there once was a girl that was teased everyday. everywhere she went people made fun of her, calling her names, one of which was muumuu. muumuu took refuge in her room where there were no people to point at her and laugh, there was only her teddy bear, whitey. whitey and muumuu got along great, probably because whitey was an inanimate object and therefore couldn�t point his stubby paws at her and laugh.

i met muumuu and whitey for the first time when they made their way in the dark to the local department store to buy a new copy of �10 things�� like most people i looked at muumuu with disgust and wonderment. disgust at the way she looked, her hair in a matted mess of greasy, stringy hair, her face speckled with chocolate from the candy bars she had eaten before she left her house, her muumuu dingy and in need of a washing�or two. in spite of that i was somehow drawn to the two of them. maybe it was because they looked so alone, their eyes vacant. or maybe it was because they took up the entire aisle and i couldn�t get by them. for whatever reason i was drawn to them.

in all seriousness though muumuu is cool. she does have a white teddy bear, he doesn�t have a name though and she does love �10 things�� but really�

i've known jenny since i was in 11th grade and she was a 10th grader. actually i met her the year before, ToRi was the one that introduced us but like when i thought ToRi was a little too weird to hang out with i thought jenny was too quiet. not that i talked but jenny NEVER talked and so...i thought she was weird and strange and well...just plumb crazy. since then i've found out that that first impression was absolutely true. she's weird and strange and crazy and well...she's like my little sister and she's jenny :-D there's no other way to describe her and if ya knew or know her ya know what i mean.

anyway to describe her other than that is impossible. i don't know what i woulda done without jenny to be there to listen to me bitch and moan about everything, to con into walking home with me after school, to throw around new story ideas with, to get pizza and cheezy fries with...go chairo's! jenny...mesa loves ya like the little sister i never had, besides my half-sister. be true to you!

e-mail her :-P
or IM her at justbarelysane on AOL IM
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