
**NoT FiNisHeD**
This is a story being written by my baby sister, Jen, and myself. It came from an abstract idea that we played around with as we were walking home from school one day a couple of years ago. It took us forever to start writing it because we thought that it was kind of a dumb story concept, and a little like the book, �Swiss Family Robinson,� but it�s totally original and we�ve been told it�s funny. It�s about these two girls, Rae and Celeste, who get to go on a cruise for Celeste�s birthday after her parents give her a pink birthday cake and they meet the Moffatt�s and Hanson. They, along with some others, get shipwrecked on an island in the middle of nowhere and�well if you want to know more you�ll have to read the rest.
Of course it has nothing to do with the real Hanson family or the real Moffatt family because as much as we wish we actually knew them we don�t and so therefore we know next to nothing about them. So if you would keep that in mind I would appreciate it, and as with most of the stories on this site, it�s rated �R� for language and sex mainly. If you are under the age that you can be corrupted don�t view this. Viewer digression is advised.

**NoT FiNisHeD**
This too is written by Jen and myself, and is again not a true story. It is currently a story with a PG-13 rating, some nudity, and will probably rise to an �R� rating as time goes on. Bus Boys was created on an idea that Jen and I came up with while we were at the shore on a family vacation this summer. I don�t remember if it was raining, supper time, or if it was just late when we came up with the idea, but I do know that it was one of the few times when we were actually in the house. Anyway�this is a story about Hanson and an unfortunate happening within their family and the love and generosity of another family.Where would Zac be today if Ryana hadn�t been there to help when he was in need? Did Tay ever decide that love really was worth the risk of heartache? What about Jessica, did she�?

This is one of the very few that were ever finished. I don�t remember where the idea came from. It was probably Jen and I watching our favorite shows, Sally and Oprah. Jen and I wrote this one together, of course, and it is like the others rated with a nice big �R� and also like the others is completely and totally fake, so don�t think that any of this has happened and if any of it has it is only pure coincidence that makes it appear in our story. With that said I�ll give a lil summary of the story. This is a story of a band, three girls, that have followed the music of the Moffatt�s and they want to meet them to get some pointers. My favorite scene is the roof, read it and let me know what your favorite scene was.

**Not Finished**
Can you guess the rating and who were the writers by now? �R� and Jen and I, and again it is fiction. All of this is fiction, not fantasy fiction or anything just plain old fun fan fiction. So�what happens in this one? Well�first of all it has nothing at all to do with Hanson, the name is a misleader, so�don�t read it if the Hanson part was the only part that captured your interest because it is about silverchair. You know, the really hot Australians that formed a band awhile back? They are currently taking a �much needed break� and I say, come visit me!!!! Anyway�this is a story about two girls that are in college and they meet up with silverchair, they all go to the same school. It�s a cute idea, but the story I don�t know, I don�t think that we exactly captured the essence that we were going for. But if you don�t want to read it read the chapter where they shave Daniel, it�s the best. He he, anymore and I�ll give it away. Enjoy!

HiDiNG PlaCe

**NoT FiNisHeD**
Hey! My half-sister, Tori, and I wrote this. Surprised that it wasn�t Jen again? Well, Tori has the story and I am going to have to either cut and paste it from her site or get it from her, at any rate when I get it I will put it up. It�s a good story, we came up with it while we were visiting the emus down the street from Tori�s house. This is a PG story, tops, right now, but later�I don�t know.Again, neither of us know Hanson, although we do wish that we had some connections, we don�t, bummer huh? Well, this is a story about two average teenage girls that have been best friends their entire lives, and the people that move into the house that they claimed for themselves. If for no other reason read it because it is funny!


**NoT FiNiSHeD**
What can I say? We love those emus and the cows. We come up with our most outrageous ideas while wandering through the countryside by Tori�s house. Tori and I came up with this and we are actually starting to write it. Like H.P. I have to wait for Tori to give me what we have. So�when I get it I will be sure to post it. It�s kind of interesting. It will move up in rating, but it�s about G right now, it�s only the beginning give us a break. We don�t know the Moffatt�s and therefore this is a fake story major. This is the story of two sisters who have to move from their loved home in NY, because their dad is moving and doesn�t want them or can�t have them with him and they have to move to Sanatoga, PA to live with their mother. Read it and tell us what you think, please.

TaLeS ThroUgH TiMe

**NoT FiNisHeD**
This is a story that Tori, Jen, and I wrote together. We are in the process of writing it and it incorporates every famous person we�ve ever heard of basically. It is rated high, like pg-13 and going up, at times it is really an �R� and it is the combined efforts of the three of us. Tori did the first chapter, then me, and then Jen and that is the way it has continued. Again we do not know any of the people that are in the story and therefore the entire thing is fake. It is a really interesting story about three old ladies that are telling tales of their youth to three young girls and at one point they stop and their husbands take over. Read it, you�ll understand better that way.

There is no possible way to rate this story. It�s a mad lib type of thing that Jen and I came up with, without knowing Hanson. We don�t expect that they do this or ever will, and we kind of hope that they don�t but if you pick the right words it is really funny. So�play it, make your friends try it, and if you want play it again.




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