(c) Copyright 2002 [email protected] May be freely distributed provided no fees are charged for access to this story and the copyright message is not removed.

Dan glanced at his watch for the fifth time in ten minutes. Rachael had outdone herself this time. He looked back to the television and made small talk with Rachael's mother, keeping his smoldering anger closely checked.

Sandy, or Mrs. Danes as Dan called his girlfriend's mother, noticed the young man's distraction. "I'm really sorry. Rachael should have been home over an hour ago."

Dan smiled. "It's not your fault Mrs. Danes. I told her I'd be here just after seven."

"She's done this to you far too many times. You know, she deserves a good spanking when she gets home."

Dan gurgled on the coffee he was sipping. Did she really say what he thought he heard? Mrs. Danes seemed be smiling, her face turned towards the television. She was right on the money thought. Dan couldn't let the opportunity pass. "That'd be long overdue."

Mrs. Danes chuckled. "You're probably right. But she's eighteen now, so it's out of my hands."

Dan cursed silently. For a moment there he thought he might get to witness something too good to be true.

"Perhaps you could spank her?" Mrs. Danes asked, full of mischief.

Dan was glad he wasn't sipping his coffee, but could not help his face turning red. Could she read his mind? Why couldn't they just talk about the movie? "Um, I couldn't do that Mrs. Danes."

Mrs. Danes turned to face Dan, her face considering. "You like my daughter, don't you Dan?"

Dan shifted uneasily in his chair. As far as Mrs. Danes was concerned, he and Rachael were just friends. That was another of Rachael's bright ideas. "I do Mrs. Danes."

"Oh, I wasn't born yesterday. I know something is going on between you two. But why do you think Rachael's not serious about you yet?"

Dan glanced down. This was too close to his worse fears. "Maybe she doesn't like me that way."

"Oh boloney. I've seen you two kissing when you drop her off at night. Rachael does not kiss boys she doesn't like a lot."

"I don't know then Mrs. Danes. She seems so hot and cold." Dan squirmed as he revealed a little more than he intended to his girlfriend's mother.

"Rachel's father is a drunk. He's hasn't been around for years. She needs you to be strong."

"What do you mean?"

Mrs. Danes sighed. The boy was slow on the uptake. "She's two hours late again tonight. She knows she'll get away with it. I'm sure I'm only seeing the tip of the iceberg."

Dan nodded. He was over the verge of breaking up with Rachael. He couldn't stand this treatment much longer.

Mrs. Danes looked the young man in the eyes. "Dan, she can't love you while you're wrapped around her finger."

Rachael slid her spandex bike pants up her thighs. She was just wearing them to spite Dan if he saw her at college today. Really. She began stuffing her notepads and textbooks into her haversack, ready for another day at college. She'd ride her bike to college today. No way was she waiting for Dan to arrive as scheduled. They were finished.

Last night, after the movie, things had finally come to a head. They had been making out in Dan's car down at the local beach. No groping, no wandering hands, no clothes off, just kissing. There was nothing unusual there, but this time they had kissed longer, more intensely. She'd been so turned on she couldn't think straight.

Then the alarm bells at the back of her head rang. She had pushed him away, refusing to touch him in case she was tempted again. She had demanded to be taken home immediately, much to Dan's annoyance.

When they'd pulled up outside her house, she had grabbed her handbag and started to open the door. No kiss goodbye tonight.

It was then that Dan started acting really weirdly. He'd told her to be wearing her bike pants when he picked her up the next day. That was just the start of the weirdness. He'd said he was going to spank her for behaving like a "selfish spoiled brat", and since they weren't lovers yet he'd let her keep her pants on, provided they "didn't provide much protection".

Rachael was glad she'd told the creep to "sod off" and stormed inside. As if he would spank her anyway. Really, the guy had some nerve.

Rachael picked up her bag and headed for the door. He was history. She would tell her friends, only she'd never told them they were dating in the first place. Their relationship was the first where she'd done more than hold hands with a guy, and she was so uneasy about it she'd made Dan keep it quiet. Sure he was nice, and really cute, but something held her back, kept her confused and uncommitted.

The phone rang just as she put her hand on the door. Rachael sighed and walked back to the kitchen, picking up the handset on the second ring. It was the brute.

"Glad you see you're up and waiting Rach."

"I was just leaving. I'm riding my bike today."

"No you're not. You're staying right there young lady. I'll be there in half an hour."

Rachael felt some butterflies in her tummy. He never talked to her like this. She fought them off, laughing sardonically. "What, so you can spank me?"

"You won't be laughing when I've finished."

"As if. I'm eighteen for God's sake."

"Well you certainly don't act it. I'll be there soon and we can continue this discussion. One last thing..."

Rachael rolled her eyes. If the guy was going to spank her, why didn't he do it last night? He's got no nerve. "What?"

"No panties under those bike pants if you want to keep them up."

"Oh please, I'm not even going to be here when you get here. We're finished."

"We are if you aren't there. Your choice." The line clicked dead.

Rachael paced the carpet, looking at her watch. She should go now. Not that she had anything to worry about. Dan would never spank her. Would he? She should go. But that would end the relationship. What is there to be so afraid of? It's not as though he doesn't love me. The thought of lying over his lap, being spanked for not being a good girlfriend, was so vivid, so outrageous, so ... damn arousing.

The doorbell rang. Shit! He's here early. Her heart pounded as she walked to the door. Rachael opened the door, preparing lines that would surely get her out of this mess.

Dan was smiling confidently, dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans. She opened her mouth to speak and then caught sight of the wooden ruler in his hand. Her mouth dropped open. "You never said anything about a ruler!"

Dan leaned in, kissing Rachael lightly on the lips. She was still too shocked to respond. He leaned back. "I didn't did I? This is only for if you make things difficult for me. Now let's get this over with."

Rachael looked up with puppy dog eyes. "Now Dan, I'm really sorry I shut you out last night. I just get so confused sometimes. It won't happen again, I promise. Let's just kiss and make-up."

Dan stepped in, shutting the door behind him. He took Rachael's hand and led her towards the lounge room, towards the couch.

Rachael spotted the enemy, the couch, and pulled away, but felt herself being more dragged than led. "Dan! Didn't you hear me? I'm sorry."

"Rachael, this isn't about last night."

Rachael looked confused. "But you said..."

Dan sat down on the couch, pulling his surprised girlfriend over his lap, wrapping an arm around her to confine her struggles. "Rachael, this is about the last four months. You've been a selfish brat and you've had this coming for a long time Rachael Danes."

He rested his hand on her spandex pants, admiring her shapely curves. A thin line protruded down the centre of her bottom - g-string. She just can't be obedient. He peeled down the black bike pants, ignoring Rachael's desperate cries.

"Nooooo... can't you leave them up? It's only a g-string. Oh this is so embarrassing. This isn't happening."

Dan chuckled, silently thanking Rachael's mother as he caressed the white globes. He should have done this a long time ago. He lifted his palm and brought it down with a sharp crack on his girlfriend's bottom.

Rachael squealed. Her mother hadn't spanked her for years, and never so hard. She squirmed on Dan's lap, but he was too strong for her. His hand came down again, on her other cheek. Oh how it burned.

Dan spanked slow and hard. He didn't want this to end too quickly, yet he didn't want to hurt Rachael too much, just make her genuinely sorry. She was still cursing and promising revenge as he raised the level of pink in her bottom. He wasn't there yet.

Dan was quietly spoken and to the point. His spanking reflected his personality. He didn't lecture endlessly as his right palm reddened the naughty girl's bottom. An occasional "bad girl" or "little brat" emphasized particularly hard spanks.

Rachael wasn't sure when she started to cry. She noticed kicking her legs first, then trying to protect her bottom in vain with her hands. Her poor bottom hurt so much. She buried her head in the sofa, sobbing in between promises. Promises that would be kept this time, she sure of that.

She cried for nearly a minute after Dan finished. Her red hot bottom burned for sure, but it was more that the sting, an emotional block had burst. She crawled up into his arms, into the safety. His hands massaged her neck and scalp, which felt real nice.

Rachael instigated the kissing. It started enthusiastically and didn't end. Rachael was a power keg of passion. The warmth between her legs matched her glowing behind. There was a brief pain when she lowered herself for the first time on Dan's throbbing erection, but it was followed by a long periods of passion, affection and love.

(c) Copyright 2002 [email protected] May be freely distributed provided no fees are charged for access to this story and the copyright message is not removed.

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