
ToRi has been my friend since the sixth grade, i met her in fifth grade but i thought she was a little too weird for me to hang out with. she is one of those peope that kinda grow on you, like a fungus really :-D i love ya tor don't be mad! sixth grade we started talking, we had the same homeroom teacher so we were around each other all the time and well...we kinda hit it off but then we didn't at the same time. it wasn't until high school that we found common ground within stories and music and as ToRi would say...the rest is history.

to describe her i'd have to say that she's crazy and weird, a sheep (had to say it ;-) it's a joke so laugh a little), "short and cute" so i'm told, and my half-sister who likes to frequent retirement homes with me. she's fun to hang out with and even though we fight on occassion she's been there for me through more than i can remember. so i want to say...thank you ToRi, you're a great friend, a great writter, and i don't know what i woulda done in high school without you there to make things more interesting.

e-mail her :-)
Or IM her at SUGARLE55 on AOL IM
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