Messerscmitt Bf109 G4-trop flown by Hauptmann Rödel.

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This is a Bf109 G4-trop flown by Hauptmann Gustaf Rödel, Gruppenkommandeur of II./JG 27, in Trapani, Sicily (April 1943).
Gustaf Rödel was an ex-Legion Condor pilot. From 05/20/1942 until 04/20/1943 he was Gruppenkommandeur of the II./JG 27. He was flying this a/c during the last weeks of the Africa Corps, flying out of Trapani,Sicily. From 04/22/1943 until 12/29/1944 he was the Geschwaderkommodore of JG 27 surviving the war with a total of 98 kills.

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