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Dear Website Viewers,

Welcome to my website, Lucas' Ponds & Plants.  I decided that this site was going to be a necessity when I had a vast number of people asking me about myself, my ponds, my plants, and my friends.  I decided to put together this site to answer all of those questions in one easy-to-navigate, eye pleasing, and information packed website.  Though this site will never be completely finished (there will always be more information to add) I hope you enjoy it none-the-less.  If you have any questions regarding this site or any of the information in it, please click on the Contact Me tab to the side of this page in the site navigator.  Thanks for taking a look at my page and I hope you find it interesting!!!

     Happy ponding,

     Lucas D. Alderson
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Announcing the Opening of a Partner Site
I am happy to announce the opening of our mail order counterpart to this site, Alderson Aquatic Nursery.  Embarked upon as a small business in the Spring of 2006, this site currently features our prices as well as information on pond plants.  Though it is not currently set up to accept orders, it should be in a few months.  I will update you as any progress occurs.  To visit the site, click the icon to the right.
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