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June 21, 2011

The Southern Ridges

January 14, 2010. The next exploring/adventure trip has a slightly more people. 4 of us! Hahahaha! With the addition of Hilmi and Raihan, we set foot for the Southern Ridges. Southern Ridges is a 9km trail that connects 3 parks along the southern ridge of Singapore. The 3 parks are Mount Faber Park, Telok Blangah Hill Park and Kent Ridge Park. It consists of 8 trails: Marang Trail, Faber Trail, Henderson Waves, Hilltop Walk, Forest Walk, Alexandra Arch, Flora Walk & Hotpark and Canopy Walk. Farhan was the organizer. We managed to clear 7 trails. And it took 4 hours to complete. The last one wasn't cleared as some of us were already too tired to do so! Hahahaha.

The scenery after we went through Marang Trail. There's a road in the
background. Sorry, no pictures were taken when we were going through
Marang Trail. ;P

Some greeneries seen from the top of Marang Trail, Mount Faber Park.

Raihan trying out the binoculars on something closer - me!

We were very well-prepared. We brought helmets in case of fallen branches.

Angsana fruits are abundantly found here.

Scenery on top of Mount Faber park. The cable car line leads to the
nearby Jewel Box.

You'll see beautiful flowers like these along Mount Faber Park.

The Rain Tree's scientific name "Saman NEA, saman!!!" Hehehe.

Henderson Waves!!! Yeargghhh!!!

The bridge has a nice architecture! No wonder its called Henderson

Beneath the 'Waves', you will see Henderson Road.

The 'Waves' will lead you to Telok Blangah Hill park and the start of Hiltop
Walk/Canopy Walk. There are seats along the 'Waves where you can
relax and gaze at the stars at night.

A small house we saw at the end of the 'Waves' appeared to be a hut for
Kindergarten students. We still don't know what it is but you can find a
vending machine and seats. We decided to take a short break here.

The exploration continued and not long after, we reached the Hiltop
Walk/Canopy Walk trail. This is a sign of what not to do in the trail.

An aerial view from the Hilltop Walk/Canopy Walk.

Some buildings we can see from the trail.

The trail.

A tree out of the norm.

A dead tree with its branches chopped off. It looks like a hand with
chopped off fingers!

There are stairs going down from the trail. We do not know where it will
lead to or what is it for.

Another staircase leading to somewhere we don't know.

This trail is one a hell of a long one! But very interesting!

Simpoh Air with its fruit and flower. The leaves are used to wrap tempe
and rojak.

Wow, we are already so shagged but the end of the trail is still unseen!

Is this Lalang? Hmmm...

Another strange-looking plant.

Bamboo can also be found here.

The end of the trail is seen! The Alexandra Arch is nearing. And of course
Alexandra Road is below there!

There it is! The Alexandra Arch! That's the next trail!

Eh? What's that? A bird house? And yes, that's Alexandra Road at the

The Alexandra Arch is just a short one. Nice architecture though


The next one is the Flora Walk & Hotpark. This is actually the Hotpark.
The Flora Walk is a short one. I didn't take photos of the trail though.

Another view of the Hotpark.

The Hotpark is also known as the Gardening Hub. Gardening-related,
recreational, educational, research and retail activities are carried out

The building at the background is the Alexandra Technopark.

As you all have already known, the last one, the Canopy Walk in Kent-Ridge Park wasn't cleared
as some of us were already too tired to go up the steep slope. We decided to backtrack to Preston
Road just outside the Hotpark and board bus back to the starting point where our bikes were,
Harbourfront MRT.

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