gallis heated up her bottom, the slaps of his hand transforming her bottom from lily-white to rose.  Alissa was determined to take this better.  The last spanking had been painful, but the further embarrassment of being reduced to tears was too much for the young princess.


She twisted on his lap, a futile effort compelled by the building fire.  She felt something under her, not an intimate familiarity but the young princess had learned many things from whispered conversations with her hand-maidens.  "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" her voice choked with outrage.


Gallis paused, letting his hand slide over Alissa's warm curves, his softer touch bringing a red shade to the maiden's face.  "When you are my wife, I shall spank you near as oft as I shall make love to you.  Do not fear; I could never tire of this bottom."


"Why you muscle-bound, manure for brains pervert!"


Gallis chuckled, recommencing the spanking with a resounding crack.  "I seem to remember you admiring my muscles but a few days ago."


Alissa blushed brighter, wincing under the renewed heat from her bottom.  Her antagonist's hand did not hurt as much as his belt, though the embarrassment was greater; his hand striking her bare skin as she lay across his lap like a naughty little girl, wearing down her resistance.  Tears welled in her eyes, beginning the long journey down the valleys of her face.  The young princess began to sob, feeling thoroughly chastened.  Her behavior had gotten a man tortured, near killed.  She had paddled her own boat, now she was getting her own bottom paddled.


Lord Gallis let the teary eyed princess up.  She slid into the safety of his arms, long minutes of shared warmth regaining her composure.  The calm scared her.  She pushed back, stumbling to her feet.  Lord Gallis stood, eyeing the young princess cautiously.


"You should not touch me.  I'm promised to Duke Morak.  Take me home."


Lord Gallis scratched his chin.  "Do you love him?"


Alissa was a rabbit in a hunter's sights.  "I must go.  We must be married, for my family…"


Lord Gallis took Alissa's hand, lifting it up between them.  The tenderness in his touch a sharp contrast to the discipline Alissa knew his hand capable of.  "Look me in the eyes and tell me you love him and I will drop you off at a nearby settlement."


Alissa's gaze met Lord Gallis' eyes, losing herself in the dark pools.  "But, I hate you.  You're arrogant and uncivilized and you hurt my bottom and you're…"


Lord Gallis kissed her, more than a mere wet fish planting of lips, a passionate kiss that flamed the embers of desire, catching Alissa's breath and carrying it away on the wind.  She closed her eyes, giving in to want, pressing her softness against the warrior's bare chest.  Time slowed, nothing existed except the sweet caress of his lips and the warm arms encircling her.


She leaned back, breaking the kiss, smiling into her barbarian Lord's eyes, "devastatingly handsome."    She melted back into his arms, never wanting the feeling to end. 


That night, pushing their concerns of the future aside, the handsome warrior and the young princess lived for the moment.  Alissa cried tears of perfect joy as her first love showed her tenderness, stroking her gently in places she once would have blushed to consider.  Passion overwhelmed hurt, love overwhelmed fear.   When she woke the next morning, clinging to her love, feeling neither naked nor ashamed, Alissa knew for the first time in her life she would follow her heart, wherever that may lead her.















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