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American Music Awards '97 | American Music Awards '99 | American Music Awards '00


Backstreet Boys

"1997 American Music Awards"





Backstreet Boys

"1999 American Music Awards"



January 11th, 1999 : LA, USA


Brandy: (tape cuts off, but says something like "These guys opened for me on my tour...) My friends have posters of them plastered all over their walls! They're all way too cute and way too talented! I love them all a lot! check out the Backstreet Boys!

"All I Have To Give" & "Everybody"

Starts out with the guys on stools singing 'All I Have To Give', which looks like it was taped from a concert because of the big 'BsB' banners, platforms on the stage, and girls screaming in the audience. On Brian's line, "If you were my girl, I'd make it so we'd never be apart," a girl runs onstage and grabs Brian. She is chased by a bodyguard who unhooks her from Brian and carries her offstage. Nick's face was like 'What in the world?' and Howie's was like 'Whatever, this happens all the time.' They keep singing until after the chorus. The music changes and you hear more screams from stage right. Brian shouts "huh ho!" He starts to run because he was closest to the problem, then Nick, Howie, and A.J. Kevin does a double take, then bolts after the guys. They run offstage and through a series of hallways (If you have the 'Everybody' single, the music sounds like 'Matty 's Remix'), Brian and Nick leap over a trashcan, then Nick runs into a potted tree, but keeps going. A.J runs through a door, followed by Brian and he does this cartoon-ish type jump-start-run thing, it was adorable! You see them all running up a spiral staircase with dozens of girls chasing after them. Nick, Kevin, and A.J make it to the roof of the building, Howie runs through different door and Brian yet another. On the roof, you see Kev, Nick, and A.J running from the girls, which now appear on both sides of them, so they do the only logical thing to do...they jump off the side of the building.

You, then, see them lowered from the rafters above the AMA's stage by ropes, Brian and Howie run on from the sides. Kevin does a flip in mid-air and it takes him awhile to get unhooked from the harness, he's back there until the chorus. Then they sing Everybody. At the end of the song, the dancers dog-pile the guys, A.J is singing his last note and it sounds like "Yeah, ahhh, ohhh WAH!" because he gets knocked over by one of the girls.



The guys were also up for Best Adult Contemporary. They are shown backstage (right after their performance), all sweaty and cute. A.J and Bri look like they are praying, Howie has his fingers crossed, Nick has that 'I hope we win' look on his face, and Kevin gives the peace sign. But, Celine Dion won, ugh! They were also nominated for Best Group but lost to Aerosmith.




Backstreet Boys

"2000 American Music Awards"


January 17th, 2000 : LA, USA


Beacuse of the Grammy's nominations, the Backstreet Boys decided to not got to the American Music Awards, and more they're on vacations and as Howie was on Los Angeles, he told them he was gonna to be there so they didn't have to go. 


The guys were up for Best Album of the year but this time Santana beat Backstreet Boys and Spears. They were also nominated for Best Group but this time Santana couldn't do a thing: Backstreet Boys won it! Against them and Nsync!. As the boys but Howie weren't there, Howie went up for the award and he thanked not only his family and fans (he also asked us to keeping the backtreet pride alive!); Jive records, The firm (their managers) all the people who works with them and the media.



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