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June 21, 2010

Old Jurong Line

2nd June 2011. This is the first expedition to my newly created 'Discovering Old Singapore' edition. This expedition takes us to the Old Jurong Line. The Old Jurong Line was built in 1965 to serve as a means to transports goods to Jurong Industrial Estate, when it was coming up. At that time, Jurong did not have proper roads. It was closed in the early 1990s and is now abandoned. It was part of the Bukit Timah Railway where extension from Bukit Timah Railway Station to Shipyard Road and Jurong Port via Teban Gardens was bulit. Jurong Industrial Estate was expected to generate alot of traffic as it was expected to be Malaysia's heavy industrial hub. A few Malaysian companies that produced commodities like sugar, were to relocate here. Unfortunately, traffic was poor and it was closed down.

This expedition was participated by 5 people. Adam, Arman, Fadilah, Sufiyan and myself were on this expedition. My co-organizer Farhan couldn't make it due to his fever. Another two more were expected but they overslept that day! Hahaha!

We started the day early at 8am. All 5 of us met at Clementi MRT and headed to McDonald's for breakfast at the new Clementi Mall nearby. We decided to contact another two expected to come but failed. At around 9.30, we took our bikes to Sunset Way where the expedition starts. However, the pictures were taken when we got to the last place in the expedition and got back via a different route. Here are the pics:

The Pandan river bridge is the last thing we saw for this old railway
track. However, we couldn't cross it as metal fences were put up at both
entrance/exit points. So sad.

The metal fence at the entrance point. You can see a railway track before
the bridge here.

Before we headed back to Sunset Way, we were resting at a bridge
crossing over Sungei Pandan. I decided to take some pictures of the
explorers. One of them is Sufiyan.

The others are Fadilah sitting on the left, Adam, in red, and Arman on the
right. All looking tired here.

The metal fence that was put up before the Sungei Pandan bridge and
the railway track covered by dense vegetation.

A better view of the track.

One last look at the bridge before we headed back via Ulu Pandan Park
Connector Jogging Trail

This is where Sungei Pandan (coming from North) and Sungei Ulu Pandan
(coming from right side) merge.

Sungei Ulu Pandan.

There used to be a railway track here but it was not seen.

Outside the temple where firefighters were seen doing their routine drill.

On our way back to Clementi Ave 6 flyover.

A HDB flat can be seen from afar.

Rural lifestyle?

Someone must have lived here!


Can it be someone used to camp here? Hmmm...

Clementi Ave 6 flyover

The flyover above and the tracks below. Cool pose by our explorer here.

Some of the tracks are hardly seen. There are parts where thick grasses
grew over them.

A wooden bridge over a small stream. Guppies and tadpoles inhabit this
little stream.

The same stream below the track.

2 blank files Sergeant!

Underneath Clementi Ave 6 flyover

Sprain relief spray, a brush, facial wash cream, woman's shoes, bottles
and plastics. Evidence of vice activities underneath the flyover?

Spot whatever is unusual.

Rotten wood due to age.

A tree by the track.

Another rural life?

What can this be?

A ______ plantation. Fill in the blank. Don't ask me for the answer because
I'm also looking for it.

Another plantation.

See a pond in the middle?

A clearer view of the said pond.

A nearby housing estate.

A pavement built from the nearby estate across the railway track to...
(go to the next pic for answer)

A temple?

A camping site?

Mosquito breeding area.

Water Hyacinth.

A stone. I do not know what is the purpose.

A metal thingy. I also don't know what is the purpose.

Going towards the Sungei Ulu Pandan bridge.

Sungei Ulu Pandan bridge.

Bed frame as hammock?

Sunset Way bridge.

We certainly enjoyed the expedition although it's quite short. However, it's quite tiring. We headed to West Coast Park for lunch at McDonald's again. It was so damn packed! We managed to get a comfortable spot inside the air-conditioned restaurant. And then, a shocking discovery!

A weresquirrel having lunch at McDonald's and listening to mp3???

The day ended when we decided there was nowhere else to go and we all just headed back.

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