LP WithYou: Merch

Merchandise you can order directly from us!

This merchandise can be ordered directly from us, with personal correspondance between you and us, the webmasters.

Payment is the same as with Ebay. you send us the payment, we send you the item. Simple!

I'm afraid we cannot accept credit card payment, and I need either US Dollars *CASH*, or UK Pounds *CASH/CHEQUE/MO*. :D
Click For Order Form

LP Hoodies and Tshirts
I can get Linkin Park and virtually any other popular rock band Hoodies and Tshirts quite cheap. I cannot be certain what the design will actually be, it depends on what the stalls have at the market where I get them. In my opiniion, no worse than on the official merch, if not better. And ours are cheaper. Most have either a picture of the band, or varying logos on them, and prints on front and back.

UK: �9
USA: $12

UK: �20
USA: $28

Hybrid Theory Sheet Music Book
This is the official tab and sheet music to the whole of Hybrid Theory. We know that several fans have had difficulty in finding this as sheet music rather than TAB, here we have it, for you to buy.

UK: �22
USA: $31

LPWithYou Compilation
This is a CD made by us at LPWY. It is personalised for YOU! It can have any LP tracks you want on it! and the inlay is adapted with YOUR name! Track List
12 tracks: �5.00 / $8.00
15 Tracks: �6.00 / $9.50
18 Tracks: �7.00 / $11.00
21 Tracks: �8.00 / $12.50
This CD is a burn and is not to be resold. LPWY claim no copyright of music put on these CDs.
We also can get the Hybrid Theory Album: �10 / $15, Any of LP's Singles: �4 / $7, The DVD: �20 / $30

LP Patch
Simple patch with the LP symbol on it - about 2.5 x 3 inches.
UK: �3.50
USA: $6.50
Hybrid Patch
Patch of the Hybrid Theory album cover - about 3x3 inches.
UK: �4.50
USA: $7.50

5 Button-Badges
Set of 5 different buttons. About 3/4 inch diameter, with pin on the back. looks great on School bags, hoodies, jeans, curtains, wherever!
UK: �4.50
USA: $8.00

1 Button Badge
One of the button badges.
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