Primarily my art is about exploration materials - ideas - form

My process begins usually with a vague idea,
often it begins with an investigation of materials,
and a concept follows.
In my work, as in life, changes inevitably occur.
As much as possible I try to go with these transformations,
and often find that intuitively they are some of my best "decisions".
The resulting art object may at times be extraneous to this process.
Other times my work is totally object driven.

For me the notion of a world in constant flux, a world without certainty, a world of nonsense, a world where even scientists must admit no absolutes, is important to my understanding of my surroundings.
Life is a fantastic mystery, and I wonder about origins, and destinations� Questions without answers are the most important kind. Necessarily not knowing the answers. "�When we don't accept or follow, but question, investigate, penetrate, there is an insight out of which comes creativity." (j. Krishnamurti)
If there is one thing I am sure of, it is that the life of an artist is forever being created, and re-created


I am interested in � Living in the moment � Seeing the simple within the complex � Finding the extraordinary within the mundane � The unexplainable - the intangible- the unknown � What constitutes beauty, where it is to be found, and why � I am not interested in � Making Art that shocks � Formulas, or prescribed notions of what constitutes a work of art

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