
Primera Temporada:
La Kriptonita, ¿Que no podra conseguir?

1.01 Pilot (16 Octubre 2001)

1.13 Cinético:
    Mientras Clark y Chloe le están haciendo una entrevista a Lex, este es atracado por un trío de deportistas fracasados capaces de atravesar la materia sólida y colarse en cualquier parte. Chloe acaba cayendo desde la ventana de un tercer piso, terminando en el hospital.

1.14 Cero
    Unos hechos del pasado de Lex Luthor vuelven para atormentarle. Mientras, Chloe investiga el pasado de Clark durante un trabajo para el colegio.

1.15 Nicodemus:
    Jonathan Kent salva a un hombre (que trabaja junto al profesor Hamilton) en un accidente de trafico, y mientras lo hace, una extraña planta le lanza unas esporas/polen, que lo trastornan, desinhibiéndole completamente, para sumirle luego en un coma que podria terminar en defuncion en poco tiempo. Más tarde, la misma planta afectara a Lana Lang, y otra afectara a Pitt, que intentara matar a Lex Luthor.

1.16 El Extraviado:
    Un niño que huye es atropellado por mama Kent.
Nota: Nada más tuve una curiosa sensación de deja vú, puede que el chico fuera el mismo, con cierto capitulo de "7 días".
Como curiosidad, además, es de los pocos episodios donde no sale alguien con poderes gracias a los meteoritos, o eso parece.

1.17 El Ejecutor:
    Un fragmento de meteorito resucita a un hombre que habia caido desde una ventana a más de 10 metros tras acabar con el sufrimiento de su enferma madre. Al hacerlo mata por contacto fisico al medico que le estaba haciendo la autopsia.

1.18 El Zumbido:
    Durante unas elecciones entre los alumnos, varios candidatos son atacados por abejas.

1.19 Enamorados en Secreto:

1.20 Oscuridad:

1.21 El Tornado:


S E G U N D A    T E M P O R A D A

2.01 Vortice:

2.02 Calor:

2.03 Duplicidad
    Clark revela su secreto a su amigo Pitt, cuando este encuentra la nave de Kal-El en un maizal.

2.04 El Meteorito Rojo
    Clark compra un anillo conmemorativo del instituto con un falso rubi que resulta ser kriptonita roja, la cual convierte al kriptoniano en una persona egoista y agresiva.

2.05 Nocturno:

2.06 Renacer:
    Una vampira de energia vital ronda por el instituto mientras Lana sospecha que su madre estaba liada con otro hombre que no era su padre, y que este podria ser su padre biologico. No, esto no es Falcon Crest, es Smallville :-)

2.07 Genealogia:
    Perdon, sí, sí que es Falcon Crest, con algo de Star Wars, el capitulo comienza con una extraña mujer que se presenta ante Clark, y le dice "Yo soy tu madre" XDDD para rematarlo, luego se presenta a Lex, y le dice que trabajó como enfermera para su madre, y que el hombre que la dejo en estado, fue Lionel Luthor, y hace que Lex se plantee la idea de que Clark es su hermano...

2.08 Ryan:
Aparece como alcalde de Smallville el actor que encarno a "El Fumador" de "Expediente X"

2.09 Dicotomia:

2.10 Los Mutantes:

2.11 Apariciones:

2.12  La Insurección:

2.13 El Sospechoso:

2.14 Euforia:

2.15 El Hijo Prodigo:


T E R C E R A    T E M P O R A D A




C U A R T A    T E M P O R A D A

4.01 Crusade
4.02 Gone
4.03 Facade
4.04 Devoted
4.05 Run
4.06 Transference
4.07 Jinx
4.08 Smell
    Isabelle posee el cuerpo de Lana, y de esta guisa hace que dos de sus antiguas camaradas se reencarnen en los cuerpos de Chloe y Lois. Y de manera tremenda aparecen en el granero de Clark, en donde se preparaba la fiesta sorpresa de Chloe.
Asi en este episodio, Clark descubre que la mágia puede dañarle. Lex se confiesa culpable del despido de Jason, lo que hace que Lana tenga que disculparse con Clark.
4.09 Bound
4.10 Scared
    La Luthorcorp sufre un escape de una bacteria que infunde a sus afectados las peores pesadillas, sumiendoles en un letargo en el que su presión sanguinea comienza a subir cada vez más.
4.11 Unsafe
4.12 Pariah
    Todo Smallville se entera de que Clark se ha casado con Alicia, y no le perdonan su pasado de psicopata asesina. Lana es atacada mientras se duchaba con la puerta cerrada por dentro, por lo que se comienza a sospechar de Alicia, incluso Clark despues de que Jason tambien sufra una agresión dentro del coche.
4.13 Recruit
    Clark Marzoa a Metropolis tras serle ofrecida una beca deportiva para jugar en el equipo universitario. Allí conoce a la actual estrella del equipo, que tambien es de Smallville.
Lex sigue poniendo a Lana en contra de Jason.
    Y parece que por fin, a traves de los ojos de otro, sera capaz de ver, que jugar con ventaja, no termina de ser muy honesto.
4.14 Krypto
    Lois atropella a un perro que esta siendo usado por dos hermanos para cometer robos.   Hercules y Eisntein, tal como los llaman, son dos perros provinientes de los experimentos de la Luthorcorp a los que se les administro esteroide mezclados con polvo de meteorito, y que poseen superfuerza.
    Clark se encariña de el, y mira de poder adoptarlo.
4.15 Sacred
4.16 Lucy (2 Marzo 2005)
4.17 Onyx (13 Abril 2005)
    Durante un experimento con restos de meteorito, sometidos a un intenso calor, crean "Kriptonita Negra". Esta tiene la capacidad de dividir en dos a un sujeto, mitad buena, mitad mala, al estilo del episodio de Star Trek: "El propio Enemigo". El Lex malo secuestra al bueno y lo encadena en la bodega, emulando y colocandole una "Mascara de Hierro". Tras eso, asedia a Lana, y la amenaza con ponerla de patitas en la calle si no accede a ser su reina.
4.18 Spirit
    Se acerca el día del baile de graduación. Chloe que ha estado criticando este evento desde La Antorcha, ve como su nombre termina apareciendo como una de las aspirantes a reina del baile. Al mismo tiempo, otra de las candidatas, Dawn Stiles, una barbie snob y superficial sufre un accidente de coche, mientras hablaba por el móvil y tomaba la dirección de Clark para convertirlo en su rey del baile, al haberle dejado el suyo ese mismo día. Como muere cerca de trozos de kriptonita, su espíritu sale de su cuerpo y posee el primer cuerpo al que se acerca. La madre de Clark, después, tan solo le basta tocar a alguien para cambiar de cuerpo.
4.19 Blank
    Un ladron, que entra en el café, posee la habilidad de absorver la memoria de sus victimas. Clark sufre una amnesia casi total en su encuentro con él. Por suerte, la primera en encontrarle es Chloe, que ya descubrio su secreto sin que él lo sepa en episodios anteriores. Ella sera su mentora y tratara de que este no se descubra ante el resto.
    El joven esta siendo tratado en Summerholt, en un tratamiento que trata de borrarle los recuerdos de un dia de caza, en el que por accidente mato a su hermano, pero no todo es lo que parece.
4.20 Ageless
Una pareja se dirige a la maternidad por la carretera, cuando el vientre de la madre comienza a brillar y tienen un accidente. El hombre asustado huye, justo a tiempo de salvar la vida, pues el bebe crea una gran explosión y deja tan solo un crater. El niño es recogido por Lana y Clark, que a partir de entonces haran de padres adoptivos, una ocasión o episodio para que exploten sus roles paternales.
4.21 Forever
    Es el último dia de instituto, todos comienzan a plantearse su vida fuera de esos muros, menos el fotografo del colegio, que desea seguir así para siempre. En su locura, recrea parte del instituto y rapta a unos cuantos para que le acompañen en su fantasia.

Spoiler: Lo del final esta muy cogido por los pelos. El hecho de que por que se muera el malo con el toque de cera, no debería revertir el proceso en los demás, no estamos hablando de matar al vampiro jefe, o el hombre-lobo original. Hubiese sido más coherente, aunque supongo que argumentalmente más dificil, que este los devolviera a su estado natural.
4.22 Commencement

Gran episodio final, no se puede explicar mucho sin spoilearlo... Tan solo que otra lluvia de meteoritos, despues de 16 años, se dirige hacia Smallville, despues de que la poseida Lana, ensucie con sangre humana una de las piedras.



De imdb:

1x0 Unaired Pilot

1x1 Pilot
(16 Octubre 2001
Baby Clark (Kal-El) arrives on Earth. Teen Clark starts high school, saves Lex's life after a car accident, and finds out about his past and birth parents.

1x2 Metamorphosis
(23 Octubre 2001
The weird teenager Greg Arkin (Chad Donella), who lives alone with his mother Mrs. Arkin (Gabrielle Rose), collects insects in his home. After arguing with his mother, he puts the insects in his car and has an accident on the road, being attacked by the insects. He has a metamorphosis, becoming a powerful insect. He kills his mother and he chooses Lana Lang (Kristin Kreuk) to be his mate for procreation purposes. He believes that Lana Lang is dating Clark Kent, and Greg threatens Clark and his father Jonathan. In the end, Clark saves Lana from Greg's cocoon.

1x3 Hothead
(30 Octubre 2001
The coach of the football team - "The Crows" - of Smallville high school Walt Arnold (Dan Lauria) is close to his victory number 200 along twenty-five years of a successful career. He is exposed to burning kryptonite ore in the sauna, and achieves the power of burning whatever he wants. The new-arrival Principal James Kwan (Hiro Kanagawa) finds that seven athletes cheated in a mathematics test, and decides to punish the group by not permitting them to participate in the final game. Coach Walt burns his car, and Mr. Kwan goes to the hospital. Meanwhile, Clark Kent is invited by the coach and decides to join the football team, against the will of his father Jonathan. When Coach Walt Arnold loses control of his power, Clark has to fight with him to save Jonathan and his friend Chloe Sullivan.

1x4 X-Ray
(6 Noviembre 2001
The teenage mutant Tina Greer (Lizzy Caplan) has the power to transform into the shape and face of whoever she wants. She robs Smallville Bank pretending to be Lex Luthor, and accidentally kills her mother Rose Greer (Beverly Breuer). She becomes obsessed with Lana Lang's family, and decides to assume her identity. Meanwhile, Clark Kent finds that he has X-ray vision, and has troubles to control his new-found power, with the support of his stepparents. Lex Luthor is blackmailed by a dirty journalist, who found his hidden obscure past, but reverts the situation in the end.

1x5 Cool
(13 Noviembre 2001
In a high school party nearby a frozen river with kryptonite in the bottom, the arrogant football player Sean Kelvin (Michael Coristine) has an accident and drowns under the ice. However, he mysteriously survives with the power and need of taking the heat of other people and freeze things. Meanwhile, the Kents have financial difficulties and need a loan to save their farm, and Lex Luthor invites them for a meeting and offers the necessary money in a lower interest rate to the reluctant Jonathan Kent. Sean freezes and kills his girlfriend Jenna Barnum (Tania Saulnier), and invites Chloe Sullivan to date him with the intention to use her heat for his own survival. Clark Kent, who is going to a Radiohead concert with Lana Lang, quits the date to save his friend first, and his stepparents later, while Lana returns to the arms of her boyfriend.

1x6 Hourglass
(20 Noviembre 2001
Clark Kent applies to community work in an institute for the aged to be close to Lana Lang. Clark's favorite patient is Cassandra Carver (Jackie Burroughs), an old lady that foretells the future. Lana takes care of Harry Bollston (George Murdock), an unknown former murder. When Harry falls in a lake full of kryptonite nearby the institution, he becomes younger again. The young Harry Volk (Eric Christian Olsen) revenges the descendants of the members of the jury that sentenced him in the past trying to kill them. One of these descendants is Jonathan Kent.

1x7 Craving
(27 Noviembre 2001
The fat teenager Jodi Melville (Amy Adams) is obsessed to lose weight. She feels reject by most of her schoolfellows with the exception of Pete Ross, who defends her. Near to the Lana Lang's birthday party, Jodi submits herself to a radical diet, eating only vegetable planted in her father's greenhouse, but with soil full of kryptonite. Her body immediately achieves a wonderful shape, but Amy has a huge and uncontrollable starvation and need for fat as the side effect, threatening whoever is close to her.

1x8 Jitters
(11 December 2001
Former Luthor Corporation employee Earl Jenkins has an unknown disease that violently shakes all his body. He claims the disease developed following an explosion at his workplace, Level 3 of Luthor's Smallville plant. Trouble is, there is no Level 3! Determined to prove his case, Earl breaks into the plant and takes a class touring the plant hostage.

1x9 Rogue
(15 Enero 2002
While visiting an exposition sponsored by the Luthor Corp. in Metropolis, Clark Kent saves a homeless from an out of control bus using his powerful body to stop the vehicle. The dirty detective Sam Phelan (Cameron Dye) witnesses the event, and blackmails the Kent family, promising to disclose the secret unless Clark steals his files from the internal affairs. Meanwhile Lex Luthor is visited by his former lover Victoria Hardwick (Kelly Brook), the daughter of the greatest competitor of the Luthor Corp.

1x10 Shimmer
(29 Enero 2002
The teenager Amy Palmer (Azura Skye) has a crush on Lex Luthor. Her mother works in the Luthor's mansion and they live with her brother Jeff Palmer (Kett Turton) in the property. Amy is jealous of Luthor's girlfriend Victoria Hardwick (Kelly Brook), and Luthor and Victoria are attacked by some invisible being. Meanwhile, Lana Lang and Whitney Fordman decide to give a break in their relationship, and Clark gets close to Lana, but when he finds the motives for the attitude of Whitney, he approaches Lana to Whitney again.

1x11 Hug
(5 Febrero 2002
The evil tycoon Bob Rickman (Rick Peters) intends to build a very pollutant plant in Smallville, and he needs to buy Jonathan Kent's farm. Rickman is famous because of his capacity of convincing people, but indeed he has a powerful gift of changing people's mind with his shake of hands, and he uses his power against Jonathan. Meanwhile, the eremite Kyle Tippet (Gregory Sporleder), who was the former partner of Rickman, helps Clark Kent and Lex Luthor against the powerful industrialist.

1x12 Leech
(12 Febrero 2002
Clark and a classmate, named Eric Summer, are both struck by lightning when Eric is holding a piece of meteor rock. The electrical surge takes Clark's powers away and transfers them to Eric. As Eric gets used to his new powers, Clark has to deal with being a normal person for the first time, with all the advantages and disadvantages. But Eric's abusive and domineering father wants to have him examined in Metropolis for his strange powers and in response, the mentally unbalanced Eric goes on a rampage. Meanwhile, Sir Harry Hardwick, Victoria's father, and rival of Lionel Luthor, try to recruit Lex for their business in Metropolis and almost succeed in buying out Luthor Corp. But Lex turns the tables against them. Reporter Roger Nixon continues to investigate Lex's car accident and begins to close in on Clark's secret. Also, Lana becomes more distant when Aunt Nell announces her plans to sell her florist shop.

1x13 Kinetic
(26 Febrero 2002
After losing his college scholarship, a depressed Whitney falls in with a group of three former jocks from Smallville High who have tattoos made from kryptonite-laced paint that give them the power to walk through walls and commit various robberies around town. While Clark tries to track down the robbers, without getting physically close to them because of their tattoos, Chloe is seriously injured during a robbery of Lex's mansion when she is thrown out a window. Lex has his own plans to find the robbery trio when they steal an incriminating computer disk from his mansion. Also, Lana learns that Lex is the one who bought out the old movie theater and Nell's flower shop.

1x14 Zero
(12 Marzo 2002
As Lex helps Lana prepare for the re-opening of the Smallville theater, The Talon, as a coffee shop, a man from Lex's past, named Jude Royce, arrives in town and begins stalking Lex wanting to hold him in conjunction with a shooting death at Club Zero in Metropolis three years ago that Lex Mayo have been responsible for. Meanwhile, Chloe looks into Clark's past as an adopted child while Martha and Jonathan try to thwart Chloe's moves.

1x15 Nicodemus
(19 Marzo 2002
After stealing an experimental flower from Dr. Steven Hamilton (Joe Morton), the employee of the Luthor Corp. James Beales (Bill Mondy) has a truck accident on the road and is rescued by Jonathan Kent. However, the flower releases its pollen on Jonathan's faces, and he unleashes his innermost repressed desires first, and enters in coma later. Then, Lana Lang and Pete Ross are also affected by the Nicodemus flower in the same way. Lex Luthor hides from Clark Kent that Dr. Steven Hamilton is working for him, but they find the cure in an old book.

1x16 Stray
(16 Abril 2002
While escaping from his mean stepparents James Gibson (Jim Shield) and Sky (Courtney Kramer), the boy Ryan James (Ryan Kelley) is hit by Martha Kent's car in a road. She brings Ryan to a hospital, and the boy claims to have amnesia. The Kent's family offers to lodge Ryan in their farm while waiting for the social service. The boy becomes friend of Clark Kent and his friends, and has the power of reading minds. Clark helps the boy against his stepfather.

1x17 Reaper
(23 Abril 2002
While visiting his sick mother Rose Randall (Retha Htton) in the hospital, Tyler Randall (Reynaldo Rosales) is requested to commit euthanasia with her. The nurse witness the attempt, the security guard tries to arrest Tyler, he falls from the sixth floor and dies. When the coroner removes a green stone from his wrist, Tyler returns to life with a lethal touch. He decides to help terminal people to die becoming "The Reaper".

1x18 Drone
(30 Abril 2002
Along the dispute of an election of the president in Smallville high school, the candidate Paul Chan (Simon Wang) is hurt by a swarm of bees. Pete Ross decides to promote Clark Kent as the substituted for the spot. When the other aspirant schoolmate Felice Chandler (Chelan Simmons) is also attacked by bees, Clark believes that last competitor, Sasha Woodman (Shonda Farr), is behind the attacks. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor is threatened by an opportunist and ambitious reporter from Metropolis, Carrie Castle (Marguerite Moreau), and the thematic bar of Lana Lang is completely empty, losing clients to the competition and with the menace of closing the doors.

1x19 Crush
(7 Mayo 2002
The teenager cartoonist Justin Gaines (Adam Brody) recovers in the hospital from a car accident with the power of telekinesis but problems with his hands. He believes his doctor was negligent, and he will not be able to draw again, so he provokes a serious accident with Dr. Christopher Wells (James Purcell). Justin returns to Smallville, dates Chloe Sullivan, who is upset with Clark Kent, making him jealous with the situation. Chloe decides to investigate to help Justin to find the driver that hit him without help. Meanwhile, the former Luthor's maiden Pamela Jenkins (Donna Bullock) comes to Smallville to ask Lex Luthor to forgive her.

1x20 Obscura
(14 Mayo 2002
When Lana Lang is hit by a blow of a gas pipeline in the field, she has visions of a criminal and sees Chloe Sullivan being kidnapped. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor is visited by the despicable reporter Roger Nixon (Tom O'Brien) that convinces him to open again the investigation of the mysterious events surrounding the meteor shower of years ago.

1x21 Tempest
(21 Mayo 2002
Lionel Luthor fires all the employees from the Luthor's Plant to force Lex Luthor to move to Metropolis. Clark Kent invites Chloe Sullivan to the spring prom, and Whitney Fordman joins the Marines. The snoopy and despicable reporter Roger Nixon (Tom O'Brien) from The Inquisitor steels the piece of Clark Kent's spacecraft from Lex's mansion and finds the truth about the Kents. Meanwhile, three tornados threaten Lana Lang and Smallville. A beam collapses over Lionel Luthor putting his life in danger.

2x1 Vortex
(24 Septiembre 2002
Clark Kent saves Lana Lang, but his father Jonathan Kent is missing, trapped with the despicable reporter Roger Nixon (Tom O'Brien) in an old tomb. Lex Luthor saves his father, who is submitted to a surgery. Chloe Sullivan decides to be only friend of Clark. Lana Lang becomes suspicious of the abilities of Clark Kent.

2x2 Heat
(1 Octubre 2002
When the "hot" new Biology teacher Desiree Atkins (Krista Allen) arrives in Smallville, Clark Kent gets excited in her presence and his hormonal surge sets off a new ability--heat vision. Lex Luthor meets and falls for Atkins and they decide to get married. Meanwhile, Clark's heat vision causes several other fires and Clark is briefly jailed on suspicion of arson. Lex invites Clark to be his best man, but when Desiree tries to seduce him, he realizes that she is a meteor freak with the power to seduce men. The wedding is ultimately called off.

2x3 Duplicity
(8 Octubre 2002
When the sick Dr. Steven Hamilton (Joe Morton) becomes a liability to Lex Luthor, he terminates their contract. Dr. Hamilton leaves the mansion and drives through the road like a lunatic and provokes a serious accident with a truck driven by Ray Wallace (Andrew Jackson). The truck capsizes in a cornfield near Clark Kent's spacecraft and Pete Ross sees the UFO trying to rescue Ray. On the next morning, Pete asks Clark to help him to bring the object to his workshop. When Dr. Hamilton steels the spacecraft, Pete believes Clark has stolen and he discloses his secret to his friend. Meanwhile Lionel Luthor moves to Luthor's mansion, and Nell is in love with Dean.

2x4 Red
(15 Octubre 2002
Clark gets his Smallville class ring, but these rings contain RED KRYPTONITE making turn him into DARK CLARK

2x5 Nocturne
(22 Octubre 2002
Lana Lang finds some poems from a secret admirer in the gravestone of her parents in the cemetery. Later, she meets the author, Byron Moore (Sean Faris), a weird teenager kept locked by his parents in the basement of their farmhouse. They believe the boy is abused by his parents, but sooner they realize that he was the subject of an experiment of a laboratory of Luthor Corp, being powerfully evil. Meanwhile, Martha Kent is invited to work as the assistant of Lionel Luthor, and she accepts the invitation under the reluctance of Jonathan Kent.

2x6 Redux
(29 Octubre 2002
In Smallville High School, a swimmer mysteriously ages and dies, after meeting his girlfriend Chrissy Parker (Maggie Lawson). The new principal Reynolds (Richard Gant) arrives and conflicts with Clark Kent because he is friend of Lex Luthor. The Kent family is having financial problems and Martha contacts her father, who has been away from the family for twenty years, to borrow some money. Lana Lang finds an old picture of her mother with an apparent boyfriend and asks Lex to investigate.

2x7 Lineage
(5 Noviembre 2002
The disturbed Rachel Dunleavy (Blair Brown) arrives in Smallvile claiming that Clark Kent is her biological son with Lionel Luthor, therefore brother of Lex Luthor. She asks for a DNA examination, jeopardizing the Kent. Menawhile, Lana Lang visits Henry Small (Patrick Cassidy) trying to find whether he is her biological father.

2x8 Ryan
(12 Noviembre 2002
Clark Kent receives a desperate call from Ryan James (Ryan Kelley, from the episode "Stray") telling him that he is the subject of an experiment in a hospital. Clark rescues him, but is accused of abduction of a child by Ryan's tutor, Dr. Garner (Martin Cummins), being saved by Lex Luthor's attorneys. Ryan has a brain tumor and Clark uses his best efforts trying to save Ryan. Meanwhile, Lana Lang is informed by Nell that they will move to Metropolis with Dean. The corrupt Major Tate (William B. Davis) of Smallville asks for bribe to approve the expansion of Luthor's plant.

2x9 Dichotic
(19 Noviembre 2002
When the excellent student Ian Randall (Jonathan Taylor Thomas) gets a C from his teacher John Frankle (Serge Houde), he freaks out, duplicates himself and kills Frankle. He simultaneously invites Lana Lang and Chloe Sullivan to date, aiming to get a scholarship from Luthor Corp through the girls. Lana moves to Chloe's house to live with her family. Clark Kent tries to advise Lana and Chloe about the personality and ability of Ian, but he is misunderstood. Jonathan Kent breaks his leg, and Lex Luthor meets Dr. Helen Bryce (Emmanuelle Vaugier), who is treating Jonathan. Lana moves to Chloe's house to live with her family.

2x10 Skinwalker
(26 Noviembre 2002
While practicing motocross with Pete Ross, Clark Kent falls down through a hole in an underground cave and meets the Indian descendent Kyla Willowbrook (Tamara Fieldman). The girl is investigating some mysterious ancient paintings in the walls of the cave, and they immediately fall in love for each other. Her grandparent and some ecologists are fighting against the construction of a building that will destroy the caves, but generate one thousand new jobs in Smallville. Martha becomes split between the both interests. Meanwhile, a wolf threatens one constructor, Martha Kent and Lionel Luthor, and Clark Kent believes that the Indian Chief is a mutant with the power of transforming himself in a wolf.

2x11 Visage
(14 Enero 2003
All seems well in Smallville. Clark and Lana are making progress and he finally sums up enough courage to ask Lana out to a festival. But an old flame rekindles when Whitney returns. But something is wrong with Whitney and he isn't himself. Clark sets off to find out what is wrong with Whitney.

2x12 Insurgence
(21 Enero 2003
When Lex Luthor loses a US$ 150,000,00.0 contract to Luthor Corp., he finds that his mansion was bugged by his father. He hires a team to bug Luthor Corp. expecting to find the building empty since it is Sunday, but Lionel Luthor assigns Martha Kent for a work in his office with him. Jonathan Kent becomes very upset since it is the day of their weeding birthday and he was planning a picnic with Martha. Lex call off the action, but the leader of the group of industrial spies is killed by a member that wants to steel Lionel's safe. Martha and Lionel become hostages of the criminals, and when they open the safe, a great secret is disclosed. Meanwhile, Lana schedules a meeting with Mr. & Mrs. Small in Talon to know Jennifer Small, who advises Lana about her husband.

2x13 Suspect
(28 Enero 2003
Lionel Luthor is shot twice in the Luthor's mansion. When Jonathan Kent is found drunken, with a pistol in one hand and a bottle of tequila in the other hand sleeping in his truck, he becomes the prime suspect of the attempt. All the evidences point to him, but Clark Kent believes in his innocence and tries to prove that his father has not shot Lionel.

2x14 Rush
(4 Febrero 2003
During a rave party in the underground cave discovered by the Indian descendent Kyla Willowbrook , the student Travis has a reckless attitude climbing a lamp tower and dies. Pete Ross is pierced by a parasite, becoming reckless and bold. Lex Luthor hires the linguistic specialist Dr. Fredrick Walden (Rob LaBelle) to decipher the meaning of the paintings in the cave. Clark invites Lana Lang to date on the next evening. Later, Clark Kent goes with Chloe Sullivan to the cave, and she is also pierced, changing immediately her behavior. When Pete puts a red kryptonite in the pocket of Clark, the trio makes lots of mess in Smallville and hurts the feelings of Lana.

2x15 Prodigal
(11 Febrero 2003
Lex Luthor rescues his brother Lucas (Paul Wesley) from a dangerous situation and brings him to Smallville to help him in a commercial dispute against his father. However, Lucas stays side by side with Lionel getting all the wealthy of Lex. The homeless Lex Luthor is lodged by Jonathan and his family, while Clark Kent tries to fix the situation.

2x16 Fever
(18 Febrero 2003
While hiding the spaceship key in the farm's storm cellar, Martha Kent breathes some unknown spores and immediately gets ill. She is sent to Smallville Medical Center under the care of Dr. Helen Bryce, and the results of her blood tests are sent to CDC. Because CDC agents are coming to inspect the farm, Clark and Pete Ross hurry to move the spaceship. Clark inhales the spores and also gets sick. The CDC agents find the key, so Jonathan Kent must retrieve it, expecting a miracle to save the lives of his wife and son.

2x17 Rosetta
(25 Febrero 2003
Clark Kent has some weird dreams with the cave. When he puts the hexagonal key in a hole in the wall of the cave, he immediately learns how to decode the symbols. Then, while waiting for Chloe Sullivan in the Kent's farm, his uncontrolled vision burns a symbol on the wall of the barn. Chloe publishes the picture in the front page of The Torch, and Clark receives an e-mail from a wealthy and prominent scientist from New York. He schedules a meeting with Dr. Virgil Swann (Christopher Reeve) and learns about his origins in Krypton.

2x18 Visitor
(15 Abril 2003
When the weird and lonely teenager with healing power Cyrus Krupp (Jeremy Lelliott) claims to be an alien, Clark Kent approached to him trying to know his origins. Meanwhile, Dr. Helen Bryce (Emmanuelle Vaugier) moves to Lex's mansion, but she realizes that her skeleton key opens all but one room.

2x19 Precipice
(22 Abril 2003
When Lana Lang is assaulted by three drunken costumers, Clark Kent defends her and hits the guys, and the new Smallville Sheriff Nancy Adams (Camille Mitchell) arrests Clark. One of bad elements, Andrew Connors (Michael Adamthwaite), fakes a serious injury and sues the Kent in a huge amount. Dr. Helen Bryce is stalked by her former university boy-friend Paul Hayden (Anson Mount), a very sick and deranged man. Meanwhile, Lana Lang decides to have training in self-defense with Lex Luthor.

2x20 Witness
(29 Abril 2003
When a van of Luthor Corp. is hijacked by three criminals, Clark Kent accidentally witnesses the robbery. He recognizes the leader of the gang, Eric Marsh (Zachery Ty Bryan), a baseball player of Smallville high school. Clark quits his job in The Torch after discussing with Chloe Sullivan. Lana Lang sees Jennifer Small with her lawyer, and Jennifer tells that she will divorce from Henry Small. Lex Luthor tries to find what cargo was stolen from his father.

2x21 Accelerate
(6 Mayo 2003
Lana Lang sees the impossible, a friend named Emily Eve Dinsmore (Jodelle Micah Ferland), who died 6 years earlier in a fatal accident at age 10, ands still appears that age. Clark Kent believes her and searches for the truth. Emily's father Mr. Dinsmore (Neil Flynn) has an accident provoked by Emily and Lionel Luthor visits him in the hospital. Lana and Clark realize that Emily is the result of a LuthorCorp experiment in accelerated cloning. Problems in her chromosomes have caused her to be a flawed copy. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor and Helen Bryce plan their wedding.

2x22 Calling
(13 Mayo 2003
Lana Lang gets closer to Clark Kent. Dr. Fredrick Walden (Ron LaBelle) recovers his conscience and repeats the sentence "the day is coming and he will rule the world" many times. He believes that Clark Kent is a menace to mankind. He escapes from the mental institution using a strong power he has achieved and tries to eliminate Clark Kent. Meanwhile, Dr. Helen Bryce returns for her engagement party with Lex Luthor, and finds her office broke in and the blood sample of Clark Kent stole. Clark is invited to be Lex's best man, and Martha and Jonathan Kent to replace his missing parents. Lionel Luthor poisons the relationship of Helen and Lex, and Chloe and Clark, but unfortunately he hears the revelations of Dr. Walden to Lex about Clark.

2x23 Exodus
(20 Mayo 2003
Clark has finally begun dating Lana. Helen Bryce cancels her wedding to Lex, but later she realizes that she loves him and they marry. Jonathan and Martha are thrilled to learn Martha is pregnant. The memory of Jor-El speaks to Clark, telling him he must leave Smallville, his parents and friends to fulfill his destiny. Clark decides to destroy the spacecraft, using Lionel's kryptonite key. The ship explodes, causing Marhta to miscarry. Chloe, jealous of Clark and Lana, accepts Lionel's proposal to investigate Clark. Clark, grief-stricken at the injury he caused his mother, puts on the red kryptonite ring and heads out of town, planning never to return, while Lex, flying off on his honeymoon, awakes-up alone on the airplane that is about to crash.

3x1 Exile
(1 Octubre 2003
In Metropolis, three months later, Clark Kent becomes a criminal, heisting banks and going to night-clubs. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor is declared dead, but he is living with the weird Louis Leery Jr. (Ryan Robbins) in an isolated island. Dr. Helen Bryce comes to his funeral and meets Lionel Luthor in the mansion, when secrets are disclosed. Lana Lang and Jonathan Kent try to bring Clark back to Smalville.

3x2 Phoenix
(8 Octubre 2003
Lex Luthor returns to the mansion, and invites Dr. Helen Bryce for a second honeymoon. Clak Kent returns to the farm, but Morgan Edge finds him and threatens his family to get what Clark stole from Lionel Luthor's safe. The farm is sold in an auction, but there is a surprise in the end. Lana Lang is in love for Clark, but he rejects her love.

3x3 Extinction
(15 Octubre 2003
When Lana Lang is attacked by her obsessed school pal Jake Pollan (Harris Allan) in the desert swimming pool of Smallville High School, he is mortally shot by an unknown shooter. Meanwhile, Lex Luthor joins Luthor Corp. and his father Lionel Luthor requires a US$ 50,000,000.00 life insurance from him. Clark investigates the murder of Jake, and finds that the criminal was Jake's friend Van McNulty (Jesse Metcalfe), who is killing people affected by the meteor shower, and Lex is the next in his death list. When Clark saves Lex, Van sees that he is special and includes Clark in his bill.

3x4 Slumber
(22 Octubre 2003
Clark Kent has a nightmare with a girl called Sara Conroy (Katharina Isabelle) being chased by a weird creature called The Traveller (John De Santis) and sleeps for thirty-six consecutive hours. When he wakes up, he finds that Sara Conroy has just moved with her uncle and tutor Nicholas Conroy (Christopher Shyer) to the house on the next door that belonged to Lana Lang. Intrigued with the situation, he visits Sara with Lana Lang and see that the girl has been in coma for six years, increasing the mystery.

3x5 Perry
(29 Octubre 2003
Clark's future boss at the Daily Planet shows up; Perry White, but this time around he's a dirt bag reporter working for the tabloids.

3x6 Relic
(5 Noviembre 2003
Lana Lang visits an ancient and sick man that has been in prison for more than forty years accused of killing his beloved wife. He shows the picture of the suspect that resembles Clark Kent in an old newspaper and convinces Lana of his innocence. Clark Kent, through flashbacks, revives the passage of Jor-El through Smallville and his affair with the old prisoner's wife, and sees how and who committed the crime.

3x7 Magnetic
(12 Noviembre 2003
After being hit in the forehead by a snow ball containing flakes of meteor in a struggle, the teenager Seth Nelson (Kevin Zegers) is submitted to a magnetic resonance inspection, achieving magnetic abilities. He uses his powers to date and manipulate Lana Lang. Meanwhile, a snoopy investigator hired by Lex Luthor intrusively breaks in The Torch and finds that Chloe Sullivan is examining deeply the life of Lionel Luthor. Lex offers his protection to Chloe.

3x8 Shattered
(19 Noviembre 2003
Lex Luthor is investigating the dark past of his father. He meets Morgan Edge (Patrick Bergin) with a new face after a plastic surgery, and collects evidences to send Lionel Luthor to prison. However, a hit man tries to kill Lex in the mansion, but he escapes to Kent Farm. Clark goes to the mansion to retrieve the evidences from the safe and finds that life is normal and there is no hint of the claimed attempt against Lex's live. When Lionel goes to the Kent Farm and tells that Lex Luthor is paranoid, Jonathan and Martha Kent question his sanity. Clark decides to investigate deeper to see if his friend is delusional or there is an evil plot against him.

3x9 Asylum
(14 Enero 2004
Lionel Luthor forces the shrink Dr. Claire Foster to submit Lex Luthor to electroshocks to erase his memory and forget his crime. Clark Kent tries to save his friend, but Eric Summers (from "Leech"), Van McNulty (from "Extinction") and Ian Randall (from "Dichotic") plot a plan to attack him and escape from the asylum. Meanwhile, Lana Lang is recovering the movements of her wounded leg with the support of the patient Adam Knight (Ian Somerhalder, the Boone Carlyle from "Lost").

3x10 Whisper
(21 Enero 2004
Clark Kent is looking for a gift to his mother in a jewelry, when two thieves try to heist the place using the powerful scream of Nathan Dean (Micah Alberti). The combination of the scream with a bijouterie of kryptonite makes Clark blind. Without this sense, his hearing uncontrollably increases. One of the criminals, Masterson (William MacDonald) is arrested, and Nathan kidnaps Peter Ross to force his mother, Judge Abigail Ross (Felecia M. Bell), to release Masterson. Meanwhile, Clark Kent listens to a conversation between Chloe Sullivan and Lionel Luthor about Lex Luthor and himself, and after commenting with Lex, Chloe is mistakenly taken as Lex's informer and fired by Lionel.

3x11 Delete
(28 Enero 2004
After leaving an article full of denunciations about the "Summerholt Neurological Institute" with his former colleague of the Daily Planet, Max Taylor (Jim Thorburn), Chloe Sullivan is chased by Clark Kent's truck trying to kill her. He claims that he had received an e-mail just before his action. Later, Lana Lang also receives an e-mail from the same address and tries to kill Chloe, who is saved by Adam Knight. They investigate the origin, and reaches Molly Griggs (Missy Peregrym), a former patient of the unethical Dr. Garner (Martin Cummins), who uses her abilities to force people to kill through a hypnotic suggestion in her e-mails. Adam moves to Smallville to be close to Lana.

3x12 Hereafter
(4 Febrero 2004
The new-arrival in Smallville High School Jordan Cross (Joseph Cross) has a frightening ability when he is touched by another person, he immediately sees how he or she will die. When Clark Kent saves the deranged Coach Altman (Greg Kean) from death, the future of other people changes including Lana Lang's. Meanwhile, Chloe Sullivan finds that Adam Knight is injecting himself, and Lex Luthor investigates his past.

3x13 Velocity
(11 Febrero 2004
While returning home after leaving Jonathan Kent in the hospital recovering from a heart attack, the truck of Martha and Clark is almost his by two cars racing in the road. For the greatest surprise and deception of Clark, one of the pilots is Pete Ross, who has become friend of the bad element Jason Dante (Ryan Merriman). Pete does not accept Clark's advice and gets into serious trouble. Meanwhile, Lex investigates the prominent Dr. Lia Teng (Françoise Yip) about her research of blood platelet with Adam Wright, and Lana feels threatened by the mysterious dark secret of Adam. Line 2 should read "is almost hit by two" (not his) Line 4 should read "one of the drivers is" (not pilots)

3x14 Obsession
(18 Febrero 2004
While being in an elevator in Luthor Corp with another girl, Clark is forced to use a few of his abilities when the cable of the elevator accidentally breaks and in the process Alicia Baker witnesses Clarks ability of Heat Vision and Punching through Steel and in return, Alicia 'teleports' herself and Clark out of the elevator. Soon the pair start to get closer and Clark starts to really think that Alicia could be the one for him, and Alicia on the other hand wants Clark...NO MATTER WHAT! But when Clarke starts to realize Alicia's obsession with him, he decides to put an end to their brief relationship...but Alicia wont settle for second and sets off to kill Clarks true love Lana.

3x15 Resurrection
(25 Febrero 2004
When Jonathan Kent goes to Smallville Medical Centre for physical examination, his doctor diagnoses arterial blockage and recommends a heart surgery procedure with triple bypass. Meanwhile, Vince Davis (Tahmoh Penikett), the older brother of Clark Kent's friend Garrett Davis (James Kirk), needs a lever transplantation, but he does not resist and dies. His body is sent to be the subject of an experiment of Dr. Lia Teng (Françoise Yip) with blood platelet and revives. When Vince gets sick again, Garrett looses control and becomes a threat to the patients, employees and visitors of the hospital.

3x16 Crisis
(3 Marzo 2004
While working as a volunteer with Pete Ross in Smallville Youth Center, Clark Kent receives a distress call from Lana Lang, who is shot by Adam Wright. His further investigation shows that the call was made from the future. Meanwhile, Lionel Luthor shuts down the obscure Merton Laboratory and the research that Dr. Lia Teng is developing with blood platelet. Adam becomes aware that he has less than twelve hours to be injected with the serum, otherwise he will die. He escapes and apparently kills Dr. Teng and her team. Lex is framed as responsible for the massive murder.

3x17 Legacy
(14 Abril 2004
While in the roof of the barn, Jonathan Kent is contacted though the octagonal key and Clark Kent saves him from a fall. Clark goes to the Kawatche caves with the key trying to find an explanation for what happened, when Lionel Luthor unexpectedly appears. Lionel Luthor meets Dr. Virgil Swann (Christopher Reeves) and proposes an association to investigate Clark. The FBI bugs Lex to make a surveillance and get evidences against Lionel Luhtor, and Clark becomes a suspect due to the interest of Lionel in an apparently simple "farm boy". Lana Lang does not decide whether she wants to stay with Clark or not.

3x18 Truth
(21 Abril 2004
Chloe Sullivan visits a former friend of her father in Luthor Corp. to know if he is blacklisted, since all his applications are not accepted and he is not able to find a job. She steals his security card and breaks in the Luthor Corp. laboratory trying to find evidences, but she accidentally is exposed to a sort of gas that makes people tell the truth, exposing their innermost secrets. Chloe uses her ability to explore her curiosity of journalist, hurting people and showing the dangerousness of the absolute truth.

3x19 Memoria
(28 Abril 2004
Lex is trying to recover his missing memory by going to Summerholt, which results in him having flashbacks from his childhood. When Lana finds Lex out on a balcony screaming the name Julian,she tells Clark. Clark finds out Lex has been going to Summerholt and tries convince him to stop. He goes to Lionel out of concern for Lex. Lionel sets a trap for Clark when he goes to rescue Lex. Dr. Garner subjects Clark to his memory device, which requires the subject lying in a solution containing Kryptonite. Clark recalls his earliest memory, being put in the spaceship by his mother Lara and her concern as to whether he would be loved or not. Ultimately Clark's body reacts to the solution causing a massive explosion killing Garner and destroying the machine. Lex remembers the truth about Julian's death that has a shocking twist and explains Lionel's hatred of Lex. And Clark realizes his real mother loved him giving him a new perspective on his Kryptonian heritage.

3x20 Talisman
(5 Mayo 2004
Lionel Luthor calls Professor Joseph Willoebrook (Gordon Tootoosis) to the Kiwatche caves to show a recently found ancient object. Professor Willoebrook brings his assistant Jeremiah Holdsclaw (Nathaniel Arcand), who takes the relic from the hands of Lionel. It transforms in a knife and makes Jeremiah as powerful as Clark. He runs away from Lionel's security men with the mythic knife. Professor Willoebrook insists that Clark Kent is Namam, the man who fell from the stars, and in accordance with the Indian prophecy, that knife belongs to him and could be destroyed only by his greatest enemy. Meanwhile, Lana Lang decides to move to Paris.

3x21 Forsaken
(12 Mayo 2004
Clark Kent decides to disclose his secret to Lana Lang, trying to avoid her traveling to Paris, and invites her for dinner. Meanwhile the dangerous teenager Emily Eve Dinsmore (Amber Rothwell), the six years girl from "Accelerate" that has had an accelerate grown-up and is still obsessed for Lana, escapes from the institute where she is interned. She kills the new owner of Talon and kidnaps Lana Lang. Chloe Sullivan joins Lex Luthor trying to find evidences to send the powerful Lionel Luthor to prison. The life of Pete Ross is threatened by a corrupt FBI agent trying to find what her knows about Clark Kent, and he decides to move with his mother to Wichita.

3x22 Covenant
(19 Mayo 2004
In Kent Farm, Clark Kent is surprised in the middle of the night by a naked young woman claiming that she is Kara (Adrianne Palicki) from Krypton, and asking him to go with her somewhere through the Kawatche caves. Meanwhile, he decides to testify against Lionel Luthor to keep him in prison. Lionel sends a key of the secret chamber in the Mansion Luthor to Clark, and he finishes his friendship with Lex Luthor. Lana Lang travels to Paris and Chloe Sullivan and her father are included in the witness protection program.

4x1 Crusade
(22 Septiembre 2004
Three months after the last episode, Lois Lane (Erica Durance), Chloe Sullivan's cousin, drives to Smallville trying to find Clark Kent to help her to find Chloe´s murderer. After being struck by a ray, she loses control of her car, and finds Clark naked with amnesia in a cornfield. She brings him to Smallville Medical Center, where Martha is with Jonathan Kent, who is in a hopeless coma. Martha brings Clark back to the farm, expecting him to retrieve his memory. However, Clark is completely dehumanized. Meanwhile, Lana Lang has an American boyfriend in Paris, Jason Teague (Jensen Ackles), and is having good time with him. Lex Luthor´s blood is poisoned and he travels to bring an ancient object retrieved from an excavation.

4x2 Gone
(29 Septiembre 2004
The mystery surrounding Chloe's death deepens as Clark and Lois investigate, discovering that Lex Luthor and Lois' Dad, General Sam Lane are somehow involved. Lana returns to Smallville after finding out that the symbol that appeared on her back in Paris is also on the cave wall. Meanwhile, Lionel Luthor prepares for his murder trial.

4x3 Facade
(6 Octubre 2004
Without the approval of his father, Clark kicks off Senior Year by trying out for the Smallville High Football Team, who are now coached by Jason Teague. Former acne ridden nerd, Abigail, returns from the summer looking beautiful after some Kryptonite powered plastic surgery that spells trouble for Lana and a former tormentor. Martha accepts a job managing the Talon while Lois starts working for the Torch and gets just a little closer to Clark.

4x4 Devoted
(13 Octubre 2004
The Smallville High cheerleaders are using a kryptonite mixed love potion to seriously change the behavior of their victims.

4x5 Run
(20 Octubre 2004
Clark meets a young man with a power of speed that exceeds his own, but the boy lacks responsibility for his actions. Also, Lex finds a manuscript that appears to be some sort of Kryptonian map.

4x6 Transference
(27 Octubre 2004
Lionel Luthor, using one of the Kryptonian stones, attempts to swap bodies with Lex but inadvertently transfers bodies with Clark, leading to him learning a few secrets, including that of Clark's powers.

4x7 Jinx
(3 Noviembre 2004
A mysterious bookie with powers of manipulation has a strange, even dangerous, effect on Clark and his friends. Meanwhile, Lex causes friction by using his influence on Jason and Lana's relationship.

4x8 Spell
(10 Noviembre 2004
As Clark and Lois arrange a surprise 18th birthday party for Chloe, Lana receives a mysterious book that belonged to her French ancestor Isabelle, who was burned as a witch in the 1600's. Through the book, Isabelle possesses Lana's body and she resurrects two other witches in the bodies of Chloe and Lois. The trio set about tracking down the Kryptonian Stones, spelling trouble for Jason, Lex and Clark.

4x9 Bound
(17 Noviembre 2004
Lex gets wrapped up in a sex/murder scandal. Clark gets Lionel's help to get Lex out of trouble. Lana meets Jason's mother, whom she has seen before in a dream, which was set in the 1600's.

4x10 Scare
(1 December 2004
After an explosion at a LuthorCorp lab, Smallville's citizens "relive" their worst nightmares.

4x11 Unsafe
(26 Enero 2005
Alicia Baker returns, and with the help of Red Kryptonite, elopes in Las Vegas with Clark. Lana offers a sexual relationship to Jason in an attempt to win him back. Lionel comes back to Lex with a peace offering.

4x12 Pariah
(2 Febrero 2005
When Lana Lang is attacked in her apartment and Jason Teague in his car by an invisible being, the Smallville's dwellers believe that the attempts were committed by Alicia Baker, and even Clark Kent does not believe on her innocence. Alicia shows Chloe Sullivan the abilities of Clark, expecting people to leave them alone, but she is murdered by the deranged Tim Westcott (Derek Hamilton). Meanwhile Genevieve Teague looks for Lex Luthor trying to separate Jason from Lana.

4x13 Recruit
(9 Febrero 2005
Clark is wooed by the offer of a Football scholarship from Metropolis University but faces a dilemma over whether he should accept, knowing he has such an advantage on the field. In the meantime, Lois is implicated in the death of a member of the Football team.

4x14 Krypto
(16 Febrero 2005
Two trained and powerful dogs rob Smallville Cooperative under the command of the brothers Zack and Josh Greenfield, but one of them escapes and is hit by Lois Lane's car. She brings the wounded animal to Kent Farm, and Clark Kent finds the secret of the animal and becomes attached to it, while the criminals look for the animal for a next heist. Meanwhile, the mysterious relationship of Lana Lang and the Teague's ancestors is disclosed a little more.

4x15 Sacred
(23 Febrero 2005
The metallic disc is returned to Clark following the death of Virgil Swann. Placing the disc in the cave reveals a message from Jor-El instructing Clark to find the Kryptonian knowledge crystals. The message goes on to tell Clark that allowing a human to assemble the crystals could lead to the destruction of Earth and so Clark joins Lana, Lex and Jason on a hunt for one of the crystals in China.

4x16 Lucy
(2 Marzo 2005
Lois' sister, Lucy, arrives on the Kent Farm after she ran away from boarding school in Switzerland because she owed $50,000 to a loan shark. She enlists the help of Clark, Lois and Lex to deal with the Loan Shark, but everything isn't quite what it seems. Meanwhile, Lana's apartment is broken in to, only one thing is missing; The Kryptonian Knowledge Crystal.

4x17 Onyx
(13 Abril 2005
While performing an experiment with heated kryptonite at the Luthorcop´s facility, the laboratory blows and the dark side of Lex Luthor is separated from him. The mean Lex controls and imprisons the good one in a room, wearing an iron mask like in Alexandre Dumas´s novel, and spread evil among Lana Lang, Clark Kent, Chloe Sullivan and Lionel Luthor.

4x18 Spirit (20 Abril 2005
It's the day before the Prom and would be Prom Queen, Dawn Stiles, crashes her car in to a pile of meteor rocks. Her spirit separates from her body, but she quickly discovers that she can inhabit other people's. Her new found talent leads her first to Martha Kent, then to Lana, next to Lois and finally to Chloe, who is a surprise late nominee for Prom Queen.

4x19 Blank
(27 Abril 2005
After the Talon is robbed, Clark Kent chases perpetrator Kevin Grady (Jonathan Bennett). Grady erases Clark's memories in his attempt to escape. Chloe Sullivan helps Clark to protect his secret and recollect his memories while looking for Kevin's father, the scientist Lawrence Grady (Tom Butler). They learn that Kevin was the subject of an experiment of his own father.

4x20 Ageless (4 Mayo 2005
In the middle of the night on the road, a young woman is going to the maternity for the delivery, when she suddenly glows and blows. Lana Lang and Clark Kent are driving a truck along the same road and find a baby in the crater created by the explosion. They take the baby to the hospital, and the Kent family temporarily guards him, who is connected to Clark. Lana and Clark give the name of Evan, and on the next day, he becomes a teenager, precociously aging. The scientists of Lex Luthor study the case and conclude that the boy needs a transfusion of the bone marrow of his unknown father. Clark tries to save Evan. Meanwhile, Genevieve Teague has a meeting with Lionel Luthor and menaces the integrity of Lex, in case the stone is not delivered to her.

4x21 Forever (11 Mayo 2005
On the last day of the Smallville High, the frustrated photographer of the Torch, Brendan Nash (Steven Grayhm), feels rejected by the Universities and decides to abduct some schoolmates to stay with him forever in a replica of the school. He uses his power of Medusa Touch and brings Lana Lang, Chloe Sullivan and other successful mates to the place. Meanwhile, Genevieve and Jason Teague kidnap Lionel and Lex Luthor trying to retrieve the stone Lionel took of them.

4x22 Commencement (18 Mayo 2005
When Lana kills Genevive Teague with one of the Kryptonian Knowledge Crystals it triggers a cosmic event that sends meteorites toward Earth and Smallville. Fearing he has a link to the meteorites, Clark goes to talk to Jor-El. Jor-El informs him that his only hope is to unite the knowledge crystals in the cave. With time running out, Clark sets about locating the final two crystals as meteorites reign down upon Smallville.

Q U I N T A    T E M P O R A D A

5x1 Arrival
(29 Septiembre 2005
5x2 Mortal
(6 Octubre 2005
5x3 Hidden
(13 Octubre 2005
5x4 Aqua
(20 Octubre 2005
5x5 Thirst
(27 Octubre 2005
5x6 Exposed
(3 Noviembre 2005
5x7 Splinter
(10 Noviembre 2005
5x8 Solitude
(17 Noviembre 2005
5x9 Lexmas
(8 December 2005
5x10 Fanatic
(12 Enero 2006
5x11 Lockdown
(19 Enero 2006
5x12 Reckoning
(26 Enero 2006
5x13 Vengeance
(2 Febrero 2006
5x14 Tomb
(9 Febrero 2006
5x15 Cyborg
(16 Febrero 2006
5x16 Hypnotic
(30 Marzo 2006
5x17 Void
(6 Abril 2006
5x18 Fragile
(13 Abril 2006
5x19 Mercy
(20 Abril 2006
5x20 Fade
(27 Abril 2006
5x21 Oracle
(4 Mayo 2006
5x22 Vessel
(11 Mayo 2006


S E X T A    T E M P O R A D A

6x1 Zod (28 Septiembre 2006
6x2 Sneeze (5 Octubre 2006
6x3 Wither (12 Octubre 2006
6x4 Arrow (19 Octubre 2006
6x5 Reunion (26 Octubre 2006
6x6 Fallout (2 Noviembre 2006
6x7 Rage (9 Noviembre 2006
6x8 Static (16 Noviembre 2006
6x9 Subterranean (7 December 2006)
Una granja proxima a la de los Kent, tiene a varios "aliens" extranjeros, sin papeles, exclavizados y amenazados de muerte si intentan fugarse, debido a que el dueño controla a una extraña criatura asesina subterranea. Uno de ellos consigue fugarse, y consigue la ayuda de Clark.
6x10 Hydro (11 Enero 2007)
Puaggggg... Episodio donde el monstruo de la semana es uno de verdad... Tori Spelling, que encarna a una cruel reportera especializada en destapar trapos sucios, o inventarselos para seguir en primera plana, que cuenta con la capacidad de convertirse en agua, y fluir de un lado para otro... Realmente comicos los segundos en los que aparece tratando de ir deprisa, porque a eso no se le puede llamar ni correr... XDDD
6x11 Justice (18 Enero 2007
6x12 Labyrinth (25 Enero 2007)
Episodio donde un fantasma parasitario se adentra en la mente de Clark haciendole creer que despierta en un psiquiatrico, donde esta sin poderes y es un enfermo mental que se cree un alien con superpoderes y un gran destino...
6x13 Crimson (1 Febrero 2007
6x14 Trespass (8 Febrero 2007
6x15 Freak (15 Febrero 2007)
Siguiendo al trabajador de un bolera con poderes telekineticos, Chloe es secuestrada al igual que este, lo que les lleva a la conclusión que aunque lo desconocieran,, esta tambien habia sido afectada por los meteoritos, aunque sus poderes aun no se hayan manifestado.
6x16 Promise (15 Marzo 2007
6x17 Combat (22 Marzo 2007
6x18 Progeny (19 Abril 2007
6x19 Nemesis (26 Abril 2007
6x20 Noir (3 Mayo 2007
6x21 Prototype (10 Mayo 2007
6x22 Phantom (17 Mayo 2007