Danjon Number and Visual Magnitude Estimates of the 2022 May 15-16 Total Lunar Eclipse made by the                        

Brazilian Lunar Eclipse Watchers


Danjon Estimates

<L>=2.0±0.5 (Moderately dark eclipse; orange southern half with L=2.5 and very dark northern half with L=1.5)

Willian Souza (6), Alexandre Amorim (3), Helio C. Vital (1), Marcos Jerônimo et al. (1), Lucas Camargo (1), Antonio Padilla (1), Tasso A. Napoleão (4), Luiz A. Araujo (1), Cledison Marcos (1), Paulo R. Fernandes (1), Niercey Justino (1), Matias Alves (1), Guilherme Rueda (1), Rodolfo Matos (1)  --Total of 24 Danjon Number estimates

Highlight: Marcos Jerônimo and his team applied the author`s “Band Danjonmetry” to estimate L.

Estimates of Visual Magnitude

<m>=-0.8±0.3 (Consistent with <L>, indicating a moderately dark eclipse)

Caio Correia (1), Helio C. Vital (1), Luiz A. Araujo (1), Niercey Justino (1), Willian Souza (6), Alexandre Amorim (3) –Total of 13 estimates of the visual magnitude of the Moon


Alexandre Amorim (6), Willian Souza (6), Antonio e Luíza Padilla (1),  Lucas Camargo (6),  Carlos e Teresa Sato (19), Júlio E. Zenkner (9), Helio C. Vital (>30), Eneida Pereira (6), Marcos J. R. Barreto et al. (4) -- ~ 100 photos available made by Brazilian observers

Highlight: The blue ozone fringe just inside the border of the umbra captured by Eneida Pereira 2 minutes before U1, hinting at no severe absorption of grazing sunlight in the stratosphere by volcanic aerosols.